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Is this game fixed

Thu, Apr 11 2024 2:30 AM (113 replies)
  • BrianCheese
    45 Posts
    Wed, Mar 10 2021 6:04 AM

    I have been playing the game now for getting on for 9 years. This account I post under was as a result of losing everything when I changed PCs and using FB as the platform to play through. WGT wouldn't - for some reason - allow me to link my original account to FB so I had to start another. They resolved this issue when the platform changed, but it was as the new account and none of the old account was taken into account. If you have a problem with this, because you seem to have a problem with most things I write, I'd be happy to show you an audit trail of emails I had with WGT prior to creating the BrianCheese account. But, don't let me stop you from being Dr A Hole, eh?

    My argument, which has been consistent, regardless of peoples' lack of understanding of basic English language is now - I still believe the game is fixed, but in a way that either forces you to spend money or makes you accept that where you are is where you are going to be without the finances to 'improve' your game by improving your clubs.

    As someone ages ago on this thread mentioned, I'm doing ok considering I had just one premium club; well through surveys, etc, I have managed to upgrade 3 clubs and subsequently have quickly gone from Tour Pro to Master and closing in on Tour Master. I have even managed to place in a couple of tournaments; my game has improved through spending money more so than practice.

    I also pointed out elsewhere that as a (former) 4 handicap golfer who played with a makeshift set of clubs cobbled together, a person is able to attain a certain level of play - a 4 handicap in my case - through knowing your clubs and this aspect is removed from WGT to a certain extent because the model of the game is for them to make money. Let's be clear on something, which Wupta failed to understand - I'm no longer complaining about the game being fixed to this extent, I have accepted it and will enjoy WGT through gritted teeth at times because it allows me to play golf, something I can no longer do in real life - it is, AFAIK, the only game in town and with my limited time and resources I will build my clubs up and hopefully continue to improve, to make my enjoyment less frustrating.

    What I fail to understand is the elitist attitude of certain people, yourself included, who feel they have the moral right to be mean and discourteous to people who maybe aren't in the know as much as you, or, more importantly, making snide comments about something you don't have the full knowledge about - people in this case. it paints a rather unfortunate picture of the kind of person you might be. 

    Thanks to El3n1 for at least understanding the motives behind my original post and for defending me while others found it gleeful to be horrible; some of you could learn a thing or two from him, not that you'd be inclined to though.

  • BrianCheese
    45 Posts
    Wed, Mar 10 2021 6:07 AM


    Venting is one thing. Have no problem with that.

    Posting stupid stuff? That deserves to be ridiculed. That''s especially so since some of the stuff he posts leads one to believe he might have multiple accounts. 

    And yes, I ridicule leaders who say stupid stuff as well. 

    I also have a big problem with your presumptive posts and accusations of multiple accounts; what gives you the right to presume any of this? I explained how your maths didn't add up regarding my time playing the game, but you have simply made a judgement - a wrong one - and seem to be taking an inordinate amount of pleasure from being a complete Caring Understanding Noughties Type.

    General ignorance of something is not STUPID and people explaining where you might be wrong is far more effective than simply being Dr A Hole, although looking at your commenting history, you obviously have a bit of a superiority complex; I bet you're great with the poor and disabled...

  • Robert1893
    7,731 Posts
    Wed, Mar 10 2021 9:16 AM

    Dude, just how slow is your internet connection? 

    By the way, it's not actually a complex. 😉

    I guess I'll see you back here in about a year. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas season and Happy New Year. 

