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So dear friends...

Thu, Dec 15 2022 5:08 PM (148 replies)
  • sdorr
    650 Posts
    Fri, Mar 7 2014 12:56 AM

    I could not imagine a real day with Lizzie, trying to keep up with her prose and poetry. I would be lost in less than an hour.

    Just a thought, what if you, Richard, Andyson along with that dog feller boss and I all got together for a week, put all of our differences aside and be civil like, then took our little princess out for dinner, that walk, and show her the time of her life! (We could try, but it's Lizzie lol).

    Five of the finest American brains against 1 might even the odds brain wise.................... NOT EVEN CLOSE. We done. (The rest of you, just shut the fuc up, I ain't kidding).

    LOL, but what a day it would be. To be able to say to others that we were there with her, knew her and laughed at the same table and wished her well. I suppose that my wishing is as close to being there as I am ever going to get and that sucks. My lose and horrid spelling, Oh well, that is how it goes.

    Have a nice day!

  • LizzieRossetti
    1,545 Posts
    Sat, Mar 8 2014 4:38 AM

    I would just like to say at this point that it's not as easy as they imply, to enjoy a shower without getting this Hickman* line wet, nor any of it's surrounds.

    So I came up with a plan, based on the half hearted and incomplete advice of the medical professionals, whereby they suggest taping a plastic bag, or cling film around the area. This doesn't work for several reasons.

    One. Any tape available either doesn't stick, or in the instance of gaffa tape, sticks too well (and removes skin on removal).

    Two. Cling film might once have actually earned its name, but for some reason, no doubt due to global warming and the consequences of mistaken belief, it no longer does. Thank you to the foil hat "its all our fault" brigade who believe global warming is anything other than a natural cycle, and certainly nothing at all to do with me, just trying to get a flipping shower.

    Three. Plastic bags subjected to moisture and heat on one side, inherently and sympathetically produce twice that moisture on the other side. Everyone knows this.

    Four. The human body (at least mine) is shaped ergonomically and specifically to ensure a 100% wetting when stood under a shower head. This means that the chestal/breastal area, what with it being nearer the top than the bottom (at least mine is), has no chance whatsoever of remaining dry, no matter at what inclination one might take up stance.

    So my solution, although quite possibly beyond radical, was this; To dispatch Lambert to a well known establishment catering to non mainstream preference, brandishing his own debit card (didn't want my name appearing on their records) with the instruction to purchase a rubberoid top, suitable to my needs.

    After what seemed like quite a bit too long for such a simple task, he emerged from the establishment replete with surely far too many plain brown packages for a simple rubberised top. He also bore a very weird and unLambert like smile, which leads me to believe he has something underfoot for when I am away to Hospital, but I digress.

    So after the shopping trip, and some furtive "sorting out whose is whose" by Lambert, I surveyed my lime green libidex Princess top (always wanted to be a Princess from time to time) and here is what they say about it, their words, not mine,

    "A cropped version of our full Princess Dress, creating a charming and versatile top that fits perfectly into anyones fetish wardrobe. Matches up perfectly with many of our Skirts and Leggings."

    I have no idea what a fetish wardrobe is, mine is just a regular one with some draws for shoes and a top box for jumpers and those godawful leggings that never want to hang properly.

    The first problem, was actually getting myself inside the thing. I'm sure I sent Lambert in with the appropriate size, and yet despite this, I find myself covered in little stings from the thing snapping as I fight to fit inside. Luckily Lambert, the charmingly useful man, had thought to buy some slippy oils while he was in the shop, and he suggests applying some first.

    Which leads to the second problem. All I can say is that I have known Lambert a very long time and it almost seemed ok that he volunteered to help.

    Well, having a shower never before seemed so troublesome, and yet strangely fun. Worked a treat this morning, with just one small problem. Hot water seems to have shrunk the garment and I still cant get it off, even though Lambert has kindly poured, or tried to pour, that slippy stuff down each arm, which tickles quite a lot, and also sprayed me with something or other from his potting shed containing cold water which only served to, well you know how the cold affects a person. He kept at that for some time and quite diligently, but it had no effect as far as I could tell. Not on me anyway.

    So there it is. My solution. Any suggestions as to how I might get myself out of the contraption are most welcome. Meanwhile on this hot sunny day, I am off for a walk.

    * Hickman line. Something they install in the chest to administer fluids into the heart, or somewhere like that.


    Lizzie xx


  • ScottHope
    10,234 Posts
    Sat, Mar 8 2014 4:58 AM

    That conjured up some very interesting images Lizzie, fortunately I can't transfer them to Photobucket, haha. (Disappointed now when I come to your last full stop so hopefully there'll be more to come). Best wishes Lizzie.

  • nanstar
    4,914 Posts
    Sat, Mar 8 2014 5:13 AM

    A song for you Lizzie.. enjoy :)

  • CanineSupervisor
    1,882 Posts
    Sat, Mar 8 2014 5:57 AM

    Any suggestions as to how I might get myself out of the contraption

    My Dearest Lizzie,

    After a brief chuckle at the above quoted comment, I think a somewhat field expedient method maybe your solution of choice, albeit a tad bit damaging to the aforementioned contraption: Bandage shears such as these.

    They are readily available at any establishment catering to such goods for a small pittance. A quick jaunt, by Lambert, to one of these fine stores could find you quickly released from your captor.

    As some acquaintances of mine, over your way, have a habit of saying : Who Dares Wins.


    As sdorr so adequately named me:

    That Dog Feller Boss


    P.S. That Gawd awful flagstick on 17 is just not the same without you, my friend. LOL

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Sat, Mar 8 2014 5:59 AM

    Two. Cling film might once have actually earned its name, but for some reason, no doubt due to global warming and the consequences of mistaken belief, it no longer does.

  • LizzieRossetti
    1,545 Posts
    Sat, Mar 8 2014 10:55 AM


    Two. Cling film might once have actually earned its name, but for some reason, no doubt due to global warming and the consequences of mistaken belief, it no longer does.


    Dear Paul.


    This is not me, I swear.


    Lizzie xx

  • alosso
    21,049 Posts
    Sat, Mar 8 2014 2:07 PM

    Is it you are a lefty, or your walls aren't blue?

    I keep my fingers crossed for you, Lizzie!

  • LizzieRossetti
    1,545 Posts
    Sat, Mar 8 2014 2:32 PM


    Is it you are a lefty, or your walls aren't blue?

    I keep my fingers crossed for you, Lizzie!

    Well I would say that lady has had help. Both with the application of cling film, and that film looks very clung, and with some form of augmentation...

    For these reasons, I am reasonably sure it is not I, me or mine. Although I do have two blue walls.

    Lizzie xx

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Sat, Mar 8 2014 3:41 PM

    Closest Google got was (above) Lizzie Celophaini, what would her father think? Mama Mia!