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Golf with Gonfission winter 2019 (actually wicked early spring 2019 lol)

Mon, May 6 2019 3:38 AM (108 replies)
  • opyeuclid
    6,710 Posts
    Tue, Feb 5 2019 2:50 PM

    Are We There Yet ? .   Are We There Yet ? . Are We There Yet ? . I got to pee .. Are We There Yet ? . I want Ice Cream . Are WE there yet ? >  .


  • gonfission
    2,264 Posts
    Tue, Feb 5 2019 4:49 PM

    Opy's about to go for the ride of his life...

    Good one Opy, good one indeed

    You'll get NOTHING & LIKE IT!!  ;-)

  • mrcaddie
    2,429 Posts
    Tue, Feb 5 2019 8:17 PM

    You'll get NOTHING & LIKE IT!!

  • bubbsboy
    6,879 Posts
    Wed, Feb 6 2019 1:10 AM

    Great pics once again.......well done for evolving Joe ;-)

    Yeah Wayne, i could not stop laughing at the image (in my head) of dozens of folk backed up and raking for their balls (oooerr) whilst the next 5 holes or so were clear ;-).

    "you found a titleist mate"

    "nope, got a bridgestone here"

    "Feck it, that will do"


  • opyeuclid
    6,710 Posts
    Wed, Feb 6 2019 5:48 PM

    Opy's about to go for the ride of his life...

    After 10 years here in WGT land  I still ask the ?   Are We There Yet , Are We There Yet ! 

    Thank you to the  Friends .



  • gonfission
    2,264 Posts
    Thu, Feb 7 2019 4:14 PM

    This is turning out to be a herculean effort here. Down sizing all the pics

    I am going to have to send in multiple posts

    Finnish soon

    thanks for your patience

  • gonfission
    2,264 Posts
    Thu, Feb 7 2019 10:24 PM



    900 Posts
    Fri, Feb 8 2019 2:35 PM

    I did a minor clean-up for readability!


    Thanks to Doctor Larry, for the clean up


    Alright, here's the first installment as I have no pictures of the first day.

    I might drag this out, akin to the Game of Thrones series. I binge watched that in 70 hours after a friend told me I may have family members involved.

    She was right. Another day...

    Also, I had to prepare this in WORD. So, the formatting may be off. Don't kill the messenger!

    This is going to come in pieces as the size of one post does not allow the time on the forums it takes to down size the pictures and post, without timing out.

    Before I start; My hat is off to Mike's knowledge of the golf courses in SW Florida, if not the entire country, Mike possesses in his cranium.

    I would like to get it out there, that if any of you ever want to go on one of these golfing adventures, Mike, aka, “conveyorguy” is the man to speak to. He put a package together that was just awesome. It was a ½ dozen packages that he kept changing, to get to the unbelievable outcome we then took part of. From the courses he chose, to the accommodations, the trip was a very memorable one. I mean that in a GOOD way.

    I'll talk crap behind his back, like he is doing to me. LMAO HA HA!

    Someone should give him the clap. Wait, wait, I meant give him “A clap”

    Just don’t let him navigate. I find it enthralling that he finds his way home every day… After him arguing with the Nissan’s GPS, we spent a good amount of time doing U-turns, over and over, on the same route.


    The first day was at the course that had the driving range into the water. The only way I figure this to be a viable solution for water usage, (as it is plentiful in south west FL.) is to have a sloped concrete bottom to which all the balls are captured, then pumped up to a cleaning room. IDK. My best guess. Divers are expensive.

    We were paired up with a 70 + year old Gary, and a 32-year-old, Ryan, I think. His (Ryan) back swing could hit the ball further than my drives. Gary worked him over pretty good.

    I think Mikey mentioned how grateful we were for Gary’s presence. He was a veteran of the course. The use of undulating fairways was at its pinnacle, on Arrowhead. Water intruded on almost every fairway either from the left, or, right. Never to be seen from the tee. This is a public course.

    The fairways growth is very close to the greens down here on the Cape, on some courses. Second cut was reminiscent of a military haircut. I couldn’t have cared less. I was happy to be in South West Florida again. It’s mighty nice not to have any 2” (screw metric) rough to hack out of for a change.

    Due to unnamed circumstances, I had to leave SW FL. for more than a ten-year period. Leaving all I had accrued during my incursion, in the way back… I digress.

    I used an older DSL camera on Arrowhead the first day. It turned out inadequate, as it was 13 years old. Apparently $1500.00 bucks doesn’t last 13 years anymore. Mike took the pics that were kindly posted by Wayne.

