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WGT, You have made a farce out of CC of the Week

Tue, Sep 19 2023 8:39 AM (78 replies)
  • opyeuclid
    6,708 Posts
    Thu, Sep 18 2014 5:24 PM

    This is not about who has the bigger driver or the shortest putter ! 

    This is about a game we all play .

    Its about having fun .

    Weather  ( its cold and raining ) and the bus is running late does not matter .

    We all play a part here in WGT land . 

    Enjoy the ride .

  • spdemon
    1,588 Posts
    Thu, Sep 18 2014 5:48 PM

    Drinks on me for IBIS GC ROTFLMAO

  • justacowboy
    1,338 Posts
    Thu, Sep 18 2014 6:11 PM

    hmmmmm   lots of kint pickin about CC of the  MONTH..... im  thinkjn some folks on  here just have too much time on their hands ..

    for the person that started this post ... this is for you....


     sitting on a bar stool..lookin like a dam fool .. got a the 12.o clock blues.....

    lol  forgot the rest , darn old age just kicked in

  • spdemon
    1,588 Posts
    Thu, Sep 18 2014 6:48 PM

    darn old age just kicked in

    I think so there cowboy 

    CC of the  MONTH

    It's cc of the week lmao 

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Thu, Sep 18 2014 6:54 PM

    Talk about sour grapes from the OP - what has got under your skin mate?

    Country Clubs are not about the size. the earnings or even CC Points earned - they are simply bragging rights.

    Each CC has a different agenda, values and goals - does this mean one is better than the other based on that criteria?

    I would rather see CC's featured whereby there members have done something for the community - of which Yancy's club and many members have done.

    As for YANCYCAN, I never heard of this Person

    Well this shows how little you participate in the forums and this statement exemplifies your total and utter ignorance.

    I think all clubs deserve praise, large or small, as in there own way they make their members happy and a part of this game.

    To criticize because you think x club should be highlighted over yours is petty and small minded.

    After all it is not like the club get anything tangible as a result of getting the spotlight.

    Get a grip GV and Mr Newman.


  • golfvader7
    1,822 Posts
    Thu, Sep 18 2014 6:57 PM

    Now that the "elite forum-bashers" have had their fun, I'm compelled to give you more fodder to throw in my face. Not once, did I say a bad word about the selected club. Been in wgt almost 3 years, never heard of the club, it's owner, it's members, or their successes. What we do for others, we do without fanfare. Because if more than 2 people know about it, it's being done for all the wrong reasons. The 1st 3 CC of the week were large clubs. The next club so honored was the 1st one honored. And if next weeks CC of the week is a club with 1 member, I'll feel the same way. When there is absolutely no rhyme or reason, or no guidelines as to what makes a club qualify for CC of the week, ......never mind, you could all care less. 

    If I wasn't disappointed that our club wasn't chosen, then what kind of owner would I be. None of you have heard of me or the club, that suits me just fine. I've never heard of any of you either, and that suits me just fine. Wgt has made a mockery out of a great idea. You don't like me saying that, so I'm wrong no matter what. All I can say to you is let me know when you actually want to crucify me for what I feel, but before you do, make sure you take your proverbial noses out of..................(fill in the blank here). including you, mr 4125 posts. Never heard of you either.

  • justacowboy
    1,338 Posts
    Thu, Sep 18 2014 7:07 PM


    darn old age just kicked in

    I think so there cowboy 

    CC of the  MONTH

    It's cc of the week lmao 

    bro I don't know what id do without you .... ty ty

  • justacowboy
    1,338 Posts
    Thu, Sep 18 2014 7:25 PM

    pick me...  pick me ,, :)  I think I can solve it without buying a vowel

  • fatdan
    3,379 Posts
    Thu, Sep 18 2014 7:42 PM

    I got the 2nd word, but I am stumped with the other 3....

    Anyway, I love CC owners, their posts are hilarious sometimes...AND proof positive that men DO have periods....

  • RemBeau
    2,515 Posts
    Thu, Sep 18 2014 8:04 PM

    Lets take a period, oups a pause :)