alanti:Had you kept listening to to the Nissan's could well still be driving around trying to found the course. Mike saved the day....IMO - real men do not listen to a flawed GPS system........
I concur Alan. I am a chart man in the sky, as well as, on the water. I do not trust the GPS system at all.
So Mikey gets the win... Move ahead 6 spaces.
alanti:Who the hell carries a camera around these phone takes photos better than my 13 year old. $1,300 SLR (on the assumption it still works lol
Mine was the first model Nikon put out there. $1500.00. So, your answer is, the camera still works. It's the software for downloading WE can no longer find. The local PO PO down here saw my camera new. I purchased it to take in depth pictures of some mega old Italian prints I fell into. Needed the detail it would capture.
The coppers use it to take pics of finger prints, at crime scenes. They both outclass the phones, as good as they are now. Just did not have time to download the software before it went belly up.
alanti:Yes they can be I had a golf travel bag, that goes over you bag adding protection......and I would take them most places......
Well, along with the wine, women & song, came some SACK ENVY, from the BAG handlers? Everything in life is a trade off. Except for pilots. Even if they Kangaroo the damn plane down the runway upon landing, they are still herald as hero's .
Next time , get the HEAD stewardess's leg, off the flap controls. ;-)
Jeepers Wally, Mikey gets another, go to the head of the class. He found a hard bag on e-bay & told me to get it for $100.00 instead of the normal $375.00. If I stood it up & put it in the street, hit it with the wife's new Toyota, it would survive, with MAYBE a scratch, or two. The Toyota would crumple.
It did go 105 MPH today, on the way into Logan. So, there's that... Mike can confirm we were doing 100, on the way to his house.
These (hard cases) are rolling tanks essentially.
Mike sent some more pics, & I just got home with the wife. Looks like I'm gonna be busy tomorrow