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Scoring 52 is not a realistic score.

Wed, May 22 2024 5:55 AM (134 replies)
  • skbob
    3 Posts
    Tue, Dec 17 2019 5:01 AM

    Hi there,

    playing the Etour on Wolf creek. At this moment the leader scored a 52..... how in the H*l is that possible. All scores below 65 must be cheats. Never in your life you are able to shoot 52 with 35mph wind and tour speed greens. Please do something about that.

  • lonniescott711
    4,204 Posts
    Tue, Dec 17 2019 5:54 AM


    Hi there,

    playing the Etour on Wolf creek. At this moment the leader scored a 52..... how in the H*l is that possible. All scores below 65 must be cheats. Never in your life you are able to shoot 52 with 35mph wind and tour speed greens. Please do something about that.

    How would you know whats possible since you dont play ? You have a 10 year old account but are only L39 Pro . They are playing with the top clubs and gear in the game and you are still playing with starter clubs . Also they play every day multiple games a day and you dont play at all .

    Now at the same time some may be cheats some may be company employees or bots and others bonafide players who really do play that good . One thing is for sure though you will never come close to being that good if you dont practice and play .

    Dont worry about the cheats just play and have fun . At your tier and level you never had a chance anyway .


  • el3n1
    4,502 Posts
    Tue, Dec 17 2019 7:38 AM

    At this moment the leader scored a 52..... how in the H*l is that possible.

    In part because he is using SOTW clubs... otherwise scoring would be 4 to 5 strokes lower on WC where good winds and eagle putts are plentiful.  I believe 47 is the course record.  

    Watch some youtube videos... i recently saw a 22 on the back 9 i believe and hardly anything less than 10 under on the back 9 makes the top 10 in a ready go.

    When you add in unlimited entry for the etour and a hi end ball that can control the landing even with SOTW... scoring is going to be low.

    Yes it does seem unrealistic but it is possible for the best players in this game.  I guess the new term for them would be - esports pro... as they are more than capable of winning money in live events.  Keep practicing and study, research, and practice some more it takes alot of work.

  • MGB01
    1,469 Posts
    Tue, Dec 17 2019 9:10 AM

    Hi there,

    playing the Etour on Wolf creek. At this moment the leader scored a 52..... how in the H*l is that possible. All scores below 65 must be cheats. Never in your life you are able to shoot 52 with 35mph wind and tour speed greens. Please do something about that.

    anything below 65 must be cheating........step back and think about what your saying.......insulting players that work on their game is simply uneducated rubbish.....
  • alosso
    21,060 Posts
    Tue, Dec 17 2019 9:21 AM

    All scores below 65 must be cheats.
    Your statement includes, consequently, that all Tour Masters, having qualified with an average of 63.00, and all higher tiers are cheats. Fortunately, there aren't any in your CC.

    O si tacuisses...

  • skbob
    3 Posts
    Tue, Dec 17 2019 9:36 AM


    as a play just for fun.... i was not aware of any fulltime WGT players. And since I just want to play....and not spend money on other clubs I play with WGT clubs. I still believe that a video game/ online game must realistic for any one to enter. For me the fun is gone knowing that guys that score 52 are playing the same tournie... 

    the reason why i do no practice is simply because i have a normal job instead of sitting on a videogame all day to earn money. With other words, i have got better things to do.

  • Robert1893
    7,713 Posts
    Tue, Dec 17 2019 9:52 AM



    as a play just for fun.... i was not aware of any fulltime WGT players. And since I just want to play....and not spend money on other clubs I play with WGT clubs. I still believe that a video game/ online game must realistic for any one to enter. For me the fun is gone knowing that guys that score 52 are playing the same tournie... 

    the reason why i do no practice is simply because i have a normal job instead of sitting on a videogame all day to earn money. With other words, i have got better things to do.

    Ah... the old deflection of"I have better things to do," which is right up there with, "I actually have a life."

    You do realize people can get quite good at something they enjoy (like an online game) and still possess a "normal job" with a "normal life," yes?

    In other words, those concepts or goals are not mutually exclusive. Everyone "wastes" time on something. For some, it's WGT, which they then become very good at.

    Instead of calling them cheats or suggesting they are not "normal," how about just (metaphorically) tipping your hat to them and saying, "Well played!"

    After all, that's what normal people should do. ðŸ˜ƒ 

  • MGB01
    1,469 Posts
    Tue, Dec 17 2019 10:34 AM



    as a play just for fun.... i was not aware of any fulltime WGT players. And since I just want to play....and not spend money on other clubs I play with WGT clubs. I still believe that a video game/ online game must realistic for any one to enter. For me the fun is gone knowing that guys that score 52 are playing the same tournie... 

    the reason why i do no practice is simply because i have a normal job instead of sitting on a videogame all day to earn money. With other words, i have got better things to do.

    Ah... the old deflection of"I have better things to do," which is right up there with, "I actually have a life."

    You do realize people can get quite good at something they enjoy (like an online game) and still possess a "normal job" with a "normal life," yes?

    In other words, those concepts or goals are not mutually exclusive. Everyone "wastes" time on something. For some, it's WGT, which they then become very good at.

    Instead of calling them cheats or suggesting they are not "normal," how about just (metaphorically) tipping your hat to them and saying, "Well played!"

    After all, that's what normal people should do. ðŸ˜ƒ 

    very well put robert...........
  • lonniescott711
    4,204 Posts
    Tue, Dec 17 2019 11:03 AM

    For me the fun is gone knowing that guys that score 52 are playing the same tournie
    Like I said in my first post you never had a chance anyway . You can try to justify your lacking at the game but your account says all that anyone needs to know . We all have a life some players are retired while others are disabled . There are others who not only have full time jobs but who have their own business`s as well .

    You dont really have better things to do if you did then you wouldnt be playing the game at all . One thing about the internet is that you can be as important as you want to be and most wont know the truth .

    Now if you in your self importance were to truly apply yourself to the game then you could be as good as the cheats . All you have to do is put your time in just like everyone else . At L39 and with only 68 ranked rounds played in 10 years no need for you to waste any more of your time . Why play a game you dont enjoy or have no intention at trying to play better ? I truly hope that you do have better things to do because you suck at this . Play well and have fun .

  • Young46
    1,298 Posts
    Tue, Dec 17 2019 12:05 PM


    Hi there,

    playing the Etour on Wolf creek. At this moment the leader scored a 52..... how in the H*l is that possible. All scores below 65 must be cheats. Never in your life you are able to shoot 52 with 35mph wind and tour speed greens. Please do something about that.

    I agree, anyone below 65 is clearly cheating!