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One for the number crunchers

rated by 0 users
Thu, Sep 10 2015 2:45 PM (150 replies)
  • MBaggese
    15,367 Posts
    Sun, Aug 9 2015 11:24 PM

    CC to try and stay in the top 5 .


    Top 5 in what regards?

  • oneeyedjohn
    9,569 Posts
    Mon, Aug 10 2015 1:32 AM


    CC to try and stay in the top 5 .


    Top 5 in what regards?

    Precisely, how do u define top 5.

    I don't think there are 5 CC's out there that could beat Cosa Nostra in a 15 man head to head match up.

    SIGN up HERE if u think u can............






    Bridgestone,  AAA and Wooden Tee, don't bother, we've done u already.

  • nanstar
    4,914 Posts
    Mon, Aug 10 2015 2:38 AM



    CC to try and stay in the top 5 .


    Top 5 in what regards?

    Precisely, how do u define top 5.

    I don't think there are 5 CC's out there that could beat Cosa Nostra in a 15 man head to head match up.

    SIGN up HERE if u think u can............ Lobsters Lair






    Bridgestone,  AAA and Wooden Tee, don't bother, we've done u already.


  • Rabbit274
    1,178 Posts
    Mon, Aug 10 2015 3:40 AM

    My answer would be zero. If all 250 members played in a CC tourney set for 18 holes on the par 5s every day using a starter ball and the free pass, the clubs 'take' on any one day would be in excess of 300,000 XPs at no cost to the members.


  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Mon, Aug 10 2015 4:36 AM

    I don't think there are 5 CC's out there that could beat Cosa Nostra in a 15 man head to head match up.

    I know one!

  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Mon, Aug 10 2015 7:52 AM

    Real income to WGT comes from ball usage (27 cr) and CC members buying passes

    Sorry, no, not necessarily.  It's an accounting thing.  Real income to WGT is in the form of $$ from members buying credits, $$ from sponsors, $$ from Supersonic or Trial Pay or Peanut Labs etc due to members watching ads and taking surveys or offers, $$ from club manufacturers for advertising there clubs on WGT to the millions of real golfers here, and $$ from the ad agencies supplying the banner ads viewed by the members.

    If a member was given credits by WGT for placing in a tournament or being promoted, there's no cost to WGT and no revenue to WGT when those credits are used.

    Top players accumulate hundreds of thousands of credits with no out-of-pocket expense.  Therefore, when they buy balls or passes, no real revenue to WGT.

  • hakman123
    2,119 Posts
    Mon, Aug 10 2015 8:05 AM

    Top players accumulate hundreds of thousands of credits with no out-of-pocket expense.  Therefore, when they buy balls or passes, no real revenue to WGT.

    True - but those top players won those credits from all the other players who have to pay to play, and when those competitions run - WGT takes their cut every time.

    I think the question being asked however in the OP - was how much would the 250 members need to spend in order to maintain a top 5 position in the CC levels / experience table.

    Now - since we know that there are no awards to speak of after Level 16 - what would be the point of burning Passes to reach the top of a pretty meaningless table. Who honestly looks at the CC Leaderboard???

    As pointed out by others here - the "top clubs" are measured in results on the course.

  • Ducati916
    1,116 Posts
    Mon, Aug 10 2015 9:56 AM

    Ray Babbitt calculated the answer for the OP...


  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Mon, Aug 10 2015 1:56 PM

    True - but those top players won those credits from all the other players who have to pay to play, and when those competitions run - WGT takes their cut every time.

    Neil, it doesn't matter that the top players won those credits from players who paid WGT for the credits. WGT already has the revenue.  There is no real revenue to WGT when a top player spends credits won in tournaments.