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Mon, Apr 29 2024 8:55 PM (1,175 replies)
  • PureGro1
    1,656 Posts
    Wed, Mar 30 2022 8:03 AM

  • HamdenPro
    2,458 Posts
    Wed, Mar 30 2022 9:28 AM

    Across America, we have animal crossings....Deer, Moose, Cows, all kinds, including children, other countries, I am sure, have the same. In this one, you may have to stop and watch for the Elephants!!!

    I love this clip. It seems, at the very end, the Bull stops, lifts his trunk, and a nod, to say "ta mate..."

    EDIT: If, for some reason, the clip does not play, just click on it and it will open in a separate window and play.

  • ScottHope
    10,277 Posts
    Wed, Mar 30 2022 10:56 AM

    Cars have to stop, it's a trunk road!  🤣

  • HamdenPro
    2,458 Posts
    Wed, Mar 30 2022 11:12 AM

    stop, it's a trunk road!  🤣 really are Hoperman, with that keen intuition!!!

    I was just communicating with WGT HQ, over franchise rights, to all the HOPERMAN stuff that is in the works, and WGT has, of course, raised some contract issues...and some BS about Libel...

    It appears, there may be concern that you (Mr. Hope) may not be comfortable with the whole HOPERMAN concept. I mean, it is not like I put HK's head on your body, or anything (sorry HK, if your reading this, I do like you, just teasing)...anyway...I assured them that I was failry (18 1/2%) confident, that you were ok with this, but, if you don't mind....

         I, Scott Hope, a/k/a Hoperman, do hereby grant to HamdenPro, World Golf Tour, Top Golf, WGT and its employees, agents, subsidiaries, affiliates, licensees and sublicensees, as well as Peanut Labs (in case of surveys pertaining to the Hoperman Classic Comic Series), as well as Horrible Comic Groups, its employees, agents, subsidiaries, affiliates, licensees, sublicensees and franchisees, permission to publish, display and/or otherwise disseminate material(s) and/or other products licensed by HamdenPro and Horrible Comics Group, animated portrayals of myself, as in the profile picture, currently in use, by myself, as of this date, in connection with my use of an account provided me, with, and pursuant to, permissions granted to me by World Golf Tour, and Top Golf, as more fully set forth in the terms and conditions agreed to by participating in, and use of, the World Golf Tour game, currently known, and referred to as "WGT"

           I herein set my paw, this ____ day of March, 2022.



                                                                            Scott Hope 

    In other words, NICO wants to be sure, before I release the "Limited Edition #1 issue of Hoperman-Origins" that you are OK with all this. So, are you?


  • ScottHope
    10,277 Posts
    Wed, Mar 30 2022 1:03 PM

    Whilst I am not the kind of person who likes to jump up and down shouting their name from the rooftops, I am cognizant enough to see that you bring a lot of fun to the forums. Go for it HP and thank you for asking.  ; )

    Ain't signin' nuffin' tho'.

  • PureGro1
    1,656 Posts
    Wed, Mar 30 2022 1:09 PM

    Across America, we have animal crossings....Deer, Moose, Cows,

    The fact that the animals read the signs and know where to cross is what amazes me....

  • HamdenPro
    2,458 Posts
    Wed, Mar 30 2022 1:57 PM

    Whilst I am not the kind of person who likes to jump up and down shouting their name from the rooftops

    I expected no less from you....Superheros and bug fighters are always so modest.

    The fact that the animals read the signs and know where to cross is what amazes me....

    I have always thought the same thing....keeps me up at night wondering whether the animals read the signs, and know where to cross, or people put the signs up where there are known crossings.

    TBH, I believe it is the former, as I have camped out for days near moose crossing signs and never saw one cross. However, I did see one stop for a railroad crossing when the lights started blinking. Similarly, I have seen them approach the crossing signs and ignore them, actually moving some distant away and 'jay walk", they may be able to read, and be pretty smart, but in the end, they are delinquents for not obeying the law - IMHO

    EDIT: Well, if that did not give PureGro a perfect lead in for a meme, then its hopeless.

  • opyeuclid
    6,708 Posts
    Wed, Mar 30 2022 4:11 PM

    animals read the signs

    Signs ?  what Signs ?  did some one see a Sign ? 

    OPY        a tune 

    EDIT :  Signs Signs every where Signs , Blocking out the green view breaking my mind , hit this club but dont do that. 

    Now hay tier player cant you read , You have to have a puma hat and and pay a fee ,  You cant watch vids for free .   

    Signs Signs every were Signs ,   Just the ones that bug you that you cant find , but you still keep looking for the Signs .




  • DuFussMcGoo
    2,892 Posts
    Wed, Mar 30 2022 7:01 PM

    I don't know why I like this...





    I think I'm going to hell.

  • DuFussMcGoo
    2,892 Posts
    Wed, Mar 30 2022 7:03 PM

    I like this one too.




    Yup. Hell.