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NATION only Putting Challenge

Tue, Jun 27 2023 3:55 PM (391 replies)
  • MBaggese
    15,367 Posts
    Fri, May 17 2013 7:05 PM

    If you quoted a reply to one of the many year old posts here, we may know what the heck you're going on about.


    Hmmnnn...who am I talking too?


    Hi Mom...glad ya home.


    No...that's not right, aim further left.


    Too much back spin.


    You did what?


  • rqueen
    57 Posts
    Fri, May 17 2013 8:01 PM

    Who the heck are you talking to?

    I know it ain't me because, well let me see:  5-17-13 minus 5-4-13 equals 13 days from post to post.  Therefore again, I'm sure we would all like to know what the heck you are talking about.

  • MBaggese
    15,367 Posts
    Fri, May 17 2013 10:02 PM

    I'm sure we would all like to know what the heck you are talking about.

  • rqueen
    57 Posts
    Sat, May 18 2013 8:21 AM

    Well I'm sure most of the people have read the previous posts on this blog.  Such as GrubyMike and Alosso on 5-4-13.  BTW:  5-4-13 is a LOT sooner than a year old post.  Just FYI

  • MBaggese
    15,367 Posts
    Sun, May 19 2013 11:38 PM


    Well I'm sure most of the people have read the previous posts on this blog.  Such as GrubyMike and Alosso on 5-4-13.  BTW:  5-4-13 is a LOT sooner than a year old post.  Just FYI

    And without addressing said person(s) nor quoting the post you are replying would anyone know?


    The first post in this thread was in July of last year.


    Just FYI.

  • rqueen
    57 Posts
    Mon, May 20 2013 12:22 AM

    Well when the thread was started means nothing at all.  If a response is recent then it is usually responding to a recent post.  IE: 5-17-13 responding to a post on 5-14-13.

    BTW:  I am curious, from going back over the entire post, your posts have all been recent so why the concern over my original post unless it was just to try to put me down for not posting the way that you think I should.  I would be willing to bet that you knew right away which post I was responding to because if you did even bother to look then you would have looked backwards from my post and found it about 4 - 5 posts above mine.  Therefore since after reading my post you did not go all the way back a year expecting to find me responding to a post from a year ago.  Therefore all you have proven is that for some reason, you got some kind of bug in your ear, and feel the need to "attack" someone (because it makes you feel bigger? stronger? tougher? smarter? what?).  Please enlighten me on the reason that you are just wanting to put someone down (which I feel that you have not managed to do - except for perhaps yourself?)

    God Bless You!!!

  • MBaggese
    15,367 Posts
    Mon, May 20 2013 9:22 AM

    because it makes you feel bigger? stronger? tougher? smarter? what?)


    Yes, all the above..also makes my manhood grow an inch a day.


    BTW, I did look up, and still couldn't figure out who you were responding to..simple quote to relevancy would have cleared that up.

  • rqueen
    57 Posts
    Mon, May 20 2013 11:11 AM

    Try going back to page 25, the post that I made that you are questioning.  Go up 3 posts from there, and read the post by Alosso and also the post just above that one by GrubyMike.


    Hope that helps.


  • MBaggese
    15,367 Posts
    Mon, May 20 2013 7:15 PM

    Hope that helps.


    Quoting the post for your reply, would have helped much more;)

  • mezoops
    15 Posts
    Thu, May 23 2013 11:10 AM

    How does one join WGT World Nations ?