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Sat, May 7 2022 5:53 PM (542 replies)
  • TopShelf2010
    10,891 Posts
    Fri, Mar 30 2018 3:24 PM


  • WigerToods2010
    8,446 Posts
    Fri, Mar 30 2018 3:47 PM

    Rocks loaded and off to explore Area9 once again... is there something really out there?


  • drmoose
    3,535 Posts
    Fri, Mar 30 2018 6:47 PM

    Agent Wiger,

    Our best intel 

    is there something really out there?

    is affirmative. I do realize some of the troops are becoming a little battle fatigued ( myself included ), however, not withstanding, an' whatnots. We cannot afford to abandon hope, but, must simply redouble our efforts to find the remaining keys / signs to the puzzle. This will be resolved, given the tenacity of our troops, I have no doubt. Carry on.

    Doc :)

  • whooshdangit
    1,246 Posts
    Sat, Mar 31 2018 2:16 AM


     Im guessing when you used crayons to circle whers waldo the crayon melted in the sun .


    Spotted your campsite, needs a couple more branches I think. Maybe some of that trumphair fescue would work.

    Not sure about damage already done, it's the heat that does it though. Your crayon should stiffen up as good as new with a good blow.

    Loading up with rocks, stay safe out there




  • TopShelf2010
    10,891 Posts
    Tue, Apr 3 2018 6:10 AM


  • TopShelf2010
    10,891 Posts
    Tue, Apr 3 2018 11:00 AM


  • WigerToods2010
    8,446 Posts
    Tue, Apr 3 2018 1:30 PM


    Get the feeling we're getting closer?

    Object highlighted on left appears to be a sign

    On the right however, the highlighted object appears to be walking upright carrying something.





    Yeah Don. It's a sign alright... a sign yer losing the plot my man.

    BTW your previous post: That's the nearest I've ever saw you come to cussin' like a trooper

    Too funny.  :)


  • drmoose
    3,535 Posts
    Tue, Apr 3 2018 1:47 PM

    Battle fatigue me boyos, it's insidious, workin' it's way right into yer wakin' dreams. I'm gonna see about gettin' a few fresh troops to maybe rotate in an' lighten the workload, gotta make sure y'all stay safe out there.

    Doc :)

  • TopShelf2010
    10,891 Posts
    Tue, Apr 3 2018 3:53 PM


  • opyeuclid
    6,707 Posts
    Tue, Apr 3 2018 4:15 PM

    Spotted your campsite, needs a couple more branches I think.

    Done had me camp set up in them trees all up on # 9 camo'ed out , After finding several dead criters and stuff with all them Squatch prints I moved into the open area and uncloaked the pink Hello Kitty tent , Was not sure if it was a She Squatch wanting to hook up and OPY did not want to go there !  And if it was a gay he Squatch  ,,,,,    Fore sure not going there !

    I will take my chances in a place for the Mother ship to land .
