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Wed, Feb 5 2025 5:09 PM (1,218 replies)
  • pmm711
    5,782 Posts
    Wed, Dec 13 2023 12:52 PM

    I am more excited about how intelligent I am.


  • HamdenPro
    2,525 Posts
    Wed, Dec 13 2023 1:13 PM

    They say my IQ is around 80.  That's good isn't it?

    Put it this way HK, if 80 was a high IQ, you would not have to ask if it was good, would you?

    With all my love,


  • Zzyzx01
    1,368 Posts
    Wed, Dec 13 2023 5:18 PM

    Perhaps as we get older, one's IQ score is less important, and cognitive abilities more so. (I could insert something here re: our current president, but I think your IQ level is sufficient to read between the lines.) 

    Merry Christmas, HK.  May the Lord above give you and your wife blessings of good health and a long time together.


  • HenryKawa
    1,725 Posts
    Fri, Dec 15 2023 10:51 PM

    LOL.  I hope I made some of you laugh.  Believe it or not, most of my last message was true.  

    Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.  Or to be politically correct - Happy Holidays.

    Love you all,

    Slava Ukraini


  • gonfission
    2,264 Posts
    Sat, Dec 16 2023 9:02 AM

    Hey Henry

    My laptop caught on fire a week ago. You need to text me, Henry. I won't answer a number I don't recognize, with all the telemarketers about means I never answer, only text, then I'll call you back. bro

    Sorry to hear of your situation. As they say what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. That's some horseshyte your parents taught you. It actually torments you for a lifetime. We can't have that, so, we make up some other shyte to cover for the fact we don't know how to handle crisis.

    I'm sure your time as "top cop" up there prepared you for it. Good on you. 

    I do hope you had some "s'mores" & hot chocko to watch the comedy of errors...

    Just a guess about the butane torch. Going to go out on a limb here>>>

    Tennant smokes the weed-o, prolly uses extracts. Light it up with a torch & insert a dab. 

    Bong fell over. torch hit the floor, the carpet lit the curtains, the rest as we say, was history. Much like your apartment

    "Oh Henry" There is something familiar about that <<<

    Insure your homes with "re-build" rider. Also take pictures of your interior with all your millions of dollars' worth of junk, er , ah stuff, I mean

    You overpaid by 7 grand on the demo dude. Unless they took a full 8-foot foundation out of the ground as well. Dumping fees for concrete are horrendous. Then they crush it, then sell it back to us. Wonderful...

    Ordered a new custom HP laptop from Mexico. No touch screen, NO CLOUD!!

    Cloud is like "Life Lock" to me. Give us all your personal info & we PROMISE to keep it safe. They have had 3 huge data losses to date. The "up to a million dollars" is no longer offered either. I wonder why.

    If you have not heard about this, consider this. A close friends wife took a job at City Bank. She handles corporate accounts no less than 50 million dollars. Talking with her about losses over a years' time.

    She admitted that they lose about 3 billion a year in bad loans. Trump comes to mind.

    I digress, if that is their loss prevention methods they admit to, I wonder what the real non-disclosed figure is. You didn't hear it here 

    They say my IQ is around 80

    WOW! That's impressive Henry. Add a buck twenty to that & you'll be in my neighborhood.

    Seeing as you are ten points above being a "Ta Ta" (clinical term) you have nothing to worry about. In fact, I am waiting for you to explain why you couldn't crack the "zodiac" code so many years ago. I know you can do it Henry...

    Text me, we'll talk.

    Good to hear your wife is better, bro

    Rock on


  • HenryKawa
    1,725 Posts
    Mon, Dec 18 2023 3:02 PM

    Thank you Joe for the message.  Your right - 37 years on the force made me stronger.  As far as my wife, she has ups and downs emotionally, but physically the cancer is on hold for now and hasn't popped up anywhere else right now.  When you have stage 4 that spread (even though its stopped spreading for now), its basically a waiting game.

    As far as how the fire started... I think you hit the nail on the head.   All I was told was the hand held butane torch caught personal items on fire.  I still don't know how the lady was unable to escape from the house.  I'm thinking she was completely 'out of it'.   

    Computer ordered from Mexico?  Did you go through Amazon?  Maybe I can order one from Mexico.    Just bought a MacBook for my wife for 2100.00 CANADIAN.  I just want a cheapy for myself... windows (no Mac for me).

    My IQ?  Yeah 80 is "ta ta".  You picked up on that, where most people have no idea that 80 is no good.   I don't know what mine is, but people say I am pretty smart.   When I applied for the Commander of the Covid Enforcement Team, I wrote a general knowledge test and they said I was in the top 92 percentile, so I have no idea what that means.

    Enough bragging about myself.  Its good to talk with you Joe.  I still like coming back here from time to time to see who is around.  I message Paul PDB1 every so often just to see how he is doing.  And there are a few others I am close with and message occasionally.   

    Talk to you again soon.

    Henry K.

  • craigswan
    32,192 Posts
    Mon, Dec 18 2023 6:01 PM
    I got my laptop in the best deals sale last year . No problems so far .
  • gonfission
    2,264 Posts
    Mon, Dec 18 2023 6:48 PM

    HP is in Mexico now, been there almost forever

    I am very suspicious of all these entities that SAY they will give you FREE storage, OFF of your personal computer and ON their servers. What's stopping them from doing what the NSA is doing already.

    Sounds duplicitous to me. If you're not satisfied with one company doing you dirty, hey, why not double down? 

    The American way

    Anyway, I did not like the touch screen on the last one. Never touched it ever.

    Tried two Lenovo's, nice but not HP

    I am bias, yes. Pluss, you can order any set up you want. Good peeps down there

    completely 'out of it'.   

    You're so kind Henry, the rest of the world calls it stoned, blitzed 

    Can't get rid of the bullet points. Woops, what did I do? 

    IQ is simply age, life's experiences, cognitive abilities, and being able to solve any given task to its fruition. 

    They say that we are ALL born with infinite knowledge. Your surroundings will determine your quotient.  A concert pianist will more likely than not, bring their offspring into the music world. Which in turn could create a mathematician, as they are very close in composition and compellation

    Numbers on numbers, notes on notes.

    If you grow up in Harlem, your choices as a child being "out there" are very limited indeed.

    Everything is tied together, essentially. Einstein's stuff

    So, everyone out there is having some sort of crisis in their lives. It is of the utmost importance that we remember that and treat each other with kindness.

    Not just for the season, a real attempt to smile at strangers. It's perhaps the only FREE thing we have in life. Try it, see what happens.

    A JOKE >  With all life's difficulties now and almost everyone on meds, I wanna know who's "ra w dog ging" society at this point?

    Happy Holidays to all 

    By the way, how is Paul & his wife & daughter doing. I may (HAH) have had a chortle or hundreds, at his expense. It does not mean I dislike the guy...

  • gonfission
    2,264 Posts
    Mon, Dec 18 2023 6:51 PM

    What brand?


  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Mon, Dec 18 2023 7:06 PM

    Best of the holidays to all...even you, Henry..:)
