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Thu, Mar 30 2023 6:18 AM (111 replies)
  • PAT3361
    51 Posts
    Fri, Mar 24 2023 4:15 PM

    pdb1 wrote the following pos

    tI also run into players that just seem too good to be true . 

    But whether I am suspicious or not . I have no basis for assuming cheating . 

    I have not even seen any claims that there are cheat programs available to allow players to play above their own skill to win here in WGT


    We get it pdp1 you don't believe it happens, you carry on believing the game is full of geniuses, incidentally just google wgt cheat programmes its full of them. if you are into that sort of stuff, Like I said you have your opinion which your entitled too but don't talk down others who believe that cheating goes on because it certainly does

  • Tabarnak777
    176 Posts
    Fri, Mar 24 2023 4:17 PM

    Also, -17 isn't the panacea on a par 74. That's 2 more possible eagle attempts in extra, plus the almost 100% guaranteed shot of doing birdies.

  • Squatch031
    200 Posts
    Fri, Mar 24 2023 5:36 PM

    Just played a level 7 hack in a Chelsea game (one hole) on Pinehurst.  He birdied and beat me. They seem to be everywhere now.

  • IamNicklaus
    496 Posts
    Sat, Mar 25 2023 2:13 PM

    Someone played better than me, they must be cheating. 

  • Yiannis1970
    3,340 Posts
    Sat, Mar 25 2023 5:46 PM



    As for the tees, just for fun pay attention on where you're teeing off in the final. I'm 100 % sure all tees are blue ("hard", "Master"), even if they're the same length as the tips on a few holes (as some are). I'm positive everyone else can vouch for that as well. 


    You were right Jure. Apart 2 holes where i had the back tees, all the rest were shorter tees. I can't say with certainty if blue or yellow or white cause i don't play too much coin games.



  • PureGro1
    1,656 Posts
    Sun, Mar 26 2023 7:04 AM


    Just played a level 7 hack in a Chelsea game (one hole) on Pinehurst.  He birdied and beat me. They seem to be everywhere now.


  • Yiannis1970
    3,340 Posts
    Sun, Mar 26 2023 7:15 AM


    incidentally just google wgt cheat programmes its full of them.

    If there were programs that worked . They would be exposed in this thread .



    If i use a macro command (autodinger) or a cheat engine, how you would expose me???


  • maoriand1
    1,287 Posts
    Sun, Mar 26 2023 7:29 AM

    @pdb1 hi pal.. I don't want start any discussion but I just want ask you one thing :  do you know what kind of anticheat run this game ? 

    Of course this question is for everyone that know something about it.. moderators as well. 

  • el3n1
    4,505 Posts
    Sun, Mar 26 2023 8:37 AM

    Apart 2 holes where i had the back tees, all the rest were shorter tees.

    report it with video capture - because if you were on back tees that is a glitch - I have never seen anyone in veteran showdown playing any holes from the back tees because they are NOT tier based - they are the forward master/tm tee boxes.

    as for the colors, I believe that is trickier - because the colors are not consistent with every course - so that could have thrown you off - if you misinterpreted a color.  

    for ex - I believe Torrey Pines which was used in elim round has brown for master and black for legend but they don't appear all that different on some screens.