pdb1:You know that simply is not true . They still put in the time and the rounds to get there .
It is 100% true to those that play above the legend tier, and I mean no offence by that. This below was from another discussion about this.
As a beginner I played with only higher ranked players and these guys were TLs-TC. It was like watching a highlight reel playing with them for me.
When I ventured out into Match play I was below legend and would come across TLs-TCs and would fully expect to be beaten bloody but something funny happened and I found that only about 25% of those tiers were good at the game- the rest had the "look" but not the skill set to match and I was beating them and watching them make shots that I knew would beat themselves.
Again I was new and didn't understand why this was happening, when asking about it- I learned of red tee tourneys...and all I can say is that to me its akin to pretending to be a surgeon when your really a home health aide. I see the uniform and except you can perform surgery, but in reality your just dressing up and pretending- it don't hurt or bother me, but it does make them look silly IMO.