Many members are aware of the hidden signs on Chambers Bay and the easter eggs on Pinehurst (as well as Bigfoot and the Easter Bunny lurking around).
In addition, there are many objects and strange things spread throughout the WGT kingdom. I figure there should be some means of documenting these strange things and hidden objects., hence, this thread.
It would be great if, when you see an object, or strange thing, document it and post it here. It could be a screen shot or a video. If you do not know how to do either, or do not know how to store, upload and the paste in the threads, give a shout out.
I have been told about random golf carts, pick-up trucks.... all kinds of stuff people have found, so, to start things off, here are three:
#1 - Spectators on Pebble Beach, some say it is a golfer and caddie, some say it is a photographer and helper, what do you think?

#2 - Golf Carts - this particular one was viewed from the rear green cam looking back at the tee on #7 PB. I have seen it as well on the cart path by the green, with an ariel shot after teeing off- sometimes it's there, sometimes it's not:

#3 - Ball Marker on #12 Chambers. This one was sent to me the other day by a friend. He was not sure, but thought he saw a ball marker - you be the judge.