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Goal & Achievements

Sun, Mar 3 2024 2:57 PM (580 replies)
  • callaghan159
    6,263 Posts
    Wed, Dec 14 2022 2:30 PM

    Im sure Nico will fix it for you,

    When time expired on the "enter showdown" award, the button stayed active so I did get the stars. Not sure if Nico fixed it or if it was in the orginal programming for the button to stay active. Cheers


  • Blue588
    273 Posts
    Thu, Jan 5 2023 10:40 PM

    20 consecutive win streak in coin rooms is impossible if it doesn’t count players who forfeit or disconnect as a win. I don’t know whether tie-break shots are still ignored as a win, I haven’t checked.

    Talking about players who disconnect, I’ve noticed even worse: some have the ability to freeze the game and force you to quit the app… then the game doesn’t reload, it’s lost.

    Just encountered one of these scumbags, Raymond3355, mentioning him here since his wall is full of other players reminding him his unsportsmanlike tactics.

    I just beat him in Shanghai coin room while working on the 20-win Achievement, and I want that win and even the earnings, please.


  • Yiannis1970
    3,277 Posts
    Fri, Jan 6 2023 11:49 AM

    He has 32 ranked rounds in almost 3 years and he's a legend!!!


    C' mon now Blue, have more respect for the great players!!

  • bossbird
    2,209 Posts
    Fri, Jan 6 2023 2:09 PM

    I would suggest you write on the wall of the owner of his club , that might have more impact on the player than just adding another comment on his wall .

  • Blue588
    273 Posts
    Fri, Jan 6 2023 5:57 PM

    I sent him a friend request so I could do it privately, but he hasn’t responded.

    The comments on the player’s wall are valuable however, as they confirm the pattern.

    I’ve encountered a number of players that exploit this glitch, I’m sure that WGT has the ability to document how they do it in the backend and deal with these scumbags. Just ban them from multiplayer games for a period of time, permanently if they persist.

    Aside from that, the lack of sportsmanship and just basic manners in the rooms is sad. It’s plain sad. It shouldn’t have to be this way.

  • AlaskanDame
    19,274 Posts
    Fri, Jan 6 2023 7:00 PM

    Hiya, Nico -

    I have noticed in both of the last 2 showdowns, when I had a goal of “play 18 holes in coin rooms,” that when I have finished Rd 2 or 3 (which are 18 holes), that I only get credit for 17.  There were no forfeits or gimmes or tiebreakers involved, so it must be a programming glitch. I easily hit around it, of course, by playing a 19th hole (instead of drinking at it), but it really ought to be fixed.

    Thanks for listening.


  • Blue588
    273 Posts
    Fri, Jan 6 2023 10:22 PM


    He has 32 ranked rounds in almost 3 years and he's a legend!!!

    Good pick, I didn’t even look… these people only come here to cause harm, WGT should block them from multiplayer games.

    Still working on my 20 game win Achievement at Shanghai, I encounter another one of these cheats. This one freezes the game while it’s your turn, you wait and wait while the game is loading and you get a message saying your turn timed-out.

    You always know when you’re playing someone who is injecting code because of the extended loading times before turns. As soon as the objects render and you’re left there waiting for a couple of minutes for the game to load, you know you’re in for a bad experience.

    These parasites overdo it, too, they like to disconnect and reconnect several times, they take 40 seconds to push-in a one-foot put… they’re just here to cause harm.

    I’m done.

  • callaghan159
    6,263 Posts
    Sat, Jan 7 2023 4:11 AM

    I didnt get my 20,000 coins for reaching 120 starts.


  • AlaskanDame
    19,274 Posts
    Sat, Jan 7 2023 10:56 AM


    I would suggest you write on the wall of the owner of his club , that might have more impact on the player than just adding another comment on his wall .

    Did that.  Taken care of.  He got kicked out immediately.