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rated by 0 users
Sun, Jan 22 2023 11:11 AM (34 replies)
  • Fartman56
    65 Posts
    Sun, Jul 5 2020 1:18 PM

    I just want to know what thrill WGT gets out of *** me? The winds are 2 to 3 times more in the air. But to have a full 180 club on a 157 yard shot into a 12mph wind should never come up 30 yards short. So once again what thrill does WGT get out of *** me. You need to fix this wind *** you got going on. You have already lost 90% of your players, are you looking to lose the last 10%. And I have never been golfing where the winds are always strong, but here they are always strong. Do you not want a realistic game. And to all of you that want to put in a smart ass comment here I say *** you and everybody like you.

  • Robert1893
    7,700 Posts
    Sun, Jul 5 2020 3:05 PM

    @man of the fart

    How would you feel if I decided to go with a "dumb ass" comment? 

    Just curious. 

  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,576 Posts
    Sun, Jul 5 2020 3:13 PM

    Here are a few classics . And some not .

    Wow, that's quite a collection right there. I guess I won't be bored for a while. LOL