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Tue, Feb 27 2024 4:57 PM (91 replies)
  • callaghan159
    6,424 Posts
    Wed, May 31 2023 3:39 AM


    " Got my apparel prize---4 pieces of apparel---and I got 4 "maxed" pieces." . If those had a value . Would they be worth more than your investment ? Yes .

    Are you keeping track and charging WGT by the hour for your playing time ?

    Ok donkey, the point of playing these showdowns is to build your apparel. It appears you dont understand that part of the showdowns and probably never will. Getting the "maxed" apparel never has and never will help anyone build their collection of apparel. Cheers you donkey.

  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Wed, May 31 2023 8:35 AM



    Well these showdowns are getting to be pure garbage. Got my apparel prize---4 pieces of apparel---and I got 4 "maxed" pieces. What a joke. Just might not play anymore.

    True.  The return on investment is not worth it to play in them.  

    Jeez, that 10c eh.  A recent 5th and 9th will have paid for the next eleven and the four balls will surely get you round.

    @Callaghan again 10c and you got 2 silver boxes and a ball.  Also if you only got that it's your own fault.  If you simply use the sponsor time you're given you'll get a box at the end of each set of three, giving another 9 or 12 boxes.

    If you're serious in a later post about this being a way of collecting apparel then I'd say it's not the best way, not even close.   If you win your Showdown you'll get six boxes as a prize and have played 27 or 36 holes.  If you played the same number of holes in a one hole coin room, with a sponsor, you'd get 27 or 36 boxes.

    Away from that; I'm sure it's not a surprise that the more items you max the more often you hit maxed items ;- ) 

  • Squatch031
    200 Posts
    Wed, Jun 7 2023 1:03 PM

    I play for the challenge of making it to the final round, and that is they only reason.  I don't use any apparel bonuses and the balls they give out as prizes are junk so I hit them into the water. 

  • callaghan159
    6,424 Posts
    Thu, Jun 8 2023 2:54 AM

    the balls they give out as prizes are junk

    play the expert level and you can win the high level titleist balls I do believe.

  • Robbo81303
    417 Posts
    Thu, Jun 8 2023 5:45 AM






    Folks, if you get this screen when your opponent forfeits, you CAN continue your round without losing your score.  If you hit 'CANCEL' and wait 45 seconds (yes, with a frozen screen with no clock, I know), your turn will time out and you'll start again from where you left off.

    Yes, it's yet another WGT workaround.  I found it by accident by waiting rather than resetting once but its worked flawlessly since then when needed.

    Obviously if you've already used your timeout you're screwed but this should help most of us most all the time.

  • Yiannis1970
    3,338 Posts
    Thu, Jun 8 2023 6:24 AM

    Thank you Rob!

  • callaghan159
    6,424 Posts
    Thu, Jun 8 2023 9:21 AM

    I just take out my phone and fire up the app. Works for me.

  • GArmstrong8
    1,350 Posts
    Thu, Jun 8 2023 12:33 PM

    Ok, I just had the pleasure of playing against a WGT member by the name of "redacted" (not real name).

    What stands out about this humanbeing I presume, is I was on my 13-15th holes in Showdown. He/she/it decided to take as long as possible to shoot entirely thru the whole matchup, of which I think took well over 40 minutes to complete. From putting 3 ft each time, to hitting fairway shots well out of line, you name it, he/she/it did it. 

    It would be better if when you reach double your limit of par on each round, it would disqualify such a person. I was waiting for this probablility when to my chagrin, they kept playing until well past the limit, of which it then did expire their hole priveleges, but not their match privileges.

    "REDACTED" (not real name) is the name one needs to block, unless you fancy spending 45 minutes watching this imbecile try to be funny on a 3-hole match.

    I would have forfeited the round, but like I say, I was in the Showdown mode so anything and everything would have been lost.

  • PureGro1
    1,656 Posts
    Thu, Jun 8 2023 2:08 PM

    I would have forfeited the round, but like I say, I was in the Showdown mode so anything and everything would have been lost.

    I do get the frustrations but you should probably should edit post and remove his name from forums, to save yourself some headaches. Blocking unfortunately does not stop you from getting matched with these People, It merely stops chat and wall posting.

  • GArmstrong8
    1,350 Posts
    Thu, Jun 8 2023 3:44 PM


    I would have forfeited the round, but like I say, I was in the Showdown mode so anything and everything would have been lost.

    I do get the frustrations but you should probably should edit post and remove his name from forums, to save yourself some headaches. Blocking unfortunately does not stop you from getting matched with these People, It merely stops chat and wall posting.

    Done, but I sure wish some remedy for this would be considered. This is rubbish. Surely I'm not the only person this has happened to. It started on his first shot and Continued. All. The. Way. Through. The. Round.