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WGT has cancer

Thu, Sep 9 2010 5:24 PM (111 replies)
  • Mem11
    199 Posts
    Tue, Sep 7 2010 7:21 PM

    Knowing how competitive I am, I'm still going to try and push through.  I finally won a couple of ready go's on Sunday with some average scores.  I'll try and try although it's going to be hard but I hate to lose so tour masters watch out.

    Good Luck ironking, It's good to see you having some success.

    Really the only thing that will probably change for me is that I won't be earning any money for WGT through the surveys.  At my present rate of ball consumption I figure I can go a year to a year and half with what I got.  Like I said, I way overdid it on the surveys - never spent a dime of my own.

    Never did the RG's, at best I figured I'd break even, but I did want to eventually try.  Now there's no chance - I'd just get too frustrated.

  • ironking34
    749 Posts
    Tue, Sep 7 2010 7:48 PM

    Never did the RG's, at best I figured I'd break even, but I did want to eventually try.  Now there's no chance - I'd just get too frustrated.

    It's actually easier than you think with the ready go' figure that out of 50 you got to be at least better than 35 of them...that would get you your money back....In the top 10, you're getting at least 200 credits......I always try for top 10.....if I get 1st, second or third, it's all good then.

  • columbiacgt
    565 Posts
    Wed, Sep 8 2010 12:19 AM

    Knowing how competitive I am, I'm still going to try and push through.  I finally won a couple of ready go's on Sunday with some average scores.  I'll try and try although it's going to be hard but I hate to lose so tour masters watch out.


    AT LAST, someone with the proper attitude. Well said Ironking.

    No bs, just play, and get better.

  • 6packmike
    235 Posts
    Wed, Sep 8 2010 12:44 AM

     The new tees are a nice challenge. Playing many of my good friends have become much closer matches. And to tell the truth it was rather sickening seeing some masters playing what amounts to 5 wedges counting the one in the 3-pw set. You wouldn't see that in real.

     Where the people at wgt might be getting confused is what the former masters have brought upon themselves in a way. I could have dumped rounds and kept my average under 60 too but would I have done wgt any favors doing that when they try and calculate how much challenge to put into the game? I think if you start a ranked round there should be no option to quit. You wouldn't quit a round in real golf no matter what. So wgt is biting the hand that fed them, although it was false information they were being fed. They deserve a break at wgt. Anything is better than listening to some so called top player screaming coz he didn't go -8 after eight holes because of what amounts to a wind gust after tapping in 7 straight wedges to within a yard.

    Wgt doesn't need to be concerned with problems on the ladder site or anywhere else. It's a very small percentage. The people that like the changes are probably taking the time to enjoy them rather than come here, which is 99% a complaint department.

    Another nice thing is different calculations are figured into the making of legend. Sandbaggers wont have a number to avoid as too low to stay tour master. I was 66 something in average when I made legend and I've seen a tour master at 65 something and beat them by the way. But a lot of that 66 was because I really liked playing at Oakmont and had found Bethpage to be more playable, somewhat recently. If they do come up with a Legend driver I'd say no more than a 285 yard club and get this money maker rolling with a nice price tag of $25 dollars. We're not going to get new courses putting in peanuts. I got a discover card by completing an offer to get credits and have enough credits to buy balls for a lifetime.




  • ComplexP
    250 Posts
    Wed, Sep 8 2010 3:04 AM

    I read from WGT admin's response that there are no plans to do anything about the legend tier issues at this time. A little disappointing.

    The biggest gripe isn't the difficulty but the problem about trying to compete with the tour masters in situations like ready goes. If there was some way of addressing this I believe the difficulty would be less of a sticking point.

    As I see it there are few options if WGT want to keep this new system of tiers and levels as it is (which I think is the case):

    1) Introduce a Legend only driver - unlikely since that would be incosistent with the leveling system. Any new driver introduced would be unlockable at level 90ish and available to all.

    2) Introduce a 300+ driver - more likely but will take many months for Legends to unlock and the same driver will be available to tour masters.

    3) Introduce a 300+ driver and allocate experience points based on previous ranked rounds played - this would mean many Legends would get the chance to purchase the driver months before the tour masters, leveling the field for at least a while.

    4) Drop the Legends back to the same tees as the tour masters - unlikely as this would leave only a small green speed increase as the difference.

    I like option 3 best since it is the only one to allow WGT to remain consistent with the system structure they are working to.

    Something I would also recommend is that higher tiers build experience points faster at higher levels. A Master and Legend may arrive at level 60 in roughly the same time but the legend can get from 60-90 in a fraction of the time it takes the master to do the same thing. This way the +300 yard driver would technically be available to all but practically only unlockable once Legend has been achieved unless you are willing to spend 24h a day playing ranked rounds for a month.

  • rainman692
    54 Posts
    Wed, Sep 8 2010 3:37 AM

    OR divide the RGs into tiers, just like the weekly tourneys.

    A 300+ driver is unrealistic, the ones we have can reach 300 yards with just a little help from wind or slope. 

  • ComplexP
    250 Posts
    Wed, Sep 8 2010 3:55 AM


    OR divide the RGs into tiers, just like the weekly tourneys.

    A 300+ driver is unrealistic, the ones we have can reach 300 yards with just a little help from wind or slope. 

    Yep, that could also do the trick but would there be enough Legends entering the ready goes to make them worthwhile? You may only get one every few days.

  • ironking34
    749 Posts
    Wed, Sep 8 2010 4:01 AM


    OR divide the RGs into tiers, just like the weekly tourneys.

    A 300+ driver is unrealistic, the ones we have can reach 300 yards with just a little help from wind or slope. 

    The spec of the driver would be 290-300, the distance it goes would probably be 30-40 yards more than the R9.  That would help with the making up the extra distance off the tee


  • BolloxInBruges
    1,389 Posts
    Wed, Sep 8 2010 4:11 AM

    Even a 280 driver and irons that go slightly further would make the courses much more playable, although I am personally loving the challenge of the increased difficulty (So long as I am not competing against people from shorter tees).  Like others have said tho, most legends would take months and months (or YEARS!)  to level up to the point where they could actually buy the stuff under the current system.

    IMO legends should be able to buy whatever we want, we have already paid our dues thru hundreds or thousands of rounds prior to the update, and I feel have earned the right to free reign in the pro shop.  If lesser tiered players want to take an eternity leveling  up to buy top notch equipment, fine.

  • kelrob
    92 Posts
    Wed, Sep 8 2010 5:02 AM

    Should'nt have to buy new equipment,,bought new equipment all the way up through this game. Then they decide to back everyone who put the time and effort,,and MONEY into the game. Your equipment shoulda came with it.I'm just about ready to call this game a wash. If this is there answer to solve these problems with baggers and such. It was a poor way of doing it.