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Country Club Owners

Wed, Mar 15 2023 2:13 PM (109 replies)
  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Fri, Apr 26 2013 7:37 AM

    WGTdbloshoe wants 5-10 Owners to form a group,  to bring CC related suggestions to the table.

    This group won't work if everybody argues about little

    I think we should stop the bickering peoples.


  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Fri, Apr 26 2013 8:02 AM

    This group won't work if everybody argues about little things.I think we should stop the bickering peoples.

    Step outside and say that. :-)


  • Dougie4042
    4,399 Posts
    Fri, Apr 26 2013 12:53 PM

    - WGTdbloshoe

    The 'fresh meat"  Icon was referring to.  Welcome, brother!  I hope you enjoy your stay at WGT!  Don't let the masses get to you too much.  :)

    5,835 Posts
    Fri, Apr 26 2013 7:38 PM

    WGTdbloshoe wants 5-10 Owners to form a group,  to bring CC related suggestions to the table.

    Roger..  this ^^^^  is not what DB wants.


    This is:

    putting together suggestions on how to run a successful Country club.


    Unless I am reading it wrong, there is a clear difference.



    Could we get your clarification on this please?


    5,835 Posts
    Fri, Apr 26 2013 7:44 PM

    Welcome, brother!


    You're a bit late.... Dougie  :)

  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Fri, Apr 26 2013 7:50 PM


    This group won't work if everybody argues about little things.I think we should stop the bickering peoples.

    Step outside and say that. :-)


    Ok, lets   you shout for drinks though :)

  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Fri, Apr 26 2013 7:55 PM

    Actually....  when Db decides who the 5-10 people is....

    Tag everybody's Profile name to one PM...  this way everybody can in that group can see/write sugestions and or ideas.


  • WGTdbloshoe
    2,840 Posts
    Sat, Apr 27 2013 10:09 AM


    Actually....  when Db decides who the 5-10 people is....

    Tag everybody's Profile name to one PM...  this way everybody can in that group can see/write sugestions and or ideas.


    So it looks like everyone needs a little clarification on what these 5-10 CC owners will be helping with.  We have been receiving a lot of requests from players, who have been members for awhile, on how to grow their clubs.  So we decided to get some real world insight into how other members started and grew their clubs.  We are hoping that the group of owners can share their success and failures to help others improve their own experiences.

    As to adding new features to CC's, that list has already been discussed internally and pretty much been decided on.  There has been many a discussions in the forums on how to improve so, most of the ideas people have, has already been discussed.  Does this mean that we won't be asking for ideas from this group of 5-10 owners?  No of course not.  In a few months there is nothing saying this group won't morph into that.  It's just for now we are trying to take small steps in bringing in groups like this.  Don't want to bite of more then I can chew and then groups like this won't be done again.   

    High volume CC vs. Small volume CC.  The reason I asked for high volume is because they will of had the most problems overall.  They will of had to deal with trying to please everyone, marketing themselves to fill those vast amount of spots, and just having to deal with overall problems from new members joining.  Small CC's are extremely valuable to WGT because they provide a more intimate setting for people.  So yes I will have some of the Smaller ones involved.


    I hope this clears things up for everyone. 


    - WGTdbloshoe

  • alosso
    21,049 Posts
    Sat, Apr 27 2013 11:02 AM

    Thanks for the double heads-up, about your goals and the progress of features.

  • TuckerPrestonJr
    1,380 Posts
    Sat, Apr 27 2013 2:05 PM

    I want to an increase to 500 members!