pdb1:So what's your point ?
My point is that I made statements that you dismissed as false and as claims, despite the fact that those statements are true.
I stated that you regularly post on players' walls urging them to leave their "dead" CC. You dismissed that as a "claim to try and bait" you. Meanwhile it is an irrefutable fact, as evidenced by your activity history.
My point is that you denied the possibility - even saying it "didn't happen" - when I stated something that is 100% factual, that you posted an award on a person's wall when it was readily apparent (on their wall) that that person's CC had a system for recognizing the accomplishment. You posting that award was, at best, extraneous, and at worst inappropriate, and certainly not something that I would expect from someone who talks of etiquette and country clubs. Sure, it's not a big deal, but what you did is certainly something that I wouldn't presume to do.
My point is that it is very ironic that you feel so strongly that players should be members of active CCs, yet you do not belong to one yourself. In and of itself, that brings your credibility into question. Yes, you did run a successful CC for a number of years, but you shut that CC down and do not (currently) belong to another one. "Do as I say, not as I do", I guess, is what you're getting at.
Go ahead and keep posting on players' walls. I think it's arrogant and presumptuous of you to do so, but that's just me, and in reality your wall posts are harmless. If some random person posted on my wall, I'd just delete it and block the person so that they couldn't do it again - no harm done.
I stated:
TheDudemeister69:I do recall you posting an award on one of my club's members' pages some time ago, for an accomplishment that they mentioned in the main forum.
You replied:
pdb1:It couldn't be exactly . As it could not have been a CC event .
In fact it IS exactly how it happened. I said nothing of it being a "CC event", I said it was "an accomplishment". In this case it was a double-eagle.
pdb1:No apologies if I beat you to making an award . There
is no race . And you probably wouldn't have anyway .
I don't expect an apology from you. And that strikes at the heart of you pontificating about CCs and etiquette, etc. while your actions say otherwise.