    Gary knew all the sneaky Pete water intrusions. This course had to be managed. Nothing short of that, would put you into the Floridian Everglades. All land south of Okeechobee Lake, was once the entire Everglades…

    There were two dog legs, 1 right & 1 left that Ryan tried to sky the water to the green. Youth, if only it came in bottles. I’ll take a 30 pack. The first one to the left was a par 4. He didn’t go for the green; however, he did try to hit the entire length of the pond for a small pitch& roll.

    Alas, he was 15 yards short. All slopes are about 5 feet in height, making them very steep from fairway to the water. Anywhere within the top area, and you’re losing a ball.

    The second one, dog leg right, he hit the roof of a condo. Very reminiscing of hitting over the roof on St. Andrews. He pulled it off. The SOB… About a 15-yard pitch over a small hill guarding the green. He shot par.

    Pay no attention to the cracked roof tiles in his wake. LOL

    I think I was in normal attire for the first day. Well, normal is relative, after all. I did not want to be expelled on the first day. I miss Fort Meyers. Joanna, palms, planes, boats… Whoa there…… Drifting.

    Gary was helpful with my lifting my left foot on my backswing, as well as other observations, “I generally suck at the game”. He caught on quickly to that slice of pie. That one shot keeps us all coming back for more though. Mike outplayed me by probably 10 + strokes on the first day. His winter lessons started paying off. I was more enthralled with the scenery. We forgot the card. Of course, when I said we, I meant him.

    Jimmy cracked corn and I didn’t care……

    Putting was like being on concrete, everywhere! Difficult for me the entire time. The just “tap it in theory” was leaving me beyond the cup, and comprehension, by fathoms, at times. Had to get some seamen in the story somewhere.

    I think it was 65 – 68 degrees that day. The beer-cart chick had a hoodie, and a winter coat on. Alas, no pictures.

    Mikes knowledge of everything golf, is matched only by my disdain for such information. I learned a long time ago, play your own game. Count the score at the END of the round. Playing ketchup, is not my bag.

    Speaking of bags, Mikey had a service, “Ship Sticks” pick up our bags and ship them. After we were all done & in the Fort Meyers airport, about to leave, I asked a couple of golfers dragging their bags out of the terminal, how much to put them on the plane. $30.00 dollars was their response. I asked Mike how much we paid. $100.00 and something was all I heard. Mumbles& deaf people. Like crocodiles and everything, they just don’t go together.

    Asking Mikey why we paid so much, he retorted, “I am not letting the airport personnel handle my clubs”. I said nothing else, however envisioned a pack mule carrying our bags from the NE, to SW FL. I have a vivid imagination. It was cool thinking about it. Juan Valdez and his mule retired to SW Fl. After making millions in the coffee bean business. However, the reality of the bags being handled by the pickup service, Fed EX peeps, AND, the airport personnel, then the delivery drivers, never seemed to bother Mike. LMMFAO. Good one Mikey.

    Obla di, obla da……

    Shenanigans were everywhere to be found. The first evening, Mike wanted to eat at the hotel restaurant. That was to be the last as well… Something about $15.00 smackers a drink…... LOL. Live & learn. I don’t drink, so I don’t know. I did have 3 beers over the time period. The maid gets the rest.

    Next instalment to have pictures.





  • garyk49
    2,333 Posts
    Fri, Feb 8 2019 6:37 AM


    WOW, long winded with all the extra spacing.

    Good write up Joe, I'll bet the next one with pics will be much better.

  • gonfission
    2,264 Posts
    Fri, Feb 8 2019 8:44 AM

    I won't be using WORD

    You can bet the farm on that one

  • DoctorLarry
    4,321 Posts
    Fri, Feb 8 2019 2:35 PM

    I did a minor clean-up for readability!


    Alright, here's the first installment as I have no pictures of the first day.

    I might drag this out, akin to the Game of Thrones series. I binge watched that in 70 hours after a friend told me I may have family members involved.

    She was right. Another day...

    Also, I had to prepare this in WORD. So, the formatting may be off. Don't kill the messenger!

    This is going to come in pieces as the size of one post does not allow the time on the forums it takes to down size the pictures and post, without timing out.

    Before I start; My hat is off to Mike's knowledge of the golf courses in SW Florida, if not the entire country, Mike possesses in his cranium.

    I would like to get it out there, that if any of you ever want to go on one of these golfing adventures, Mike, aka, “conveyorguy” is the man to speak to. He put a package together that was just awesome. It was a ½ dozen packages that he kept changing, to get to the unbelievable outcome we then took part of. From the courses he chose, to the accommodations, the trip was a very memorable one. I mean that in a GOOD way.

    I'll talk crap behind his back, like he is doing to me. LMAO HA HA!

    Someone should give him the clap. Wait, wait, I meant give him “A clap”

    Just don’t let him navigate. I find it enthralling that he finds his way home every day… After him arguing with the Nissan’s GPS, we spent a good amount of time doing U-turns, over and over, on the same route.


