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Hall Of Fame Tier

Wed, Sep 20 2023 6:55 AM (263 replies)
  • CEverett12
    14,177 Posts
    Thu, Sep 10 2020 3:29 PM

    Generally I feel WGT giving this to you was wrong to so many people, they could have made 20, 30 or more Hall of Fame tier at the same time but no they made it only you and by doing that they made it not fmagnets and all the other great players to have played this game, not andyson and all the others who have made us smile or have simply given us company but aren’t here anymore, not ScottHope and all the others who go out of their way to help people, not Finny or the others who do lots of work with community tournaments, not the many others who would have deserved it.  Just you.  Well done WGT :-((

    Well said Dodgyputter .  Amen brother .

  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Thu, Sep 10 2020 3:51 PM


    Generally I feel WGT giving this to you was wrong to so many people, they could have made 20, 30 or more Hall of Fame tier at the same time but no they made it only you and by doing that they made it not fmagnets and all the other great players to have played this game, not andyson and all the others who have made us smile or have simply given us company but aren’t here anymore, not ScottHope and all the others who go out of their way to help people, not Finny or the others who do lots of work with community tournaments, not the many others who would have deserved it.  Just you.  Well done WGT :-((

    Well said Dodgyputter .  Amen brother .

    I don't think wgt could properly organize a 2 man rush on a 4 man outhouse.

    6,890 Posts
    Thu, Sep 10 2020 9:52 PM

    In a time of so much turmoil - a virtual golf game has allowed people to connect.  Long before this - I even felt it is entirely likely - WGT has connected people who felt lost, disconnected or were hurting.  There is a community and country club members that lift each other up, such that I felt -- it is even possible WGT saved lives for some who felt alone and isolated.  


    Very well said ....I found WGT 3 years ago when I became sick and received some unsettling news from my Doctor...I was depressed to say the least.. I found myself couchridden playing free online poker (Which was not alotta fun) ..So I decided to Google "Free online golf" and have never looked back...The therapy,friendships and overall enjoyment (and addiction) that this game brought/brings me has been invaluable !! As odd as it is to say ...WGT truly helped save me ...


    side note:Looking back I'm not sure WGT coming up #1 on the "FREE" online golf search was entirely accurate ...😂

  • Nicole161106
    281 Posts
    Fri, Sep 11 2020 8:32 AM

    To me it is still a "Title" that has been blown out of all proportion.

    I agree with those who have suggested other players who are at least as worthy of this "accolade", but they may/ probably will be, added in the future. I just don't see it as any big deal. It is like being a WGT Nation member, what does that mean? As far as i can see, i get to play in a Nation tournament once a week, and eh... that's about it, unless i'm missing something.

    One thing they should maybe consider is some extra benefit for ten years plus members, maybe extra tournaments, discounts or what ever, now that would be something worthwhile.

    October for me BTW, hint hint!

  • craigswan
    32,209 Posts
    Fri, Sep 11 2020 8:41 AM

    An award for ten years .

    I'm in .

    As long as it's not another of paul's trophies .

    Sorry paul - just kidding ..

  • craigswan
    32,209 Posts
    Fri, Sep 11 2020 8:51 AM

    Wgt is free if you want it .

    Ask lonniescott and simon the beetle .

    Both champions without spending .

    I have spent  around 20 bucks in ten years .

    1 - was gifted a full set of clubs on my way to tour master .

    2 - spent 20 bucks on cleveland irons .

    3 - was gifted driver by gift of golf foundation .

    4 - been given a few dozen better balls but the free one's work great for me .

    I'm not skint . Just never been in the mode of spending money on online games .

  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Fri, Sep 11 2020 9:04 AM


    Wgt is free if you want it .

    Ask lonniescott and simon the beetle .

    Both champions without spending .

    I have spent  around 20 bucks in ten years .

    1 - was gifted a full set of clubs on my way to tour master .

    2 - spent 20 bucks on cleveland irons .

    3 - was gifted driver by gift of golf foundation .

    4 - been given a few dozen better balls but the free one's work great for me .

    I'm not skint . Just never been in the mode of spending money on online games .

