Young46:any other conspiracy theories let me know.
My first post was mostly about the way wgt, not you, acted, where that's changed is down to my confusion at your replies and I do appologise.
I’m sure most will think I’m just trying to find a way of picking on you out of jealousy or something, it’s not true. It’s about two things; the fact that it looks like fair play may have been ignored in the run-up to the VUSO and the way the history of the game has been ignored in appointing you “the first ever Hall of Fame player in WGT”.
A lot of people spent a lot of time and money in the qualifier and the main tournament, if there was any possibility of subterfuge for the shootout it should be discussed. If wgt contrived a way of making you the” First and only in the Hall of Fame” I think that too is worthy of discussion.
Young46:Neither myself, nor SuperLeague are aware of which pins the event are being played on, so we discuss both pins on that course (if applicable). Obviously I am playing one pin then I would discuss where the other pin would be and what challenges that pin would present as opposed to the pin that round had it on. For the VUSO, I only walked them through a few holes, because most of the holes had already been on previous broadcast so they already had notes on them. Besides, with custom course building anyone in a country club could recreate the VUSO course and practice in whatever conditions they desired.
I’m not sure of quite a lot of that. The final was played on WGT’s Best Of Virtual US Open Course. WGT set up a tournament with the course to be used and pins in place and only gave it to you, one of only ten competitors in the shootout. They made it unlimited play and to run up until (and including I think) the day of the VUSO. For you to do what you describe you did, a single play one day tournament would do.
I’m also not sure why the stuff about discussing other pins is here, it implies you did it in this case but I doubt that as I’ve only ever seen one set of pins on that course.
No, it’s simply not true that anyone could set up that course, with the right pins, in a CC tournament. Yes they could guess at the GS (although is it always 13?) and the wind but you didn’t have to guess. They could know where the pins would be but they couldn’t set a custom course with them all in the same positions.
If you, and fmagnets’ had this advantage in other tournaments that is wrong too, but I doubt if that’s the case. Normally you could set up a practice round and show them whatever you wanted that way, I know a practice round wasn’t an option here but that's not a reason to give you unlimited access to the setup.
In the other cases what course was to be used and what format the tournament is going to be played in would have been known and anyone else could, in these cases, do the same as you were doing. Not in the VUSO though.
There were plenty of other options of who to pick to “walk them through a few holes”, only a dozen or so countries were eligible for it so many top players weren’t playing. It shouldn’t even have been a private tournament, what possible harm could others playing in it have done except giving them the opportunity to play the course the final was to be on. None of the above is theory, I don’t know if it’s a conspiracy but I hope not. The criticism that is in that was directed at WGT they shouldn’t have given you, and only you, this opportunity to practice.
This “For the VUSO, I only walked them through a few holes, because most of the holes had already been on previous broadcast so they already had notes on them” puzzles me.
How did you do that? The "few" holes were probably six; the 1st, 3rd, 4th, 12th, 13th and 17th so, as this was a tournament, how did you get from the 4th to the 12th for example. There’s also the fact you “won” the tournament (you'll probably have to click on leaderboard) with a 60. So you played all of the holes at least once.
Young46:It's no mystery at this point that the rounds will be on the new version, and will always be played on heavy winds, so I fail to see any possible advantage I could gain. If someone wasn't aware what version the live event would be played on, then they clearly haven't been paying attention to the competitive WGT scene in 2020 which is no one else's fault but there own.
Basically you're saying you knew because it was obvious(to you) and anyone who didn't know was.....? That's not the point anyway, when were you told and/or shown it was to be on the new version? When were you told or shown what course it was to be played on? It seems others were only informed of both (at the same time) close to the shootout.
Others didn't know (it was to be on EA), they'd played qualifiers and four rounds of the championship on flash so how could they be certain the shootout would be played in an unfinished format?
"No one’s fault but (their) own"? Seriously? Wgt tell you and not them and that's their fault?
Young46:but I am sure WGT made the mistake of assuming people would realize that all events in 2020, and all events moving forward will be played on the new version.
So again it's down to the other players being stupid. There is absolutely no possibility that wgt didn't say as they thought there would be less people playing the unlimited qualifier if they knew the prize would be won on the unfinished game?
To summarise on the VUSO: WGT informed you of both what course was being used and that it was to be played on EA well before they told some of the other finalists (possibly even before the finalists were decided). Others were officially told anything from a day to five days before the event, meanwhile WGT set up a private tournament for you alone to play and you had the course with the correct pins available to you. The reason for the tournament was so you could do a walkover for SuperLeague, this was only necessary on a “few holes”.
You say both you and Mags have done this before: Probably misleading, I doubt if a tournament like this was set up and anyone can practice on a particular course.
You say others could have made a CC course with the same pins: Not true.
You say It’s other players' own fault if they didn’t know: not true, wgt surely should inform all competitors of the course and format at the same time.
You suggest (I guess you don’t actually say you only played a few holes but that’s the impression you’re trying to give) you played a few holes on that course. Not true, you played at least one full round. You could have played any number of others, trying things out or simply not taking the last putt.
Although your reply has clouded things a bit, I still tend to think there wasn’t a conspiracy and it was just carelessness by wgt that created an opportunity for one player to have an advantage over the others. But that is just my interpretation/ theory.
Young46:As for HOF, I didn't ask for the title, nor was I even aware that it was a prize for finishing 1st in the World Rankings.
It probably wouldn't have been a prize for that if you hadn't won it, it was never mentioned as a prize for that and that’s me back to where I started in this.
Where did WGT promote this “prize? Which probably would have prompted more people to play or attempt to qualify or even spend more effort trying to convert to the new version. As far as I, and apparently you, know they didn’t.
You knew on the 21st August that you had won the series and It was, sort of, announced during Yiannis’s win in the last one on the 1st September. I’m sure during your discussions with WGT it was mentioned that you’d won it, I had thought Hall of Fame would have been discussed then too but you say not, so ok. The fact is though the winner was known a week or so before we heard that the winner of the series would be honoured by becoming the first member of the Hall of Fame :-/ In short I think they gave it to you and used this as a reason.
I know you do a lot of promoting the new game and that’s valuable to WGT. (This is theory) How much better if WGT have the only member of the Hall of Fame (although later on the first member will do) promoting the game? How much better for you if it’s the only member of the Hall of Fame selling your channel(s), trinkets and whatever? So it works for you both and good luck, I just don’t think it’s fair on all those that have even more claim than you to a place in any WGT Hall of Fame that they used that title.
Young46:I have no doubt that in the future those deserving folks will find their way into the new tier as well.
As “the other Hall of Famers”?
“I’m happy to win this series and be the first hall of fame tier; that’s pretty awesome it’s always cool to be the first in anything”.
Generally I feel WGT giving this to you was wrong to so many people, they could have made 20, 30 or more Hall of Fame tier at the same time but no they made it only you and by doing that they made it not fmagnets and all the other great players to have played this game, not andyson and all the others who have made us smile or have simply given us company but aren’t here anymore, not ScottHope and all the others who go out of their way to help people, not Finny or the others who do lots of work with community tournaments, not the many others who would have deserved it. Just you. Well done WGT :-((