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Special Update: Putting Grid!

Sat, Jan 30 2021 3:01 PM (52 replies)
  • WGTChampion
    1,917 Posts
    Fri, Oct 9 2020 2:36 PM

    Hi everyone, 

    One of the main pieces of feedback from players is that the putting is different on Flash and PCEA, because the dots on the putting grid move at different speeds. Based on this feedback, we've created a second Putting Grid option for you to choose from.

    In your game settings you will soon have a new option for "Putting Grid" where you can choose between "Standard" or "Classic" mode. Choosing the Classic setting will be much closer to what you experienced on Flash. 

    But Champ, why did you say "closer?"

    I'm so glad you asked. 

    To develop this feature, we pulled the exact specs from the code of WGT on Flash (originally designed over a decade ago). What we learned is that the dots on the Flash putting grid may appear faster or slower based on each player's computer. WGT aims for 60 frames per second (fps), but if a player's computer is unable to run the game at that speed the putting dots will be slower. 

    When you use the new mode in PCEA it will use the 60fps target like it was originally designed to, and because of this, some of you may find the dots to be slightly faster than you're used to. 

    In addition to dot speed, the "Classic" putting grid brings back the lock/unlock grid feature. 

    Okay Champ, that sounds great. When can I use it? 

    We're so excited that we're releasing Putting Grid Classic mode NEXT WEEK! 

    Get hype,


  • JenMDAZo
    391 Posts
    Fri, Oct 9 2020 2:46 PM

    WGT has changed the profile pic in order for me to send a message to you, which I wanted to do after your friend invite......Do you know if something has changed??   Where my friends used to be now has a sentence that says "friend list are available in the game's friends menu"???   I click it and I go to the screen that is for playing a game and try to click on my friends name and NOTHING ....\



  • genorb
    1,255 Posts
    Fri, Oct 9 2020 4:06 PM


    we're releasing Putting Grid Classic mode NEXT WEEK! 

    Very nice!

  • garyk49
    2,333 Posts
    Fri, Oct 9 2020 4:06 PM


    Where my friends used to be now has a sentence that says "friend list are available in the game's friends menu"???   I click it and I go to the screen that is for playing a game and try to click on my friends name and NOTHING ....\



      I am going to assume you are talking about the flash version.  You have never been able to just click on the name.  When you bring the mouse cursor to the name it opens a small pop out window, move the cursor to the window and then down to full profile, click on that.  It will take you to that persons profile page.  If you are still using a browser that requires you to activate flash, that happens every time you change pages,

    Sometimes you may need to move to a different name and back to the one you actually wanted, it doesn't always open the pop out window.


  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,693 Posts
    Fri, Oct 9 2020 4:14 PM

    This is great news, Champ. It really is!

    One question though. Are you implementing this on the mobile version as well?

  • WGTChampion
    1,917 Posts
    Fri, Oct 9 2020 4:39 PM


    This is great news, Champ. It really is!

    One question though. Are you implementing this on the mobile version as well?

    The answer is tricky, but I'll say "not yet". If the feedback is super strong from the PC community it's likely we will speed it up. 


    10,728 Posts
    Fri, Oct 9 2020 6:28 PM



    This is great news, Champ. It really is!

    One question though. Are you implementing this on the mobile version as well?

    The answer is tricky, but I'll say "not yet". If the feedback is super strong from the PC community it's likely we will speed it up. 


    Hi Champ

    Is it not possible to make that " Highway Sign" i mean putting grid aimer transparent  ? You are obviously not going to make it smaller or higher so would that option be possible? A putting aimer that blocks the dots is amazing.

  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,693 Posts
    Fri, Oct 9 2020 6:53 PM



    This is great news, Champ. It really is!

    One question though. Are you implementing this on the mobile version as well?

    The answer is tricky, but I'll say "not yet". If the feedback is super strong from the PC community it's likely we will speed it up. 


    Thanks for the reply, Champ.

    I see. Just to make sure, what I meant by that was to HAVE OPTIONS : the original mobile dot speed and the new PC-flash-like dot speed. NOT just speeding up the current dot speed. This way, even if something gets royally f***ed up by the new one, it won't create a massive chaos.

    Keep up the good work, guys. Really looking forward to it! Thanks.

    309 Posts
    Fri, Oct 9 2020 8:24 PM


    We're so excited that we're releasing Putting Grid Classic mode NEXT WEEK! 

    Get hype,


    sweeeeeeeeet is all I can say ...



  • TheSpark4
    42 Posts
    Fri, Oct 9 2020 9:36 PM




    This is great news, Champ. It really is!

    One question though. Are you implementing this on the mobile version as well?

    The answer is tricky, but I'll say "not yet". If the feedback is super strong from the PC community it's likely we will speed it up. 


    Thanks for the reply, Champ.

    I see. Just to make sure, what I meant by that was to HAVE OPTIONS : the original mobile dot speed and the new PC-flash-like dot speed. NOT just speeding up the current dot speed. This way, even if something gets royally f***ed up by the new one, it won't create a massive chaos.

    Keep up the good work, guys. Really looking forward to it! Thanks.

    +1 to this big time, well said Simon. 

    By all means WGT, do all you can to placate the Flash crowd and help them adjust as seamlessly as possible to the PCEA. Seems like a very sensible and positive improvement for many this. 

    BUT, for goodness sake, please don’t mess with the mobile gameplay in turn.
    No-one complains about dot speeds or putting in general. It’s difficult and hard to master but an art in itself and the most enjoyable (and challenging) part of the game. 

    Make options available to those transitioning over but leave the mobile gameplay exactly as it is please.