  • Greynurse0
    39 Posts
    Wed, Mar 10 2021 7:59 PM

    I couldn't agree more, BrianCheese. Unfortunately, WGT has fallen in with the worst things that have destroyed gaming today. In this case it is the construction of the game to "reward" you by parting with your money. No spend, no reward. And the cost of items is, let's face it, for the cashed up working class who love on line golf. 
    I'm a level 91 tour pro with an average of 67.8. I've 4 credits to my account after I bought 20$Aus worth of credits to buy a 240yard driver and a set of Ben Hogan irons. That was it. My pension won't allow me any more "luxuries". I'm fortunate to be able to, on occasion, tp beat players ranked above me. Heck, I even beat a Champion on a 3 hole H to H. But more often than not, I'm pitted against players with 40+ yards over my driver and balls that slow down the meter and also produce good back spin. That puts me at a considerable disadvantage. I'll never be able to afford those things. I just rely on trying to memorise the best areas to aim for on fairways and greens, while hopefully hitting as straight as I can (which is not as often as I like).
    If I win a major lottery, I'll upscale everything to get my own back on those rude so and so's who cannot win graciously. Until then, I play as well as I can and dream of that day. 

  • borntobesting
    9,756 Posts
    Thu, Mar 11 2021 2:55 AM

    I have been playing the game now for getting on for 9 years. This account I post under was as a result of losing everything when I changed PCs and using FB as the platform to play through. WGT wouldn't - for some reason - allow me to link my original account to FB so I had to start another. They resolved this issue when the platform changed, but it was as the new account and none of the old account was taken into account. If you have a problem with this, because you seem to have a problem with most things I write, I'd be happy to show you an audit trail of emails I had with WGT prior to creating the BrianCheese account. But, don't let me stop you from being Dr A Hole, eh?

    You attacked Robert for suggesting that you might be a multi then virtually admit to being a multi in another post! 

  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Thu, Mar 11 2021 5:16 AM


    I have been playing the game now for getting on for 9 years. This account I post under was as a result of losing everything when I changed PCs and using FB as the platform to play through. WGT wouldn't - for some reason - allow me to link my original account to FB so I had to start another. They resolved this issue when the platform changed, but it was as the new account and none of the old account was taken into account. If you have a problem with this, because you seem to have a problem with most things I write, I'd be happy to show you an audit trail of emails I had with WGT prior to creating the BrianCheese account. But, don't let me stop you from being Dr A Hole, eh?

    You attacked Robert for suggesting that you might be a multi then virtually admit to being a multi in another post! 

    As far as I can see he did no such thing, at no point in the above description was he playing on two accounts.  WGT are happy with what he's doing why can't you let it go?  Do you want to see his emails?

  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,693 Posts
    Thu, Mar 11 2021 5:51 AM

    Now coming back to the topic the OP brought up, I believe I understand what he's trying to point out. As a matter of fact, I talked to a friend of mine the other day about something similar.

    Is the game "fixed"? Of course, it is. Rightfully so. It's business. Should you be mad and/or feel it's scandalous or unfair? Absolutely not. You don't complain when your economy-class seat isn't as comfy as a first-class one, do you?

    It's a normal thing, Brian. You pay more, you get more & better. Simple.

  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,693 Posts
    Thu, Mar 11 2021 6:19 AM

    WGT are happy with what he's doing why can't you let it go?

    Sorry for derailing, but I often hear "are" in lieu of "is" when you Brits refer to an entity. Any reason why or just the way it is in proper English?

  • Nicole161106
    281 Posts
    Thu, Mar 11 2021 7:12 AM


    WGT are happy with what he's doing why can't you let it go?

    Sorry for derailing, but I often hear "are" in lieu of "is" when you Brits refer to an entity. Any reason why or just the way it is in proper English?

    It's to do with plural and singular, e.g.-

    Simon is posting on this topic

    Simon and Dodgy are posting on this topic


  • Robert1893
    7,731 Posts
    Thu, Mar 11 2021 7:17 AM

    As far as I can see he did no such thing, at no point in the above description was he playing on two accounts. 

    And also to be clear, at no point did I accuse him of having multiple accounts. What I wrote was, "some of the stuff he posts leads one to believe he might have multiple accounts."

    That's not an accusation. It's an observation. That's a distinction with a difference. Moreover, while I termed what he posted as "stupid," I never used negative terminology toward him (such as calling him an a-hole).

    OK. So, I should have used a different term than "stupid." Fair enough. I apologize for that. 

    Nevertheless, as far as "letting it go," we weren't the ones who resurrected a dead thread. We had "let it go."