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Dear Pabby

Mon, Dec 13 2021 8:56 AM (251 replies)
  • pmm711
    5,645 Posts
    Mon, Jan 9 2017 11:54 AM

    Golf game got you down?  Need advice?  Are you Emotionally Unstable or just have a gripe?

    No worries as "Dear Pabby" is here for you...

    although you might not particularly like the answer(s).

    Go ahead...Fire away...

  • craigswan
    31,566 Posts
    Mon, Jan 9 2017 12:23 PM

    Dear paddy .


    Has Tiger got some kind of sexual charisma that infuses through our televisions?

    I definitely don’t want to have sex with the Tiger Woods but I do get a little tingle when he lashes a drive with a pro tracer and if then followed with a club twirl there is potential for wardrobe change.

    Is there a psychologist out there who can help explain?

    Is it weird that I’m currently ignoring my Mrs to check out Tiger’s second round GIR stats?


  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Mon, Jan 9 2017 12:38 PM
  • drmoose
    3,538 Posts
    Mon, Jan 9 2017 12:50 PM

    Dear Pabby,

    I'm considering donating my avatars' body to science, perhaps they'll be able to figure out why, after almost 6 years of intensive playing, more often than not, he still struggles to make par .My avatar has an alternate theory, that, it's not he who is incapable of getting better, and that it is , in fact, me. Quite frankly, I find this idea preposterous, as I plainly see him making all the mistakes. When I confront him with the evidence ( screen shots, other players observations) he becomes surly and even more uncooperative. Please help.


    Certifiably Stricken

    Doc :)




  • opyeuclid
    6,709 Posts
    Mon, Jan 9 2017 2:38 PM

    Dear Pabby ,

      I keep getting a friend Invite from the same sick twisted self centered blowhard .

    How do I tell him in a nice way that I dont want to be friends and to F off ?


  • pmm711
    5,645 Posts
    Mon, Jan 9 2017 3:05 PM


    Dear paddy .

    Has Tiger got some kind of sexual charisma that infuses through our televisions?

    I definitely don’t want to have sex with the Tiger Woods but I do get a little tingle when he lashes a drive with a pro tracer and if then followed with a club twirl there is potential for wardrobe change.

    Is there a psychologist out there who can help explain?

    Is it weird that I’m currently ignoring my Mrs to check out Tiger’s second round GIR stats?

    Craig, Tiger's thru-the-screen charisma has been non-existent since his Mrs. played "Driving Range" on his face outside his home in Orlando.  If anything your focus should be on her as she's a very eligible single woman now.  If you're truly more interested in Tiger's stats then quit your current job and apply at IHOP.  It seems Tiger likes to troll while eating his breakfast.  Good luck!  Pabby 

  • pmm711
    5,645 Posts
    Mon, Jan 9 2017 3:07 PM


    Dear YJ, I have to be honest I have not a clue who Dr. Jedi was or is.  Did he carry a light saber in his pocket or was he just always happy to see you?  Pabby

  • pmm711
    5,645 Posts
    Mon, Jan 9 2017 3:20 PM


    Dear Pabby,

    I'm considering donating my avatars' body to science, perhaps they'll be able to figure out why, after almost 6 years of intensive playing, more often than not, he still struggles to make par .My avatar has an alternate theory, that, it's not he who is incapable of getting better, and that it is , in fact, me. Quite frankly, I find this idea preposterous, as I plainly see him making all the mistakes. When I confront him with the evidence ( screen shots, other players observations) he becomes surly and even more uncooperative. Please help.


    Certifiably Stricken

    Doc :)

    Doc, I hate to have to tell you this, but...It's OK to talk to your avi.  The problems occur when your avi starts answering or talking back to you.  That's when it's time to take a good long look in the mirror and realize that the reflection isn't any worse off than the person casting that reflection.  So look in the mirror and tell that mofo in there to "JUST DO IT"!  After a few days of this that avi will finally understand who the real f-ing boss is from here on.  Good luck!  Pabby

  • pmm711
    5,645 Posts
    Mon, Jan 9 2017 3:23 PM


    Dear Pabby ,

      I keep getting a friend Invite from the same sick twisted self centered blowhard .

    How do I tell him in a nice way that I dont want to be friends and to F off ?


    OPY, 2 words..."Block Henry".  That way you don't have to tell him anything and you'll be at peace.  Good luck!  Pabby

  • bubbsboy
    6,879 Posts
    Mon, Jan 9 2017 3:23 PM

    Dear Pabby

    Do you know where i have left my car keys.