    Back in the day, when I was financially able, I spent mucho $$ on this game. I also gifted a lot. I figured it was still cheaper than many other hobbies out there. Eventually I realized that I was trying to buy "talent"...not happening I'm afraid. 

    Now that I am not financially able, friends and the GOGF have gifted me all the equipment I need to enjoy the game. I will still play with starter balls...they're just as round as the expensive ones. Only grief I get is sometimes my random p's won't play with me when they see them. They actually curse at me and leave the


  • Nicole161106
    281 Posts
    Fri, Sep 11 2020 10:08 AM


    Wgt is free if you want it .

    Ask lonniescott and simon the beetle .

    Both champions without spending .

    I have spent  around 20 bucks in ten years .

    1 - was gifted a full set of clubs on my way to tour master .

    2 - spent 20 bucks on cleveland irons .

    3 - was gifted driver by gift of golf foundation .

    4 - been given a few dozen better balls but the free one's work great for me .

    I'm not skint . Just never been in the mode of spending money on online games .

    A few months after i started i was up to tour master and couldn't cut it with the starter driver and the longer tees, so i made a deposit, 50 i think, and bought a driver, 3w, and some wedges. Then of course, it became a game of drive, wedge, which quickly got me to legend. Even at legend i still used the starter irons and the beginner (note- not starter) putter.Eventually, i had to bite the bullet, deposit another 25 or so and get decent irons, (G10?) as courses like BB were almost unplayable for me.

    During this time the most i ever spent on a sleeve of balls was 44 cr for GID, to slow the meter a little. I was never able to get surveys and the only way to get free credits was by viewing the carousel, 7 videos a day, with 50 videos worth 35 credits. Sometimes i would maybe try a few sleeves of the 10 cr bxd, to see if i could get used to the much faster meter of the G10 irons. 

    Up to a couple of years ago, when i could then watch videos on the phone or through an emulator, i gradually started buying more expensive balls, the level 33 cally's still the best bang for buck,  for me anyway. (i have some more expensive volviks to use up first, can't wait till they run out)

    It still amazes me when i see players complain about the price of clubs, when it should be obvious to a blind man that they make their money through the ball sales.


    6,890 Posts
    Fri, Sep 11 2020 10:16 AM


    Wgt is free if you want it .

    Ask lonniescott and simon the beetle .

    Both champions without spending .

    I have spent  around 20 bucks in ten years .

    1 - was gifted a full set of clubs on my way to tour master .

    2 - spent 20 bucks on cleveland irons .

    3 - was gifted driver by gift of golf foundation .

    4 - been given a few dozen better balls but the free one's work great for me .

    I'm not skint . Just never been in the mode of spending money on online games .


    I also have reached Champion status without spending any of my own "Real Money" But that doesn't really mean it was "Free" ...I use to spend countless hours on surveys once I reached around 5000 credits or so I started playing matches and skins for credits and have been lucky enough to never zero out ....I was gifted a good set of Irons when I made legend (had starters all the way till then)

    Irregardless  of how someone attains their equipment or balls SOMWHERE someone is spending good ol' fashion real money ...Whether is be my opponents in a skins game or a generous donor in the Gift of Golf Foundation ...

    Now "Technically" it could be called a free golf game if you never upgrade your gear and play with those miniature cue' balls they call golf balls....But you will lose interest quite quickly ...

    Now the new PGA2K21  THAT is a great FREE format ...From what I understand is yes do pay an initial cost to get the game ...But after that you never spend money again for upgrades...You earn coins by just playing... Those coins you then use to upgrade your equipment (everyone plays the same ball) Surprisingly there is not even an option to "Purchase" coins for those that have very little patience?

    Now to be clear.... I am getting this info from a friend who has just started on the 2K game a few days ago..  I have not looked into it yet ...And I stress "YET"....


  • craigswan
    32,209 Posts
    Fri, Sep 11 2020 11:07 AM

    Just never been in the mode of spending money on online games .

    So that PGA2K will never work for me .

    Probably just jog along until end of year then join the new set up but won't be taking it too serious .

    I'm never going to be higher than tour legend anyway .

    So i might just be a professional troll on these forums until i am moderated again .

    You have been warned .

    Now who will have the last word .

    fail golf gif