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Special Update: Putting Grid!

Sat, Jan 30 2021 3:01 PM (52 replies)
  • Miantiao
    401 Posts
    Sat, Oct 10 2020 12:48 AM

    Is it not possible to make that " Highway Sign" i mean putting grid aimer transparent  ? You are obviously not going to make it smaller or higher so would that option be possible? A putting aimer that blocks the dots is amazing.


    Yes, very handy to have a 'Billboard' blocking your line when going to putt. I mean, who cares about line anyway. I'm only astonished no other business interests have have yet to take advantage of prime advertising space. 


    Oh look Mum, I can putt blindfolded!

    Also, the wind indicator needs enlarging. It is barely readable as it is now. 

  • carlosdev
    2,568 Posts
    Sat, Oct 10 2020 2:01 AM


    Does this mean we will get the "accurate dot movements in Pitch/Chip" like in flash?


    - Carl 

  • borntobesting
    9,759 Posts
    Sat, Oct 10 2020 4:16 AM




    This is great news, Champ. It really is!

    One question though. Are you implementing this on the mobile version as well?

    The answer is tricky, but I'll say "not yet". If the feedback is super strong from the PC community it's likely we will speed it up. 


    Hi Champ

    Is it not possible to make that " Highway Sign" i mean putting grid aimer transparent  ? You are obviously not going to make it smaller or higher so would that option be possible? A putting aimer that blocks the dots is amazing.

    Tess once you line up your putt tap the v key on your keyboard and the aimer disappears. They added that in the last PCEA update.

  • garyk49
    2,333 Posts
    Sat, Oct 10 2020 4:53 AM


    Hi Champ

    Is it not possible to make that " Highway Sign" i mean putting grid aimer transparent  ? You are obviously not going to make it smaller or higher so would that option be possible? A putting aimer that blocks the dots is amazing.

    Unsure why you can't, but I can see the dots moving through the aimer on my computer.  It's not transparent like clear, but I can see the dots moving through the blue.

  • Tigerpaw509
    1,285 Posts
    Sat, Oct 10 2020 7:31 AM

    Hey Champ the Big question is will Mobile players be able to play with the Early Access once flash is gone ?

    As far as the dots I hadn't notice much difference since moving over to Early Access 4 months ago.

    10,728 Posts
    Sat, Oct 10 2020 10:45 AM

    10,728 Posts
    Sat, Oct 10 2020 10:47 AM

    10,728 Posts
    Sat, Oct 10 2020 10:48 AM

    These are 2 putts, one from flash one from New version. On both greens i have held down mouse on aimer to move it. 

    point no.1  The dots have vanished on new version

    Point no.2  Look how proportionate the Aimer is the the grid  squares. Its way to big on ner version and this is why i cannot spend time on it. And it isn,t transparent lol.]

    Simply make it smaller lol.Or make the camera view higher so you see over it. On long putts its worse, you have to move aimer right out the way to see dots, then when you try and read the putt you move aimer and dots vanish. Why is this so much harder than flash version?

  • TdotDoba
    2,276 Posts
    Sat, Oct 10 2020 11:03 AM


    In addition to dot speed, the "Classic" putting grid brings back the lock/unlock grid feature. 

    Okay Champ, that sounds great. When can I use it? 

    We're so excited that we're releasing Putting Grid Classic mode NEXT WEEK! 

    Get hype,


    Great news Champion and thanks for all the hard work from the WGT team

  • Rifle57
    71 Posts
    Sat, Oct 10 2020 11:28 AM


    Maybe your resolution is set too low. Try it at 1920X1080, or at the highest 1920X1200. Maybe older monitor? The dots can clearly be seen when moving aimer, and also aimer is slightly transparent so you can see the dots moving through it. I agree it is a bit low though, but hit the V button on keyboard, and aimer will disappear, to give you better vision of putt.