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Time for a putting overhaul

Wed, Apr 3 2019 4:00 PM (93 replies)
  • opyeuclid
    6,706 Posts
    Mon, Apr 1 2019 3:40 PM

    So the little woman walked into the room dressed kinda skimpy and asked if I wanted to F... ! / make love . told here I was busy having to much fun reading the WGT forums , She walked off and closed the bedroom door . A bit latter I found I was playing with my self , 


    EDIT :   it was the front 9 of Beth page and I shot over par .

  • DoctorLarry
    4,281 Posts
    Mon, Apr 1 2019 3:53 PM


    So the little woman walked into the room dressed kinda skimpy and asked if I wanted to F... ! / make love . told here I was busy having to much fun reading the WGT forums , She walked off and closed the bedroom door . A bit latter I found I was playing with my self , 


    EDIT :   it was the front 9 of Beth page and I shot over par .

    Well, aim high and shoot straight!

  • JasonDurham
    216 Posts
    Mon, Apr 1 2019 5:28 PM


    And yet again you single handily prove my point about posters such as your self. You need only to look in the mirror for the real problems on these forums. You and your so called buddy’s never offered any help from my first post. You and your buddy’s started with your smart butt comments about how great you are and how stupid I am. Please keep proving my point and hopefully the mods will open there eyes to the real problems in here, namely you and your buddy’s !

     If I may interject, it has been mentioned that when helpful advice has been offered, it has previously been ignored, or , refuted. I believe this may be the reason that when you bring yet another criticism of how the game plays to the forums, it generates some derisive comments.

     Even then, sifting wheat from the chaff, good advice has been offered ( try a different putter, practice, stop blaming the game, stop using such expensive balls & save your bucks for equipment upgrades as your skill level improves ).

     It has been my experience that when any player sincerely asks for help in this forum, the people you seem bent on disparaging, are some of the first to respond. Nowhere in your original post did you ask for the community's "help", thus, it was dismissed as just another "rant". I used to make a " few " of them myself, lol.

     As far as "camera angles", those are set in stone, additional ones for existing courses are not going to happen. Reverse view gives your most accurate reading for green breaks. Lip outs are mostly speed related, dial down your speed & give the ball a chance to drop. Biggest thing, have fun, it's just an effin' game.

    Doc :)

    In doing a few looks around I see both help and harassing comments from these posters.

    Im really just wanting some fixing that should have been done years ago and sometimes you have to shake the tree to get the it’s to fall.

    On a fun note 9’pages to this post and growing!! 

  • DoctorLarry
    4,281 Posts
    Mon, Apr 1 2019 7:41 PM

    On a fun note 9’pages to this post and growing!! 

    And you still have not played a ranked round since you started these whiny posts.

  • JasonDurham
    216 Posts
    Mon, Apr 1 2019 7:56 PM


    On a fun note 9’pages to this post and growing!! 

    And you still have not played a ranked round since you started these whiny posts.

    Tisk tisk doc, I’m playing coin rounds to level up for better equipment, and as everyone said practice! 

    Have a great day!

  • JasonDurham
    216 Posts
    Mon, Apr 1 2019 8:33 PM


    On a fun note 9’pages to this post and growing!! 

    And you still have not played a ranked round since you started these whiny posts.

    I played 2 front rounds just for you . 37 and 38 scores, first time playing in 15 to 21 wind effect . Shakes on putting cost me more than other shots, I’m sure it will come back!



  • thesupernova
    7,331 Posts
    Tue, Apr 2 2019 12:55 PM

    YankeeJim was being attacked from all angles here.

    Being attacked from numerous people is an act of cowardice.

    He just had enough and that is too be understood.

    But fellas enough is enough


    I posted this a few pages ago 


    A gang assault.

    Grow up guys and grow a pair


    I doubt that'll happen. See you next ignorant rant. Maybe team up with Twedlake and make a team assault.  LOL


    Discretion is the better part of valor.

    Reacting ( particularly in this manner) 

    Reduces your stature ..Taking the high ground would only highlight character

    Yet ,you feel compelled to act in kind.

    Being on such a defensive begs the question.

    Is there validity in  what is said?

    If you defuse a bomb beforehand then there is nothing to be said or done.

    No attack here but this thread has gone from WGT and putting to the usual suspects once again derailing a thread on their own egotistical behalf

    We all see this happen time and time again.

    personally I find it tedious and extremely boring.



    ♥ Allie

  • alosso
    21,045 Posts
    Tue, Apr 2 2019 11:17 PM

    I’m playing coin rounds to level up for better equipment, and as everyone said practice! 
    Might be more effective to play strokeplay for that purpose. 9 holes (20 mins) would reward you with a bonus of 90 XP (practice, ranked) or 180 XPs (tournament) plus the strokes plus awards.

  • JasonDurham
    216 Posts
    Wed, Apr 3 2019 5:28 AM


    I’m playing coin rounds to level up for better equipment, and as everyone said practice! 
    Might be more effective to play strokeplay for that purpose. 9 holes (20 mins) would reward you with a bonus of 90 XP (practice, ranked) or 180 XPs (tournament) plus the strokes plus awards.

    Im going to play a few ranked rounds a day as I also seen the xp increase.


  • Robert1893
    7,693 Posts
    Wed, Apr 3 2019 6:51 AM

    Might be more effective to play strokeplay for that purpose. 9 holes (20 mins) would reward you with a bonus of 90 XP (practice, ranked) or 180 XPs (tournament) plus the strokes plus awards.

    Not necessarily..

    On the mobile for practice rounds (as well as coin games, I believe) at the end of the round, a player can watch a short video for about 30 seconds. At the end of watching, a player can receive as many as 200 additional XPs.

    So, at times, I can play a 3-hold practice round in a couple of minutes and easily earn 250 XPs (strokes + 30 XPs for the 3 holes + video XPs).