gonfission:How many Sphinx' do you think there are in total, in Giza?
I do not know how many in Giza. I know that the one in the photo above is known as "The Great Sphinx of Giza" I presume there must be more than one, other wise, why not just call it "The Sphinx of Giza", right?
Overall, there must be thousands in Eqypt. There are 900 alone along the avenue leading to the temple of Karnak, in Thebes.
gonfission:Does yours have a riddle also?
I do not know about a riddle, but the one on WC has a warning:

Loosely translated:
Those who go seeking birdies, that soar, will lose their balls and wish they had a duck in their bag. (Note the birds, the balls with "X", the duck and the bag). Surprisingly, unlike other scrawling, this one was easy to decipher.
gonfission:It's not smoke... It's vapor, if it's done right
Oops, so, maybe I did it wrong...