There are a couple bugs with the new Desktop Update, one of which is pretty major:
1. When you select the Harvest event button, the initial pop-up screens explaining the event do not show all the text and pictures within the pop-up box. They are cut off at the sides.
2. If you select Options (the sprocket at the lower right), then Video, the options are all muddled together. At that point, the other options tabs (home, audio, faq) cannot be selected, and exiting the app causes golf.exe to stop working with a Windows error. At that point other Windows applications cannot be accessed. Task Manager can be launched, but will not permit you to force-stop golf.exe. The only way to do it is to restart Windows. THIS IS A MAJOR PROBLEM.
EDIT: Here is a screenshot of what I see when I select Options | Video:

All of this on Windows 10 with the game set to full-screen 16x9 and 1920x1080 resolution.
On a side note.... Thank you for providing a change log for the new release.