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Golf with Gonfission winter 2019 (actually wicked early spring 2019 lol)

Mon, May 6 2019 3:38 AM (108 replies)
  • garyk49
    2,333 Posts
    Fri, Feb 8 2019 3:25 PM


    I did a minor clean-up for readability

    Good Job, Doc.

    I wasn't that awake this morning, when I posted, to attempt.  After all, I had just read all of that.

    To the other Joe, I can only say WOW, again.  I was pretty sure I knew who you were referring to when you mentioned Johnny.


  • conveyorguy
    787 Posts
    Fri, Feb 8 2019 5:36 PM we ended up at the wrong course on the way to Mustang....don't any1 asj about the Dunkin' Donuts next to a school....
  • gonfission
    2,264 Posts
    Sat, Feb 9 2019 4:21 AM

    Well, if you want to talk semantics, there is a profound difference between taking exit 10 and 10A, when trying to find your house...

    Thus the previous statement of my surprise at you arriving home daily......

    For the record, Dunkin WAS in the school plaza...  listening the Nissan's GPS, was our downfall, instead of going with my intuition. Compromises were made. LOL


    You still da man Mike

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Sat, Feb 9 2019 1:05 PM

    LMAO Joe.....brilliant write up...

    Had you kept listening to to the Nissan's could well still be driving around trying to found the course. Mike saved the day....IMO - real men do not listen to a flawed GPS system........

    Who the hell carries a camera around these phone takes photos better than my 13 year old. $1,300 SLR (on the assumption it still works lol

    One thing I need to point out...airport baggage handlers.....

    Yes they can be I had a golf travel bag, that goes over you bag adding protection......and I would take them most places......

    Seldom I had issues.....but learned quickly....never attach the "crew" tag to it......bastids would be extra rough lol

    Sounds like a great trip.....although initially I puled out the binoculars to read it......

  • gonfission
    2,264 Posts
    Sat, Feb 9 2019 3:06 PM

    Had you kept listening to to the Nissan's could well still be driving around trying to found the course. Mike saved the day....IMO - real men do not listen to a flawed GPS system........

    I concur Alan. I am a chart man in the sky, as well as, on the water. I do not trust the GPS system at all.

    So Mikey gets the win... Move ahead 6 spaces.

    Who the hell carries a camera around these phone takes photos better than my 13 year old. $1,300 SLR (on the assumption it still works lol

    Mine was the first model Nikon put out there. $1500.00. So, your answer is, the camera still works. It's the software for downloading WE can no longer find. The local PO PO down here saw my camera new. I purchased it to take in depth pictures of some mega old Italian prints I fell into. Needed the detail it would capture.

    The coppers use it to take pics of finger prints, at crime scenes. They both outclass the phones, as good as they are now. Just did not have time to download the software before it went belly up.

    Yes they can be I had a golf travel bag, that goes over you bag adding protection......and I would take them most places......

    Well, along with the wine, women & song, came some SACK ENVY, from the BAG handlers? Everything in life is a trade off. Except for pilots. Even if they Kangaroo the damn plane down the runway upon landing, they are still herald as hero's .

    Next time , get the HEAD stewardess's leg, off the flap controls. ;-)

    Jeepers Wally, Mikey gets another, go to the head of the class. He found a hard bag on e-bay & told me to get it for $100.00 instead of the normal $375.00. If I stood it up & put it in the street, hit it with the wife's new Toyota, it would survive, with MAYBE a scratch, or two. The Toyota would crumple.

    It did go 105 MPH today, on the way into Logan. So, there's that... Mike can confirm we were doing 100, on the way to his house.

    These (hard cases) are rolling tanks essentially.

    Mike sent some more pics, & I just got home with the wife. Looks like I'm gonna be busy tomorrow


  • whooshdangit
    1,246 Posts
    Sat, Feb 9 2019 10:05 PM

    Hi Guys

    Superb write up, pass me a crispy creme please Mike


    Who the hell carries a camera around these phone takes photos better than my 13 year old. $1,300 SLR (on the assumption it still works lol

    I should, borrowed my ex's iphone to take some photos.
    Held the bloody thing the wrong way round, came back with a folder full of  "someone elsies"




  • conveyorguy
    787 Posts
    Sun, Feb 10 2019 4:32 PM

    Speaking of Johnny, has any1 seen Wiger ????

  • bubbsboy
    6,879 Posts
    Mon, Feb 11 2019 1:16 PM

    Not me

    I often have conflabs with him but not recently as i was "cutting back" on here

    Plus he doesnt love me no more 

    ( @ ) ( @ )



  • gonfission
    2,264 Posts
    Fri, Feb 22 2019 7:08 AM

    My apologies folks. I wrote up the entire trip, when I posted that mess O crap, a while ago. I have been busy.

    I would like to thank Icon for being a part of making this happen. I am free again to roam willy nilly throughout WGTland. My only hope is I fare way longer than my last excursion. 

    Thanks Icon, I'll do you proud this time...

    I walked off the job yesterday, so, I will take advantage of the day, and re-type all in here with the pics Mikey sent me. The phones been ringing all morning. They can wait until Monday.

    For some reason, he, (Mike) sent me black & white photo's. Some look like the cards mrcaddied provided for the marker give-away. Pretty cool. I will include a couple.

    The following will come in several pieces, as Wayne & I figured out there is a time limit on the posting thingamabobber. We don't know exactly how long, however, we both have been screwed out of entire posts, due to the time limit having all vanish.

    I forgot how to get the pics from my phone again, also, I forgot where I put the folder I evolved with. Guess it's back to the ooze pool for me. Wife is home in 3 hours.

    Someone has to work in this house. Amiright? She'll straighten my butt out.

    Well, after she see's the Thai chick, there'll be some straightening out for sure. LOL. I blame Mike. He left me alone on the putting green. When I am left to my own efforts, irresponsibility rears its ugly head, EVERY TIME!

    I just roll with it, to its unabashed fruitful outcome...

    Entertainment tonight, for sure...




  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Sat, Feb 23 2019 4:17 PM
    Well, I am waiting with bated breath......or is that baited a fish on the hook....

    I did get a snippet from a game with Joe......all I saw was something about a Thai woman....and explaining to the missus (will always go badly from my experience), a near strip search.......and those famous words.......what could possibly go wrong......

    Luckily, they were not in what happens in for of us all to know.....