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Desktop Update 11/4/19

Fri, Nov 8 2019 12:44 PM (68 replies)
  • andwhy67
    2,816 Posts
    Thu, Nov 7 2019 6:11 AM


    when is the Mac version going to available 


    WINE program apparently I read somewhere on here. Don't know how but that’s the program you need to use/download!

    **edit** Just checked on YouTube, typed in Wine program for iOS, then shows you how to  download winebottler. It’s a program for installing windows based programs on a Mac. 

  • Dex000
    110 Posts
    Thu, Nov 7 2019 7:46 AM

    The only way I could get WINE to work with the WGT download was letting it download all the game files to my computer. I let it run for over an hour, and it was still copying the huge file, so I gave up and deleted WINE. Maybe I was doing something wrong. Has anyone else been able to get this to work on a Mac? 

  • nolan60
    176 Posts
    Thu, Nov 7 2019 8:51 AM


    The only way I could get WINE to work with the WGT download was letting it download all the game files to my computer. I let it run for over an hour, and it was still copying the huge file, so I gave up and deleted WINE. Maybe I was doing something wrong. Has anyone else been able to get this to work on a Mac? 


    Hi Dex here is some reading for you


  • DonCaron
    5,502 Posts
    Thu, Nov 7 2019 9:30 AM


    The only way I could get WINE to work with the WGT download was letting it download all the game files to my computer. I let it run for over an hour, and it was still copying the huge file, so I gave up and deleted WINE. Maybe I was doing something wrong. Has anyone else been able to get this to work on a Mac? 

    Wine allows you to run Windows programs. Don't delete it if you intend to keep running windows programs. I have not used Fedora in a few years, but I had Wine on that installation 

  • PureGro1
    1,656 Posts
    Thu, Nov 7 2019 10:05 AM


    The only way I could get WINE to work with the WGT download was letting it download all the game files to my computer. I let it run for over an hour, and it was still copying the huge file, so I gave up and deleted WINE. Maybe I was doing something wrong. Has anyone else been able to get this to work on a Mac? 


    Wine is extremely slow or performance deficient, maybe fine to play maybe not- but dont expect wine to run windows stuff like a windows pc. 

  • nolan60
    176 Posts
    Thu, Nov 7 2019 11:03 AM



    The only way I could get WINE to work with the WGT download was letting it download all the game files to my computer. I let it run for over an hour, and it was still copying the huge file, so I gave up and deleted WINE. Maybe I was doing something wrong. Has anyone else been able to get this to work on a Mac? 


    Wine is extremely slow or performance deficient, maybe fine to play maybe not- but dont expect wine to run windows stuff like a windows pc. 



    I'm not sure what kind of computer you are running but i can say wine runs flawlessly on mine i have no troubles running the new WGT version on my Linux box or even on my old Linus box. No lag, loads up quick, graphics are great and meter is smooth although very quick to what i'm used to on my flash version



  • PureGro1
    1,656 Posts
    Thu, Nov 7 2019 1:05 PM


    I'm not sure what kind of computer you are running but i can say wine runs flawlessly on mine i have no troubles running the new WGT version on my Linux box or even on my old Linus box. No lag, loads up quick, graphics are great and meter is smooth although very quick to what i'm used to on my flash version



    Im running Linux and my experience with it was on Linux, Not for WGT but just things I needed Windows for like iTunes etc... 

    I found it to be slow in comparison to a windows pc, a google search says others find same. Again I have not played WGT through wine so I have no idea how it does or does not perform, just speaking to Wine in general terms.


  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Fri, Nov 8 2019 9:40 AM


    I actually really like the idea of apparel bonuses because it creates some diversity and forces even players with top equipment to make certain trade-offs with their clubs. As far as I can tell (not having played enough coin games to have any apparel beyond level 4) you can't just settle for the high end equipment that has the best properties in every single aspect as you currently can. Instead you'll have to choose if you prefer added distance over bigger iron sweet spot; more power from the rough or more forgiving putter etc. 

    I'd imagine having different options could also be very useful on a variety of courses. It will be a lot more work than before to figure out what works best on which course, and you'll have to re-map your clubs if you're dependent on that, but to me that's a feature, not a bug.

    Simon, the thing is this is from someone that no longer needs to spend anything (including watching adverts) on the game.

    As it is now many need to pay a lot, £55 for a driver, just not to be at a disadvatage with those already better than we are.  When the new game is up and running apparel will be a potential source of income to wgt, do you think they will overlook this opportunity?

    This wouldn't matter as much if it wasn't to be used in tournaments but it is going to be.  So pay up, again, compete on an uneven basis or simply don't play.

    As to the differences that would be possible; see what Mags uses on every course and improve on that and you'll be pretty close to what's perfect :-)).  On re-mapping, although I think people have suggested it's a pain not a bug, I do agree with you.

  • BrettH56
    108 Posts
    Fri, Nov 8 2019 12:44 PM

    Same thing on mine.

    Have tried reinstalling, clearing cache, etc.

    No luck