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WGT, You have made a farce out of CC of the Week

Tue, Sep 19 2023 8:39 AM (78 replies)
  • fatdan
    3,379 Posts
    Fri, Sep 19 2014 12:35 AM

    I don't want to lock or delete this thread so if you want to say anything

    - WGTdbloshoe


    Please do!


  • TyMacni
    1,573 Posts
    Fri, Sep 19 2014 2:08 AM

    Dear justacowboy,

      I am a Product of the 60's and 70's and sometime find a few memory blank spots in mid-sentance.  Please allow a fellow "Old Ager" provide an assist.

    I'm sitting on this bar stool..talkin like a dam fool .. got a the 12.o clock News blues.....

    Well I've givin up hope for the afternoon soaps and a bottle of cold brew. Is it any wonder I'm not crazy? Is it any wonder I'm Sane at all? Is it any wonder I've got too much time on my hands, and it's tickin away, tickin away at Me.

    Well I'm a jet-furl genius, I can solve the world's problems without even tryin! I've got dozens of friends and the fun never ends, that is as long as I'm buying?! Is it any wonder I'm not the President? Is it any wonder I'm NULL and VOID (continue wit chours)

    I hope this helps. You and the others in this thread can associate it with those you feel it applicable.


    P.S. Congrats to Yancy and all. Keep up the good work, and have fun!

  • mkrizan86
    1,866 Posts
    Fri, Sep 19 2014 3:36 AM

    Engaging at this point does nothing.

    Sorry Shoe, I can't help chiming in with my tuppence.


    @ GV


    I believe the CC of the week feature was introduced as a way of introducing various CCs to the community on different merits. Some stand out because of their XP points, their earnings, their generosity, their contributions to the community and the forums and the fun they bring to this game.

    That's why Yancy's CC is a great pick for the CC of the week. His contribution of fun to this community has been immense over the years. So are the contributions of Opy and Doc, who are also members of this CC. Andyson's CC would deserve to be mentioned as well, on the same grounds. They all make this place much friendlier and funnier. So do basically all people who replied in this thread.

    If you and your CC ever do anything worth mentioning for, I'm sure y'all will be featured as well.


    @ Billy-Bubb Newman the 57th (or whatever)

    I thought your whinny posts about getting screwed by WGT when you bought a wedge and sold it back were the pinnacle of (for the lack of a better word) stupidity, but you've outdone yourself with this. Here's how your posts should read from now on...


    My digestive system seems to be wired in the opposite direction, cause lately, everything coming out of my mouth is...



    409 Posts
    Fri, Sep 19 2014 3:56 AM

    All I hear is Yancy this Yancy that.  I haven't found 1 dang Easter Egg.  And have been hitting balls everywhere around the back 9 of Pinehurst.  Lost about 6 balls already.          Grrrrrr     I think I am being had.  LOL   Yancy for President.   :)  

  • DJW2307
    13,407 Posts
    Fri, Sep 19 2014 5:29 AM


    How about we all take a step back.  I know players want to stick up for Yancy, and I can understand that.  But we should honor his selection with congratulations and no more of this back and forth.  The decision was made to honor his club and that won't change.  Next week will honor another club and it will be just as deserving of that honor.   I said it once and I will say it again.  We will honor clubs for different reasons.  Could be they have been doing amazing with the weekly XP or it could be a small club with great participation.  It could be a club that did something great for the community. We don't want to make this all about who gets the most XP's.

    As far as I can tell our friend Yancy is a humble man.  I doubt he would want to see his choice causing this much of a problem in the community.  I assume he takes great delight in entertaining us all with his videos and hunts.  I seriously doubt this is the attention he wanted his club to get. 

    So Golfvader and William.... Enough already.  It's great you want to stick up for your club, but you made your point already.  Drop it.

    Yancy Supporters.... Enough as well.  I don't want to lock or delete this thread so if you want to say anything just put a congrats or good job in.  Better yet just move the discussion back to my thread I posted.  Engaging at this point does nothing.

    - WGTdbloshoe


    Must say only just picked up on the Opening post today Shoe and reading with stunned amazement. As the Chairman of the CC that won the accolade the previous week and hearing the comment from the OP that the picks the past 2 weeks were a joke would like to just say that we for one at UKGE have thought the system of CC of the week has been a brilliant addition and we have greatly welcomed all of the brilliant recent CC improvements. 

    We are by no way the biggest CC on the WGT site (in fact relatively small) and don't have the biggest earners or some of the amazing Uber Legends of many of the site, but that isn't what we are about. We do have some mighty fine players on board and also have a lot of fun, banter and amusement at one another and interact with many other great CC's on the site more and more.

    Please please carry on selecting CC's the way you are and as I see it, get proper CC's noticed for the right reasons. I know from our own personal experience and exposure we have seen a lot of interest shown in our CC and that has been great, so thank you.

    As for the comment about not knowing who Yancy is in one of the postings within this post, that has to be the funniest comments of the decade.

    Anyway, just wanted to let you guys know that we are fully behind the whole concept and method of selecting the CC of the week and long may it continue !!!


  • garylewisgr
    415 Posts
    Fri, Sep 19 2014 5:47 AM

       ......Ah the joys of being a regular reader of the community forums ! Greatly enjoyed reading this thread as its so funny.

       Btw....congrats to YancyCan !  Your over the top !!!




  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Fri, Sep 19 2014 5:56 AM

    Ah the joys of being a regular reader of the community forums ! Greatly enjoyed reading this thread as its so funny.

    Heh. I was amazed to learn that there was somebody in this forum that never heard of Yancy.  IDK, maybe Yancy stumbled across him in his underground explorables and used one of those Men In Black thingies to clear his memory cache.  :-D

  • thesnakeyes
    892 Posts
    Fri, Sep 19 2014 6:06 AM

    Finally a sensible post to this thread by DJW2307 with comments that I heartly agree with. We too at No Quitters Here Please welcome the fact that WGT are doing something to highlight various CCs as for too long we have been left in the wilderness and I congratulate any club that has been named CC of the week whether it be for first TPC (well done courtneyfish members) or UKGE like my club for punching above their weight with less than a hundred members and even WGTAA for their contributions to the community and forums. IT does not matter one iota what the reasons are why certain clubs are picked to my members we welcome the changes and it can also only be for the good as well as WGT coffers (lol). From the tone of the OP's thread , with IBIS being at the top of the leader board, just smacks somewhat of sour grapes to me

    Just my 2 cents worth


  • MichaelStroke
    2,066 Posts
    Fri, Sep 19 2014 10:32 AM


    I don't want to lock or delete this thread so if you want to say anything

    - WGTdbloshoe


    Please do!


    No, please don't.  In fact, this thread should be stickied.  That way, if this CC EVER made a recruitment thread on this forum, I would immediately reply with a hotlink to this thread.  This way, any prospective members can see how tactless and petty the club is.

    Also, go Yancy.  Top marks.

  • thesnakeyes
    892 Posts
    Fri, Sep 19 2014 10:46 AM



    I don't want to lock or delete this thread so if you want to say anything

    - WGTdbloshoe


    Please do!



    No, please don't.  In fact, this thread should be stickied.  That way, if this CC EVER made a recruitment thread on this forum, I would immediately reply with a hotlink to this thread.  This way, any prospective members can see how tactless and petty the club is.

    Also, go Yancy.  Top marks.
