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V E M !

Sat, May 27 2017 4:10 PM (485 replies)
  • AgentBrown123
    907 Posts
    Sun, Sep 7 2014 1:59 PM

    I think a lot of people mistake VEM for not knowing how a particular hole plays with a certain wind with the particular club. Some irons in the set spin more or less. Clear further or less with the same spin. You have to be aware of both scenarios. And also, sometimes when you have a wind that says say 10-12 mph, it really plays at 12. Remember, the wind can be anywhere in this zone. When you combine those 3 factors, it's very easy to confuse a miss calculation as VEM. It's mostly user error.

    There are times though when your shot goes off-line with a ding, and that is VEM I agree. But most people who end up short or long just haven't done their homework. 9 out of 10 times I would say. I used to think VEM was getting worse. But it was just me not understanding how to play the higher spin balls and clubs. The more spin, the harder it is to be consistent with distance control. You really must map out your iron ball combo with all spin settings.

    Just my take,


  • JFidanza
    1,676 Posts
    Sun, Sep 7 2014 4:33 PM


    "This is about knowing the virtual course, i.e. figuring out how the game designers want you to play the hole, so it is more like a traditional computer game with secrets that players discover or share etc. Real life golf course designers set up courses to reward or punish certain approaches, but once their work is done real world physics determines what actually happens when you strike the ball.

    WGT does a great job mimicking the real movements of golf balls, but it does have that built-in gaming aspect to it."


  • mkrizan86
    1,866 Posts
    Sun, Sep 7 2014 4:37 PM

    I think a lot of people mistake VEM for not knowing how a particular hole plays with a certain wind with the particular club.

    That's what I've been trying to explain to Shady throughout 3 pages of this thread



    Perhaps I didn't do it in the nicest  possible way, but it's the truth.

  • lonniescott711
    4,183 Posts
    Sun, Sep 7 2014 6:57 PM

    If you really want to see the VEM / deviation at work , then all you have to do is play a 9 hole stroke play practice round . I suggest that you use the starter ball if possible  , so you dont waste a good ball . Use the mulligan feature to shoot your best score and hit the right shots . Keep count of how many shots it takes on each hole . 

    As I said earlier , too many players try to dismiss the games deviation process . Even though WGT has admitted that it does exist , and there is an explanation on how it works . We as players refer to it as VEM , which is the name of the program . Deviation is what the program does . Meaning it will alter your shots by changing the way that your clubs perform , which is only 1 form of the deviation .

  • AgentBrown123
    907 Posts
    Sun, Sep 7 2014 9:18 PM


    If you really want to see the VEM / deviation at work , then all you have to do is play a 9 hole stroke play practice round . I suggest that you use the starter ball if possible  , so you dont waste a good ball . Use the mulligan feature to shoot your best score and hit the right shots . Keep count of how many shots it takes on each hole . 

    As I said earlier , too many players try to dismiss the games deviation process . Even though WGT has admitted that it does exist , and there is an explanation on how it works . We as players refer to it as VEM , which is the name of the program . Deviation is what the program does . Meaning it will alter your shots by changing the way that your clubs perform , which is only 1 form of the deviation .

    It's fine to have an opinion but you didn't back up or use any facts to support your statement. All top players will agree with it what I said, period.

    Deviations exist. But it doesn't affected your shots as much and as many ways as you're saying. You're talking about how there is an explanation. Please fill us in on that.

    The evidence against your Theory I'll call it is the fact the the players who do the homework and know how certain holes work are consistent with their approaches. They know how certain irons work in the wind for the course and elevation. VEM is just an excuse for those who are either not intelligent enough to figure out the game, or care not too becaue of the time involved. I'm not saying deviations don't exist. They do, but like I said not even CLOSE to the extent most people think. All top players think the way I do. Because they are getting consistent results because of the methods aforementioned.


  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Mon, Sep 8 2014 4:25 AM

    AB and MK nailed it.

    Starter clubs play the way they are meant to - imprecisely. With better clubs you know it's you, save as noted by AB.

    I do agree the  starters would demonstrate the enth degree of what not much precision does, but better clubs ........well like I say AB / MK nailed the discussion.

  • Pkay72
    229 Posts
    Mon, Sep 8 2014 9:39 AM

    I think  I know how my clubs play and I can take a bit of random as in real golf. But to go way of your original shot and steal a ball is wrong. I would probably not complain as much if I got value out of my nike balls but when you know you hit a good shot and they steal a extra hit out of your ball or steal it altogether is just wrong.

  • krskfr
    458 Posts
    Mon, Sep 8 2014 10:38 AM

    Hehehe, i dont know about that AgentBrown123, dont agree with you mate.

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Mon, Sep 8 2014 10:49 AM

    I think  I know how my clubs play


    Vem doesn't cause balls to go so wildly offline as to lose them.

    Agent B knows the score, as do all the top players.

  • JFidanza
    1,676 Posts
    Mon, Sep 8 2014 12:51 PM

    I think the WGT programming offers a great test and challenge. I have respect for those pros who don't just think, "I know how this hole plays, I know how hard the power, etc. etc."

    But also the sign of a great player IMHO is when they think, "What if I miss the ding a tad, or in addition, what if the VEM* or the basic ability of the clubs has me hitting the outer circles of precision & forgiveness? How can I rise to my ability to face a possible challenging outcome?"

     (* changing variables representing distribution curves, thresholds and accuracy & precision of the user interaction vis-à-vis  user skill level )

    This game reminds me of an important lesson in life I keep seeing and the quotes are something like :  “Success consists of getting up just one more time than you fall.”

    "Only the weak attempts to accomplish what he knows he can already achieve." -Stella Juarez

    I'm still learning.