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Goal & Achievements

Sun, Mar 3 2024 2:57 PM (580 replies)
  • AlaskanDame
    19,369 Posts
    Sun, Jan 15 2023 1:50 PM


    some sort of fifth dimension and they have taken a while to travel back

    ^^^^ Agreed ^^^

    +1000.  I wrote here asking for CTTH 100 credit and also for number of CTTH holes completed.   When I went back and played something, they showed up, though the CTTH holes only increased a little at a time.  Very wierd, but it resulted in me deleting the post here.

  • AcidBreak
    14 Posts
    Mon, Jan 16 2023 3:37 PM

    Hi Nico,

    Another issue with G&A tonight. Weekly 15 star achievement was to open a gold apparel box in coin room game which I did about an hour ago. Haven’t received the stars for it yet. 

    Cheers in advance. 

  • Blue588
    273 Posts
    Mon, Jan 16 2023 8:27 PM

    Issue resolved. Thank you!

  • ColumbusStorm
    3,417 Posts
    Mon, Jan 16 2023 9:21 PM

    Goals is broken. i have completed 3 of the today's goals and have not received any of the points for those goals.

    Please announce when this is fixed.

  • Wolin1991
    12 Posts
    Tue, Jan 17 2023 12:35 AM

    Strange but when I use mobile device Goals & Achievements works only per WiFi. When I used mobile data I don't receive stars for completing daily/weekly goals. 

    Also no problems on PC version. It works fine.  

  • bossbird
    2,217 Posts
    Tue, Jan 17 2023 10:20 AM


    Strange but when I use mobile device Goals & Achievements works only per WiFi. When I used mobile data I don't receive stars for completing daily/weekly golas. 

    Also no problems on PC version. It works fine.  

    Do you use a VPN ?

  • BPeterson8256
    2,910 Posts
    Tue, Jan 17 2023 10:50 AM

    Just adding my experience with G&A this week. I have received all stars, but there is a huge delay in getting credit for goals. I have seen delays from about a minute, to several hours. 

  • WGTNico
    633 Posts
    Tue, Jan 17 2023 1:01 PM

    hey everyone, sorry about the issues with goals from over the long weekend. It had seemed to correct itself and no longer having any issues with goals. We've reported it to the server team to help prevent as big of a delay as we had the last few days. If anyone is still missing stars please report them to me in the forums, on discord, or send a message to support

  • Skordy18
    3 Posts
    Tue, Jan 17 2023 8:46 PM

    Goals are still not acting right. I played a 9 hole Ready Go tournament for one and it wasn't showing that complete or counting towards the play 18 holes. Close the app, come back in and it showed 3 holes played for the 18 hole goal, but nothing for the Ready Go. I noticed the countdown timer on the goals screen was not changing at all. Close the app again, came back about 45 minutes later and now the Ready Go shows completed and 9 holes towards the 18 hole goal, along with the 3 dings. The countdown timer is still off. It's still not ticking off seconds like normal.

  • Blue588
    273 Posts
    Fri, Jan 20 2023 4:23 AM


    ”Complete 48 rounds in a single CC Clash event”…
