Here's everything you need to know about new Custom Courses!
WGT Country Club members can now create custom golf courses, made up of holes from any WGT course, and use them for Country Club tournaments.
Creating a custom course is easy, just follow these steps...
1. From your Country Club homepage, click the CREATE CUSTOM COURSES option under "CLUB TOURNAMENTS."
Note: If you don't see this option, check with your Club owner about the selected settings. Owners can manage which players have permission to create new courses.

2. On this page, click the CREATE COURSE button to start building a new course.
If you have any saved courses for your club, they will be listed here as well. Your club can have up to 10 saved courses at a time.

3. Next, select the holes you want to add from any WGT course and click the "SAVE" button.
Select the WGT course, then the hole you'd like to add to your custom 9- or 18-hole course.

4. After you've created your course, start the "CREATE A TOURNAMENT" process just like you would for a normal country club tournament, but you'll need a Course Builder!
When you're creating a new country club tournament, you'll see all the custom courses that have been created for your club in the list of available courses.
To publish a tournament using a custom course you'll need to have the NEW Course Builder currency, that you can win in CC Events or purchase in the WGT Pro Shop.
You'll also see a number on the tournament setup screen that shows you the number of available Course Builders your club has. When you purchase Course Builders they go into your club’s account, not your own personal account.
One Course Builder is required to publish each tournament with a custom course.

5. Once a tournament is published, you can see which holes are used in the course by hovering over the Course Builder icon on the website or in the game client. (See website example below.)

(Game Client Example)

Purchasing Course Builders
To buy Course Builders for your club, go to the "ACCESSORIES" section of the Pro Shop.
Note: tournaments with custom courses can only be created on the Web form, but can be played on all platforms.

But wait, there's more!
We've given each country club a free Course Builder (in your inventory now!) so you can create a custom course and start a tournament for your club.