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Forfeiture and quitting the game

rated by 0 users
Fri, Sep 10 2021 12:33 AM (43 replies)
  • Mythanatos
    2,216 Posts
    Tue, May 4 2021 7:21 AM


    Now that’s a helluva an answer

    Might want to learn how to use the quote function, Chief.

  • YouLostToALoser
    198 Posts
    Sun, May 16 2021 11:39 AM

    I knew you were a good guy, that’s why I offered my Directorship to join our growing Club. To join, however, you don’t have to take the Directorship, it was just a ‘sweetener’ as I recognised your talent in the stats, but your wisdom and fair mindedness (as proven here) as well as knowledge that will help our relatively inexperienced club.

    Our most knowledgeable are both still Legends at L106 and L98, then I guess myself, as we are the ones who use our club forum the most, so there maybe others, but they haven’t shared it so far.

    The players are (now nobody get any ideas!) TomMorris49 & AlBundyHomer. Great players, even better teammates. There’s others, but they’re from low 60’s to mid 80’s so will be a while before they can compete at the top, due to,equipment. 

    As to equip,ent, I’m just trying to get to L97 to get the Final clubs then I’ll break out the TM48’s and Callaway 33’s à certain AnaNikolaj gifted me.

    All these people have made me rethink the top players as my fist 5-10 encounters with Legends+ as a TourPro/Master was disopointing, to,say the least. All aggressive, arrogant, not pleasant, except one...and he’s not in my friends list, so can’t compliment him, unfortunately.

    I know I’ve gone way off topic, but how do you attract the better players? We are L13, but have some players with long Daily xp’s So we’re motoring through quite quickly. L17 by end of year, but then the curve steepens quite dramatically.

    Our Owner is constantly recruiting, but 50% just end up playing for a 3-4 months then losing interest. We’ve lost a few good men, Bunker Busters being the main culprit, taken 3-4 Legends.

    What to do?

    Ps, way to go pdp, you’re what gives me the motivation to keep motoring on so I can at least have a chance against your level ASAP.

    I started Oct 5th 2020 and not missed a day. Can’t wait to play you, but pointless until I at least get my Driver at L96 beforeend of August according to my math, which has been very accurate up to now.

  • BKR1
    27 Posts
    Mon, Aug 2 2021 2:10 PM

    All good. Many reasons for quitting. But I need to understand something. When playing a normal Stroke Game (scored), and a player withdraw before the very last put on hole 9, will the played round have any effect on the players AVG Score? I mean then one could just quit all games you play bad, and finish only the good ones? 

  • Mythanatos
    2,216 Posts
    Mon, Aug 2 2021 2:30 PM


    All good. Many reasons for quitting. But I need to understand something. When playing a normal Stroke Game (scored), and a player withdraw before the very last put on hole 9, will the played round have any effect on the players AVG Score? I mean then one could just quit all games you play bad, and finish only the good ones? 

    Due to saturation there really is no reason to worry about a bad score. it doesn't affect tiering up. The worse scores get dropped off first once saturated. 

    Now some people just have to have an average that looks better than they are. 

    two thoughts: there is zero reason to rush tiering up.  what your average looks like is meaningless. Let's say your average is 55 and mine is 61 but yet i win 80% or more  of the time we play against each other.  really that's all that matters.



  • terryntx
    56 Posts
    Mon, Aug 2 2021 5:49 PM

    then go play real golf if  you want social intetaction