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Improved CC play

Fri, Feb 8 2013 1:00 PM (93 replies)
  • gwoody67
    49 Posts
    Wed, Jul 20 2011 2:05 PM

    How hard is it for WGT to see that by giving CC's credits to use for CC tourneys that the creds will be spent in WGT and therefore sell more balls, clubs and the like. Seems pretty straight forward to me as a way to entice more players to play in CC tourneys. And the more players that get a chance to win credits then they in turn will spend them.

  • williamricker
    3,222 Posts
    Wed, Jul 20 2011 6:03 PM

    I also own a club and to keep it really active it seems to me that putting balls or prizes up  for tourney winners is the best way but it COSTS A SMALL FORTUNE!!!

    I will toss out a couple of ideas!

    1. An option for 2,3, or 4 round tourneys with a Cut line!

    2. An easier way to post leader boards in the CC forum!

    3. Add an option to CC's for the use of an League or Tour set up # of tourneys, scoring system, which courses, how many holes type of thing! Instead of spending endless hours chasing down scores and figuring these leagues out instead of playing golf! It takes lots of hours to have multi round tourneys and leagues to keep it all together!

    4.4ball, skins, or some type of multi player game options

    5. On tourney leader boards on WGT how about the club name of the player for club representation!

    6. Some way to help owners with the cost such as a small % of credits go to a club fund and also have an option for members to donate to the club fund to cover costs and make putting on events an easier task or have goals set for CC's such as # of rounds played could earn your club an allotment of balls or such per month or something along those lines

    7. A better homepage with more options such as posting videos of shots or gameplay something sorta like some of the social sites!

    Just a few ideas hope it adds to the thread Good Golfing and Good Luck!


  • bingoplus
    1,176 Posts
    Thu, Jul 21 2011 9:14 AM

    I am glad I found your post.  I am the owner of Seeing It Through cc  and find it frustrating.

    I offer my own credits as awards (I use a lot of printer ink and use some of the advertisers and answer surveys, or try to, constantly).  But that is my own choice and the only way I could see to offer awards other than trophies.

    I do not understand how to play against another club.  Now, I live in a state that does not allow online skill gaming (Louisiana), so maybe that option does not appear in my cc format.  

    I run my tourneys like you do, with separate awards for Hack and Amateur tier and then the rest (we only have 14 members).   It is a bit of work to keep track of the awards, who wins, who I have gifted the awards to etc. 

    How do u run a club championship? I am a novice at this cc thing, so any advice anyone can give me would be appreciated.

    I agree it is difficult to get real good participation in tournaments.  There are five or six players that really participate (I know some people don't have the time I

    It would be good if WGT let the owner put up some credits for prizes, but I wrote to them and they said it was only a way of tracking how well a club is doing.

    Playing together in a tournament is a great idea, especially in country clubs, but also in regular tourneys the site holds.  That would be a great addition to the fun of the site.

    It is good to see some folks trying to improve cc play.

  • bingoplus
    1,176 Posts
    Thu, Jul 21 2011 9:23 AM

    Shrude, whenever you post on the forum, it goes to everybody's mailbox.  Now, whether they read it or not, that's a different matter. lol  It appears as 'automated email," and right at first I thought it was spam.  But it was just my post sent to my box.

    I notified all of the members to be on the lookout for these emails, and most of them have.

    As far as the description box goes, you can put as much as you want in there.  It's like an email compose message.  That is where I put my payouts ( I provide them myself and u r right, it gets expensive) and other information about the tourney. 

    I get a lot of grief from my son, who is a member of our club, about my spelling mistakes (and those cannot be corrected after the tourney is set up).

    The forum is how I announce winners etc.

    Anyway, I am new to this and appreciate that other owners are having some of the same thoughts as I am about tournaments, playing together etc.

  • TarheelsRule
    5,508 Posts
    Thu, Jul 21 2011 1:08 PM

    There are a number of issues with CC's.  One of the most problematic is that many players like myself can't play in any of the fee based tournaments.  I would say that 90% of the tournaments that are created are fee based so we are locked out.

    Second issue is the 20% WGT rake, come on guys even Vegas only takes 10% of the losers bet.  I would suggest that they take a 5% rake on the total gross tournament purse. Many clubs are getting around this by gifting balls, clubs, etc. to the winners but that causes issue from time to time and is not the best way to do it.

    There needs to be easier ways to set up club versus club tournaments.  WGT could set up a method for allowing player versus player matches or even club knockout tournaments, set up a 32 player bracket with 16 from each club and fight it out till one is left, there are lots of things that WGT could do but none of these things are revenue generating and don't seem to be on their radar.

  • PeterHopper
    1,315 Posts
    Thu, Jul 21 2011 1:12 PM

    I also own a club and to keep it really active it seems to me that putting balls or prizes up  for tourney winners is the best way but it COSTS A SMALL FORTUNE!!!

    That's what I have started doing to entice some play. If it doesn't work, I will close mone and join another club.


    Personally, I want to be able to join a second club, thus not worry about how active mine is.

    I like the tier specific tournament idea.

  • PeterHopper
    1,315 Posts
    Thu, Jul 21 2011 1:14 PM


    There are a number of issues with CC's.  One of the most problematic is that many players like myself can't play in any of the fee based tournaments.  I would say that 90% of the tournaments that are created are fee based so we are locked out.

    Second issue is the 20% WGT rake, come on guys even Vegas only takes 10% of the losers bet.  I would suggest that they take a 5% rake on the total gross tournament purse. Many clubs are getting around this by gifting balls, clubs, etc. to the winners but that causes issue from time to time and is not the best way to do it.

    There needs to be easier ways to set up club versus club tournaments.  WGT could set up a method for allowing player versus player matches or even club knockout tournaments, set up a 32 player bracket with 16 from each club and fight it out till one is left, there are lots of things that WGT could do but none of these things are revenue generating and don't seem to be on their radar.

    Agree with the 20% rake. I have stopped setting up fee tournaments as that just throws money down the drain when only a few enter. I am gifting at the moment.

    You are more than welcome at my club chap. Should earn you a few free balls.

    5,835 Posts
    Sun, Jul 24 2011 6:35 AM


    Shrude, whenever you post on the forum, it goes to everybody's mailbox.  Now, whether they read it or not, that's a different matter. lol  It appears as 'automated email," and right at first I thought it was spam.  But it was just my post sent to my box.

    I notified all of the members to be on the lookout for these emails, and most of them have.

    Hi bingo, thanks for that, .. for clarification though...

    "Shrude, whenever you post on the forum, it goes to everybody's mailbox"

    Whenever I as a CC owner? or whenever 'you' as in anyone?

    Whenever I post?  All of my posts?  or just new threads created?


  • bingoplus
    1,176 Posts
    Sun, Jul 24 2011 9:23 AM

    Hey, shrude.

    Clarification:  When you as the owner of the club post on the forum, all of the members get it in their email inbox.  Whenever a member posts, everybody in the club, including you, gets it in their email inbox.

    Yes, all of your posts, whenever you post.



    5,835 Posts
    Sun, Jul 24 2011 9:47 PM

    Whenever a member posts, everybody in the club, including you, gets it in their email inbox.


    I wonder about this Bing..

    I have to regularly check the club forums to see if there are any new posts.


    Dunno about my own (cc owner) began or posted to threads though... I;'ll have to ask a couple of members.


    i do know , i get 2 sometimes 4 emails of the same bloody emails from WGT