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Special Update: Putting Grid!

Sat, Jan 30 2021 3:01 PM (52 replies)
  • Tigerpaw509
    1,285 Posts
    Sat, Oct 10 2020 12:31 PM

    Perhaps she is referring to when pressing the mouse button the closer dots vanish and far field(near cup)are visible.All most looking at it as long ranger short ranger and I do like this feature.

    10,728 Posts
    Sat, Oct 10 2020 3:27 PM


    Perhaps she is referring to when pressing the mouse button the closer dots vanish and far field(near cup)are visible.All most looking at it as long ranger short ranger and I do like this feature.

    Exactly yes. Also i play on a 24 inch monitor with HDMI lead. Res, set on new V to 1900x1080. When you hold the aimer and move it the dots shouldnt vanish because how can you read the putts in reverse when you move the aimer and dots go#/ Whats the point of that?? Little things like that are so stupid and i cannot believe no one has picked up on it. These small details are what a large % of flash based players rely on. How can you expect people to change years of habit? Just make it the same !!

    And that aimer OMG. it covers up more squares than the flash one. Why is it so big? All you want is to see the dots not have a " BillBoard" stuck in front of you. And yes you can press " V " to remove it but the dots are then static. Just mind boggling!! 

    6,890 Posts
    Sat, Oct 10 2020 4:25 PM

    Like its been stated MANY times the  Aimer "Road Sign" is a huge issue ....I like that you can hit the Z key but then you cant move the aimer ? All of the constant clicking back and forth it cumbersome and very non user friendly?

    Simple answer....Just make it smaller? Not sure why this so difficult ?....An even better make it so we can just remove it but the ability to move the aimer and all dots are kept intact?

    Or here's a great answer... leave the Road Sign attached to the flag? So when we pull the pin the sign goes too....

  • Dharla
    316 Posts
    Sat, Oct 10 2020 4:40 PM

    Or here's a great answer... leave the Road Sign attached to the flag? So when we pull the pin the sign goes too....

    I like that idea!!! Or perhaps the distance/height info could be moved up by the wind info and just have a small arrow for putting.... anything that gets the billboard out of the way and still allows aiming the putt....

  • ElDystoped
    54 Posts
    Sun, Oct 11 2020 5:38 AM

    It is mind bending how they think that aimer is good to go. Anyone who uses reverse view for putting, wants that aimer box GONE, not smaller, not bigger, not transparent, which it is not, gone.. Now the option to hit V and make it go away is nice, now you can't aim.. sigh 

  • mrm6400
    1,813 Posts
    Sun, Oct 11 2020 6:00 AM


    Thanks for the update and all the hard work getting this improvement on the putting greens going for PCEA. 

    Great stuff and moving forward we hope the putting forgiveness will be equal to Flash for PCEA. 

    Right now we are all disappointed with missing so many short putts.  Seems to be so precise on PCEA putting that you kind of start to second guess yourself on what to do or how to aim for the break.

    Again we look forward to the new update on dot speeds and will continue with you guys until we get it right.

    Thanks again for all the effort to help us improve the game for PCEA users.


  • gerryniswonger
    1,890 Posts
    Sun, Oct 11 2020 7:42 AM

    "In your game settings you will soon have a new option."

    I can't seem to find "Settings".  Where is it?

    10,728 Posts
    Sun, Oct 11 2020 12:01 PM

    Like its been stated MANY times the  Aimer "Road Sign" is a huge issue ....I like that you can hit the Z key but then you cant move the aimer ? All of the constant clicking back and forth it cumbersome and very non user friendly?

    Simple answer....Just make it smaller? Not sure why this so difficult ?....An even better make it so we can just remove it but the ability to move the aimer and all dots are kept intact?

    Or here's a great answer... leave the Road Sign attached to the flag? So when we pull the pin the sign goes too....

    " Boom " In a nutshell!!!!!!!!
    10,728 Posts
    Sun, Oct 11 2020 12:02 PM

    It is mind bending how they think that aimer is good to go. Anyone who uses reverse view for putting, wants that aimer box GONE, not smaller, not bigger, not transparent, which it is not, gone.. Now the option to hit V and make it go away is nice, now you can't aim.. sigh 

    Good point. This is the main issue " Reverse View " The front view is fine but in reverse the aimer is magnified
    10,728 Posts
    Sun, Oct 11 2020 12:03 PM
    Also does anyone have green dots that shake and wobble a little?. It,s very similar to playing in low grahpic settings on flash version.