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Players "QUITING" on me!!!

Tue, May 1 2012 8:48 PM (165 replies)
  • x1524807
    776 Posts
    Tue, Oct 4 2011 5:09 AM

    these quitting posts are a waste of time

    yes you are right, and so are the meter, sandbagging and now we have the "I am spotting 60 yds with the r11 posts" BUT   if you remove those posts, then what would we laugh at

  • Ecco2
    28 Posts
    Sun, Oct 9 2011 8:59 AM

    Maruschak, thats the reason a lot on wgt join outside ladders sites. You will always find quitters and disconnects. Its very frustrating indeed. Let me suggest a site a lot of WGT players use. . Here you will find team play and individual  play events as well along with a ladders system of ranking. Sign up for a membership (free) and check it out. If you are interested POST in the forums and you may get invited to be on a team. OR, just play single ladders events. There are 3 hole and 9 hole ladders single events as well as other events. Good Luck.

  • HDBanger
    348 Posts
    Sat, Oct 15 2011 3:01 PM

    LOL, get a life eh, internet tough guys always crack me up.. Whats YOUR address?  Silly *** eh.



    Wow. I played with 3 Masters yesterday. ALL 3 didn't play past the 3rd hole. ALL 3 Masters ended round 'during' their shot and rudley left me waiting for them to leave.

    I got news for you clowns that start a game and leave if you are not doing well?

    Don't bother entering a game with me unless you give me your address. Because incase you decide to leave because your having a bad hole or a bad round, we can get together and straighten that out face to face.

    Tier ranked are likely to finish,,,,that's so damn funny I almost fell outta my chair. There are SO many gay ass clown Masters that have mouthed rude crap on my wall because i leave on the last hole before my last put,,,TO THE GAY JOHN LENNON MOUTH THAT MOUTHED ME<<<FOR LEAVING WHEN I"M LEVEL PAR & WRITE CRAP ON MY WALL~! BITE MY ^$#%~!

    If you leave the round because the house is on fire,,or the old lady hung herself,,that's fine,,BUt if you leave and waste my time because you missed your birdy,,I'm gonna let you know how I feel,,,and it's not gonna sound too good,,sticks & stones but,,,that's the beauty of the internet,,you can run & hide play your rude crap,,,but we are gonna catch on to you clowns & let you know how we feel about your quittin *** azz.


  • navigater
    1,319 Posts
    Sat, Oct 15 2011 3:28 PM

    got to love

  • TarheelsRule
    5,599 Posts
    Sat, Oct 15 2011 3:49 PM

    Is this what they call internet bullying.

    I like the comment on his profile, basically it's okay to quit if the round would effect your average.  Why is it every okay to quit unless there is an emergency, like your heart patient just went into cardiac arrest, even then you can probably finish the nine.   


  • BubbaCrusher007
    1,567 Posts
    Sat, Oct 15 2011 5:20 PM

    I don't give a rat's diddly about internet bully/tough guy,,,where's YOUR address blah blah blah,,,freaking MEANINGLESS!!!!

    Leaving and not knockin in a 6' put on the last hole,,yeah,,can i be anymore transparant?

    You want my ADDRESS golf gaming guru bring it,,I know what i got,,bring it on. Tired of this tripe lip service crap.

    I just relied to this nice gentleman thread & agreed with his point of veiw, that clowns that quit early in the round these "Masters" can kiss my )&*^. Masters of magical disappearing act is all I've see the Masters play.

    So anyone wants to tee it up with me,,lets rock,,,i don't give a *** if you are Moe Normans clone. Master Guru Golf Einstein.

    Just when you knock it in the thick Fescue,,stay around like a man and finish the G D hole at least.

    I don't give a crap what you think of my profile or me,,,or whether I'm not this tough guy or am this idiot I DON"T GIVE A RATS PATTOOT!!

    Lets just have fun & play golf. the end. ,,And play with courtesy and integrity like Bobby Jones taught us.

    So there you have it,,,,too much Charlie Sheen in me i guess.

  • luckysump
    638 Posts
    Sun, Oct 16 2011 5:44 AM

    My my my has baby lost his rattle,

  • suncity28
    1,266 Posts
    Sun, Oct 16 2011 6:51 AM

    So anyone wants to tee it up with me,,lets rock,,,i don't give a *** if you are Moe Normans clone. Master Guru Golf Einstein.

    golf gaming guru bring it,,I know what i got,,bring it on. Tired of this tripe lip service crap.

    1000c or 2000c MPC game 

    Send me an invite , ill show :)

  • x1524807
    776 Posts
    Sun, Oct 16 2011 7:01 AM


    here are SO many gay ass clown Masters that have mouthed rude crap on my wall because i leave on the last hole before my last put,,,TO THE GAY JOHN LENNON MOUTH THAT MOUTHED ME<<<FOR LEAVING WHEN I"M LEVEL PAR & WRITE CRAP ON MY WALL~! BITE MY ^$#%~!

    you have to be very careful around here, Those of who you speak will get Icon to take you down, and then suspend you. The ruling class here is master and legend, and I guess if you spend the money they should rule. Look at the U.S. congress,