    The first day was at the course that had the driving range into the water. The only way I figure this to be a viable solution for water usage, (as it is plentiful in south west FL.) is to have a sloped concrete bottom to which all the balls are captured, then pumped up to a cleaning room. IDK. My best guess. Divers are expensive.

    We were paired up with a 70 + year old Gary, and a 32-year-old, Ryan, I think. His (Ryan) back swing could hit the ball further than my drives. Gary worked him over pretty good.

    I think Mikey mentioned how grateful we were for Gary’s presence. He was a veteran of the course. The use of undulating fairways was at its pinnacle, on Arrowhead. Water intruded on almost every fairway either from the left, or, right. Never to be seen from the tee. This is a public course.

    The fairways growth is very close to the greens down here on the Cape, on some courses. Second cut was reminiscent of a military haircut. I couldn’t have cared less. I was happy to be in South West Florida again. It’s mighty nice not to have any 2” (screw metric) rough to hack out of for a change.

    Due to unnamed circumstances, I had to leave SW FL. for more than a ten-year period. Leaving all I had accrued during my incursion, in the way back… I digress.

    I used an older DSL camera on Arrowhead the first day. It turned out inadequate, as it was 13 years old. Apparently $1500.00 bucks doesn’t last 13 years anymore. Mike took the pics that were kindly posted by Wayne.

    Gary knew all the sneaky Pete water intrusions. This course had to be managed. Nothing short of that, would put you into the Floridian Everglades. All land south of Okeechobee Lake, was once the entire Everglades…

    There were two dog legs, 1 right & 1 left that Ryan tried to sky the water to the green. Youth, if only it came in bottles. I’ll take a 30 pack. The first one to the left was a par 4. He didn’t go for the green; however, he did try to hit the entire length of the pond for a small pitch& roll.

    Alas, he was 15 yards short. All slopes are about 5 feet in height, making them very steep from fairway to the water. Anywhere within the top area, and you’re losing a ball.

    The second one, dog leg right, he hit the roof of a condo. Very reminiscing of hitting over the roof on St. Andrews. He pulled it off. The SOB… About a 15-yard pitch over a small hill guarding the green. He shot par.

    Pay no attention to the cracked roof tiles in his wake. LOL

    I think I was in normal attire for the first day. Well, normal is relative, after all. I did not want to be expelled on the first day. I miss Fort Meyers. Joanna, palms, planes, boats… Whoa there…… Drifting.

    Gary was helpful with my lifting my left foot on my backswing, as well as other observations, “I generally suck at the game”. He caught on quickly to that slice of pie. That one shot keeps us all coming back for more though. Mike outplayed me by probably 10 + strokes on the first day. His winter lessons started paying off. I was more enthralled with the scenery. We forgot the card. Of course, when I said we, I meant him.

    Jimmy cracked corn and I didn’t care……

    Putting was like being on concrete, everywhere! Difficult for me the entire time. The just “tap it in theory” was leaving me beyond the cup, and comprehension, by fathoms, at times. Had to get some seamen in the story somewhere.

    I think it was 65 – 68 degrees that day. The beer-cart chick had a hoodie, and a winter coat on. Alas, no pictures.

    Mikes knowledge of everything golf, is matched only by my disdain for such information. I learned a long time ago, play your own game. Count the score at the END of the round. Playing ketchup, is not my bag.

    Speaking of bags, Mikey had a service, “Ship Sticks” pick up our bags and ship them. After we were all done & in the Fort Meyers airport, about to leave, I asked a couple of golfers dragging their bags out of the terminal, how much to put them on the plane. $30.00 dollars was their response. I asked Mike how much we paid. $100.00 and something was all I heard. Mumbles& deaf people. Like crocodiles and everything, they just don’t go together.

    Asking Mikey why we paid so much, he retorted, “I am not letting the airport personnel handle my clubs”. I said nothing else, however envisioned a pack mule carrying our bags from the NE, to SW FL. I have a vivid imagination. It was cool thinking about it. Juan Valdez and his mule retired to SW Fl. After making millions in the coffee bean business. However, the reality of the bags being handled by the pickup service, Fed EX peeps, AND, the airport personnel, then the delivery drivers, never seemed to bother Mike. LMMFAO. Good one Mikey.

    Obla di, obla da……

    Shenanigans were everywhere to be found. The first evening, Mike wanted to eat at the hotel restaurant. That was to be the last as well… Something about $15.00 smackers a drink…... LOL. Live & learn. I don’t drink, so I don’t know. I did have 3 beers over the time period. The maid gets the rest.

    Next instalment to have pictures.