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Improved CC play

Fri, Feb 8 2013 1:00 PM (93 replies)
  • nanstar
    4,914 Posts
    Mon, Sep 5 2011 7:32 PM

    It would be nice if country clubs could incorporate even just one or two of the many excellent suggestions made here during each WGT 'update'.

    CC improvements will benefit many players in the WGT community and have been overlooked too often for too long IMHO.

    You know it makes sense..


    5,835 Posts
    Mon, Sep 5 2011 7:58 PM

    You know it makes sense..


    I Know, You know.. all the people who own country clubs and their active participants know..


    But..  WGT are very slow on the uptake.

    Just a % of the Clubs 'earnings' would be the first VALUABLE step..


    let alone , mass messaging and the plethora of other options mentioned here.

  • supranoz
    310 Posts
    Mon, Sep 5 2011 8:37 PM

    Come WGT listen to the people taht are trying to help YOU  with a better game to play and more options!!!!! Where not trying to reap you off where trying to make it better for us and the new members coming on board and wanting to stay. THINK ABOUT IT

  • tezzastheman
    1,162 Posts
    Tue, Sep 6 2011 9:00 PM

    WGT Give cc's some credits to hold tornaments. next update please! 

  • williamricker
    3,222 Posts
    Thu, Sep 8 2011 4:05 AM

    another update and once again NOTTA for cc's

  • rutgernohl
    188 Posts
    Thu, Sep 8 2011 6:32 AM

    Another way to get spending money for a CC is if Wgt would take 10% of all members winnings and put it in the cc spending money.

    5,835 Posts
    Thu, Sep 8 2011 7:40 AM

    take 10% of all members winnings


    Lol, just like the Mormons?

    Just some of the club earnings would be nice..  it would motivate the owner to recruit active members, in turn active members want better clubs, WGT reap credits by having Clubs encourage pro shop spending via background marketing.


    On another note...

    we have mentioned the ability to select multiple Club Members (or friends) for a single mass message.

    WGT is already doing this via the CHALLENGE window that pops up at the end of a round. 

    Tick boxes selecting several friends for a challenge.

    Thats all we want, tick boxes next to friends/ CC Members names with options to Message or DELETE


  • axstrat
    415 Posts
    Fri, Sep 9 2011 11:46 AM

    I agree-----  recently created a thread in club forum about tier only club tourneys about upper tiers not entering lower tier tournaments-under the threat of expulsion from the club.

    since i have a number of members in my club of all tiers up to master. 

           I created a series of tournaments , all in the same week  on tier specific tournaments with advanced enviromental variables set to each tier. 

             In the hack tier only tournament, we had 10 or 15 people play  and the winner was a master.  (so much for intregrity).  not one of the players that posted the score was a hack, but  about 5 of the hack tiered members did enter and did not play. I figure due to the fact that they knew there was no use in competing agains master and and tour pros and I dont blame them.

         These lower level members wont even enter club tournaments because they know they will get shafted most likely by an upper tiered player, and I'm noticing they then start to go inactive.

       This scenario doesnt help them get to be better players nor does it profit the club if they decide to say screw it, and would think it would not profit WGT in a whole because they'd be losing potential customers.


    5,835 Posts
    Fri, Sep 9 2011 2:32 PM

    This scenario doesnt help them get to be better players nor does it profit the club if they decide to say screw it, and would think it would not profit WGT in a whole because they'd be losing potential customers.


    Well said.

  • tezzastheman
    1,162 Posts
    Thu, Sep 15 2011 6:00 AM

    So whats the go? Where are all you regulars and so called legends? Why wont you post and try to help improve cc play? Is it because you have all the best equipment, can win enough credits for balls in ready gos at will? Well thats really fkn selfish...come and help us lobby WGT!