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Time for a putting overhaul

Wed, Apr 3 2019 4:00 PM (93 replies)
  • thesupernova
    7,331 Posts
    Sun, Mar 31 2019 4:17 PM


    I chose to submit to the mood I'm in and act accordingly.

    In this case, the apparent ignorance of Twedlake  is obvious and I chose to call him out as a wannabe and total loser. LOL

      p.s., And he can take his newfound buddy in  Jason and do their dance on Main St, USA.  :-D

    Ha ha ha ha

    You sound exactly like my 6 YEAR OLD nephew.

    To hell with the rest of the wold ,he's gonna whine cry n scream in hopes of making everyone miserable


    `On a different note A worthwhile post....

    5,866 Posts

    My name is OPY and I am Reformed .

    EDIT :  The GOGF , Christmas in July , And the Andyson tourney .  Trips with Yancy and the Doc , ,,  Not that I am giving something away or Hijacking this thread .



  • craigswan
    31,175 Posts
    Mon, Apr 1 2019 4:28 AM

    oh great - another  fracas .

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Mon, Apr 1 2019 6:29 AM

    You sound exactly like my 6 YEAR OLD nephew.

    Kinda like flipping the world off, no?  :-|

  • Robert1893
    7,693 Posts
    Mon, Apr 1 2019 6:52 AM


    So, what are you suggesting? Flipping people off isn't a universal mark of maturity? ðŸ˜‰

  • thesupernova
    7,331 Posts
    Mon, Apr 1 2019 12:14 PM



    So, what are you suggesting? Flipping people off isn't a universal mark of maturity? ðŸ˜‰


    It's my silent protest  .

    Has nothing to do with derailing threads

    WHICH btw consists of the usual subjects

    Everyone knows who they are.





  • thesupernova
    7,331 Posts
    Mon, Apr 1 2019 12:35 PM



    So, what are you suggesting? Flipping people off isn't a universal mark of maturity? ðŸ˜‰

    I see you use I Pad according to your status....

    Use it once a month for cramps do ya?

    I've got a bottle of Midol for the cramps.

    No need to get cranky 

    have fun ,

    What is it with the mean spirited attitude?

    Just had to chime in didn't ya

    It it your low fiber low sodium diet? Feeling a bit bound up)

    The kids don't call anymore.?

    Can't refill your Viagra prescription?



    It always helps



  • drmoose
    3,532 Posts
    Mon, Apr 1 2019 1:37 PM

    And yet again you single handily prove my point about posters such as your self. You need only to look in the mirror for the real problems on these forums. You and your so called buddy’s never offered any help from my first post. You and your buddy’s started with your smart butt comments about how great you are and how stupid I am. Please keep proving my point and hopefully the mods will open there eyes to the real problems in here, namely you and your buddy’s !

     If I may interject, it has been mentioned that when helpful advice has been offered, it has previously been ignored, or , refuted. I believe this may be the reason that when you bring yet another criticism of how the game plays to the forums, it generates some derisive comments.

     Even then, sifting wheat from the chaff, good advice has been offered ( try a different putter, practice, stop blaming the game, stop using such expensive balls & save your bucks for equipment upgrades as your skill level improves ).

     It has been my experience that when any player sincerely asks for help in this forum, the people you seem bent on disparaging, are some of the first to respond. Nowhere in your original post did you ask for the community's "help", thus, it was dismissed as just another "rant". I used to make a " few " of them myself, lol.

     As far as "camera angles", those are set in stone, additional ones for existing courses are not going to happen. Reverse view gives your most accurate reading for green breaks. Lip outs are mostly speed related, dial down your speed & give the ball a chance to drop. Biggest thing, have fun, it's just an effin' game.

    Doc :)

  • alosso
    21,045 Posts
    Mon, Apr 1 2019 2:42 PM

    Straight to the point, Doc!

    I was one of his first responders, but he never replied to me, IIRC. My conclusion of his repeated rants is even simpler* than yours:

    It's a troll - ignore if possible!

    *Germanized form of "more simple" ;)

  • Robert1893
    7,693 Posts
    Mon, Apr 1 2019 3:34 PM


    I see you use I Pad according to your status....

    Use it once a month for cramps do ya?

    I've got a bottle of Midol for the cramps.

    No need to get cranky 

    have fun ,

    What is it with the mean spirited attitude?

    Just had to chime in didn't ya

    It it your low fiber low sodium diet? Feeling a bit bound up)

    The kids don't call anymore.?

    Can't refill your Viagra prescription?



    It always helps

  • Robert1893
    7,693 Posts
    Mon, Apr 1 2019 3:39 PM

     It has been my experience that when any player sincerely asks for help in this forum, the people you seem bent on disparaging, are some of the first to respond.


    Whatever little knowledge I have, I'm always happy to pass it on. Hopefully, they find it helpful. 

    Additionally, if people ever find themselves in a situation where they can't purchase sleeves of balls they need or equipment they need, I'm always willing to help someone who is truly in need. 

    All they need to do is ask.