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Goal & Achievements

Wed, Dec 11 2024 11:55 AM (581 replies)
  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Mon, Apr 3 2023 1:07 PM

    I'm not sure which runs better ? The SD's or the G & A ? But there definitely is an SD going on .

    There is a SD going on but I obviously can't enter it today.

  • AnaNikolaj
    640 Posts
    Mon, Apr 3 2023 2:24 PM



    They in turn responded with the new SD .

    I don't think I am wrong on this . And think it is another GR8 effort to accomodate your inquiries and doubts .

    Then when do I have "enter the showdown event" as one of my goals today?


    Check the expiration date, Alan. Mine showed up on the 1st day of the SD (2 days ago?) and never disappeared. I got the normal 4 on each following day, plus the leftover SD one, since I didn't enter the event. I think the SD goal is on a week long timer, still showing just undet 100 hours left. But as said, it doesn't interfere with the normal 4 daily ones... 

  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Mon, Apr 3 2023 3:10 PM

    You're right Jure, lol I hadn't even collected the ones I'd done.  A bit under18 hours to go, I guess that'll be the end of the SD.

  • bossbird
    2,257 Posts
    Mon, Apr 10 2023 6:25 PM

    Nico , when there is a goal of completing a certain number of holes , in my case today , 36 , when people forfeit in coin rooms , these are still not counting. I know this because I also had a goal of playing 5 coin rooms games with a sponsor , which I have done but it’s only registering on the number of holes completed as 3 , because two opponents forfeited. This is still a bug , please pass on to appropriate team as a bug , thank you 

  • bossbird
    2,257 Posts
    Tue, Apr 11 2023 10:36 AM

    Paul thanks for your explanation. However the forfeits count towards the goal of playing a certain number of sponsor rounds so it shouldn’t be rocket science to allow forfeits to count towards the goal of completed holes, after all it’s completed by way of a forfeit . 

  • i1488
    44 Posts
    Wed, Apr 12 2023 9:41 PM

    May I have someone explain this Achievement to us?

    - "Daily Grind" Get the daily bonus streak up really high   << WGT's wording


    I'm sitting at level 2 (10 of 30).  So what does 10/30 really mean?

    Oh, I'm also at 111 consecutive days played as of 12/4/2023.