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WGT Desktop Early Access for Mac

Sat, Nov 25 2023 10:05 AM (290 replies)
  • JordanSpieth007
    8 Posts
    Wed, Jul 7 2021 8:45 AM

    People always assume the worst.

    If you search the name JordanSpieth in the WGT players list you will find 5 pages full - are you guessing they are all my profiles as well?

    Those "friends" you are referring to sent me a friend request dating as far back as 2015.

    Here's hoping someone will be able to assist me. 

    1,288 Posts
    Wed, Jul 7 2021 9:17 AM

    As I said, I'm just guessing. I maybe wrong, but it could be the reason why you're locked out of your account. WGT are very wary of these kind of things.

    I hope you get it sorted. Thanks for the friend request but I think I'll pass on this occasion.

  • JordanSpieth007
    8 Posts
    Wed, Jul 7 2021 9:25 AM

    Thanks MKALER, 

    Reason for the friend request to you was that WGT reaponded to my mail a short while ago saying a WGT agent has already provided me with an answer.

    Since you are the only person that I heard from regarding this matter, I assumed you were the agent they were referring to.

    One minute I am enjoying the game and spending hard earned money, next moment I get my account disabled.

    Just a bit confused over here as to what is going on. Thanks for your feedback in any case.

  • JordanSpieth007
    8 Posts
    Thu, Jul 8 2021 10:39 AM

    I apologise in advance for my long message. My aim here is to be as honest as possible and hoping that someone from WGT will see this and be able to help me.

    Here is my full story:

    I discovered WGT back in 2015 and created an account. Few weeks later at level 20 something, I forgot my password and created JordanSpieth007 that I have been playing on and off since. The account first created has not been active since 2015. I started playing very actively about a month ago falling in love with this game again. 

    Watching Young46 videos on youtube to improve my game, following E-Tour events, upgrading my driver, spending hours and a lot of money mapping club distances. I start performing well in monthly tournaments in the master division at st Andys, pebble etc. Super stoked my hard work is starting to pay off. 

    Being so excited about finding joy from this game, I create an account to convince my wife to play. Account name is Jooste05 feel free to check it out. She played passed the intro and said it is not for her. This account has not played in any tournaments, no head to head matches against anyone, clearly no ill intention. 

    Fast forward a couple off days and I can't log in to my account receiving an error code saying my account is disabled. I contacted support as the message suggested. I wait 48 hours and receive no response. Out of desperation I post on this forum with the hopes that someone will help me.

    I finally receive a reaponse from WGT saying I have multiple accounts ( the 2 accounts mentioned above). I explain the situation as I did above, acknowledging how this appears to be multiple accounts. WGT still has my account disabled. My question is the following: Why doesn't a persons intent get taken into account when deciding to allow an account to play again or not? I had no ill intentions whatsoever. No credit matches, no gifting, no nothing...

    I apologised, admitting that this can look like multiple accounts. I have no interest in having more than 1 account. I just want to be able to play on my account again like I have done on and off since 2015. Surely not everyone that created a 2nd account is a criminal and have bad intentions?

    Any help or advice from anyone will be greatly appreciated.

  • SamSpayed
    5,051 Posts
    Thu, Jul 8 2021 12:40 PM

    Jordan, I've heard of that happening before.  Two players logging in from the same IP address can look to WGT like a multi-accounter.  They are not very bright or sophisticated there.

    My suggestion would be to email them at  Explain the situation in detail.  Emphasize that you had no nefarious intent.  Tell them that you want to keep your JordanSpieth007 account and not the Jooste05 one your wife started.  Offer to become a Verified Player.  I believe that involves sending them some information (like a photo of your driver's license or other ID, for example) proving your identity.  They can guide you through that process.

    Good luck!

  • JordanSpieth007
    8 Posts
    Fri, Jul 9 2021 9:52 AM

    Hi Sam,

    Thanks for your message. I have contacted support on the email address you provided on the 6th of July. Today is the 9th and feedback has been extremely limited. I'm afraid I will have to give up on this game which is a pity since I really enjoy it here.


  • theshortdriver
    138 Posts
    Fri, Jul 9 2021 11:52 PM

    So sorry that has happened to you it is the first I ever heard of it..but I can see how the makers of this game could see it as a player with a double account as you are both on the same address but still if she stopped playing you should still be able to keep going on your account you created,,did you tell them (W G T) that she had stopped playing as they may not know that but you had said you contacted them so I am sure you told them that..but once it goes thru that she has indeed taken off or stopped playing on that account she created..all should be a go for u..just keep emailing them as you should be able to get back on..with no problem at all that I of luck to you and I hope one day we meet on the courses of this great game site take care and be safe

  • pdiehm
    307 Posts
    Wed, Jul 28 2021 5:46 AM

    my son started playing and after numerous emails back and forth, his account was still deleted.  I even offered to send them a picture of our drivers licenses to show we both reside at the same house.  


    but to no avail.

  • InigoMontoya1956
    1 Posts
    Tue, Jan 4 2022 4:36 PM

    I play on an iPad….   Does this work on iMac only, or also on a MacBook too?

    found the answer….  Thx

  • rachelgomez123
    23 Posts
    Mon, May 8 2023 10:54 PM

    Here are the steps to download WGT in Early Access for Mac:


    Visit the WGT Early Access website using your web browser.

    Click on the "Download for Mac" button on the homepage.

    Wait for the download to complete. The file should be saved to your Downloads folder by default.

    Open the Downloads folder and double-click the WGT_Early_Access.dmg file to begin the installation process.

    Follow the on-screen instructions to install the WGT Early Access software on your Mac.

    Once the installation is complete, launch the WGT Early Access application and log in to your account to start playing.



    Rachel Gomez