LizzieRossetti:So I sold my contraption to the Doctors who said they could use it when they play dress up with the nurses in a game they call "civilians and patients"
Well, that right there is all good for you and the likes, our finest tiny little dancer, but now it's time to get to business you see, as I am such the "you need it, I'll get for ya" type of guy. Now normally, my commission on such a "brilliant" update modification to an otherwise unworthy piece of attire, would range in the 70% to 85% percentile, to me, on my end, of course.
But I like you, and, I have to share credit with that dog feller boss for giving me that inspired spark of inspiration, showing off the fancy cutting tool thingy, which inspired me to what I am now calling the "Lizzieator". (Now available in a variety of shades and colors ranging from skull and
cross bones, camo, to a host of bright vibrant colors that you could mix
and match to suit your fancy.)
I have a friend, who has a friend, that knows a friend, who has an uncle, that is now, currently working on the patent for this newly high fashion, keep you dry when you shower, contraption doohicky.
Bottom line (no punn intended), is that I will give you 95%. That's right, 95%, if you go world wide and model it, on TV, internet, and phone cameras.
Have a nice day!