Wish your wife all the best from me too Henry . Real life is more important .
Met an old workmate at the weekend and he never goes out without an oxygen bottle on his back .
Pneumonia .
Health is everything .
Yes that's true Craig. I am fortunate enough to be in pretty good shape. I don't really do anything special. I am fairly active because I can't just sit for extended periods of time. I have to be doing something most of the time. I think if a person is moderately active you will be okay. DO NOT - I repeat do not go overboard with the exercise. Its not healthy. Everything in moderation I always say. I know body builders whose muscles are so strong, it restricts blood flow (big problem). I know people who say drinking water is healthy so drink a gallon of water a day, now are on pills for low "this and that" because they drank too much water. I know people who run 8 miles a day, so now need hip and knee replacements. So bottom line: being too healthy is NOT HEALTHY. People who are thin as recommended by your physician, is not healthy. They eat so little their body lacks things your body needs. I over eat so eventually my body gets what ever it needs from real food - not vitamins (which are no good for you). I am slightly overweight, but that is WAY WAY better than being underweight and lacking minerals that you need. By overweight, I mean if I lost 15 pounds I would be perfect. The perfect man in his 60's. lol. Above is about your physical health. What about your mental health? That is a whole other problem. Its relatively easy to work on and fix your body. Your mind is a little harder to fix. Different things work for different people. Its a matter of finding what works for you. Mind over matter, concentration, meditation, relaxation, bonding, brain activity, physical activity, hobbies, coffee's with friends, doing something new everyday, fun with food. Those are some things that "I" do - for brain health.