We've just added some new features to the World Golf Tour online golf game, including a new golf course, new MAX virtual golf clubs, and new prizes in the WGT Pro Shop.
New Golf Course - Challenge at Manele

You can now play The Challenge at Manele, designed by Jack Nicklaus and located on the beautiful island of Lanai in Hawaii, the latest closest-to-the-hole golf course, free on World Golf Tour.
This new Hawaii course is just in time for the first full PGA Tour event of the year, The Sony Open at Waialae Country Club. See tee times just posted on PGA Tour website.
New MAX Spin Wedges

Get maximum backspin on your approach shots with the new MAX SPIN Wedges. Back up the ball like the pros!
New WGT Pro Shop Prizes

We're expanding the WGT Elite Collection in the WGT Pro Shop to give more players more items they can buy with their WGT Credits.
You can now choose from new virtual prizes like a custom-designed avatar or golf bag, or get real-world golf tee times on more WGT courses, or even spend an hour on the phone with WGT co-founder, MisterWGT.
There are more prizes coming soon, including WGT-branded merchandise for significantly less WGT Credits. Stay tuned...
New Burger King Gift Cards

You can now use Burger King gift cards to get WGT Credits, like many players have been doing with Subway gift cards, so start putting all those holiday gift cards to some really good use on WGT!
To use a gift card, simply go to the Buy Credits page on WGT, select "Change Billing Info" then "Gift Cards" to choose from any of the options, including Burger King, Circle K, Citgo, CVS and Subway.