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Fri, Nov 29 2024 5:03 PM (1,191 replies)
  • RBellerby
    511 Posts
    Mon, Jan 18 2016 1:02 PM

    I HAVE  TRIED  SEVERAL TIMES TO  sellmy spare  driver ( not   equipped ) bk to wgt with no success  please  help

  • WGTdbloshoe
    2,840 Posts
    Mon, Jan 18 2016 2:53 PM


    I HAVE  TRIED  SEVERAL TIMES TO  sellmy spare  driver ( not   equipped ) bk to wgt with no success  please  help

    Take a look at the thread below.  Gives some instructions on what possibly is going on.


    - WGTdbloshoe

  • mrshazam
    126 Posts
    Thu, Feb 4 2016 4:19 PM

    I give customer service a great big pat on the back...Seldom does a day pass,,, when I don't vent... And yes,,,even though I am a pain,,, they still take the time to answer...

    Trouble is ,,, it is always the same ole pat answer... I believe I can offer a hundred and one examples that question WGT's equation,,, abilities,,, knowledge and equipment are the factors for average results... I say not,,, it is scripted,,, your are foolish to over invest above average equipment,,, and even more foolish if you invest in money tournaments considering WGT's statements of equity...And if you dare to gamble with another individual in match play,,, I just hope you are a better cheater then they...

    Today alone,,, the bazaar,,, got even more bazaar on three separate occasions...

    I saved and submitted a six foot down hill putt today... As per my play vs. the end result that qualifies as TWILIGHT ZONE materials...

    I do hope they get back to me,,, I so want to here their explanation???

    It would be even better,,, if they posted the putt for all to see... and offer their rub of the green explanation for all to see... I mean,,, their reasonable explanation may fend off others like I,,, who say,,, arbitrary and independent results  is pure HORSE HOCKEY;;;

    Thank You,,, Mr.Shazam...




  • alosso
    21,092 Posts
    Thu, Feb 4 2016 10:38 PM

    I saved and submitted a six foot down hill putt today... As per my play vs. the end result that qualifies as TWILIGHT ZONE materials...
    It's a pity that you didn't post the replay, because they won't react on personal matters in public.

    Now, without any intention to offend you, all we can say is, "Rant over? Hope you feel better now!"

  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Fri, Feb 5 2016 1:08 PM

    It's a pity that you didn't post the replay,

    Likely it was this 6ft putt saved on his replays today.  Nothing of note, a typical boomerang lipout but unfortunately it was on PH2 and caught a down slope. .

  • johnnylaptop
    30 Posts
    Mon, Feb 8 2016 12:32 PM

    Does NO good to tell you what's wrong. You do not fix anything.

    You do not fix connections

    You do not fix yardage

    You do not fix clicking on players to see there clubs and there stats

    You do not fix swing meter

    You do not fix Blitz

    All you want is our money

    This is the worst game ever. Back in 2010 the game was 99% better. Now you have run it into the ground 

  • WilliamRNewmanJr
    4,072 Posts
    Mon, Feb 8 2016 3:14 PM


    Does NO good to tell you what's wrong. You do not fix anything.

    You do not fix connections

    You do not fix yardage

    You do not fix clicking on players to see there clubs and there stats

    You do not fix swing meter

    You do not fix Blitz

    All you want is our money

    This is the worst game ever. Back in 2010 the game was 99% better. Now you have run it into the ground 

    I have to agree with Johnny on this! I have ask and ask for them to FIX these problems, but it all falls on deaf ears! With new Owners I am HOPING for better results!



  • dragonslayer1945
    595 Posts
    Fri, Feb 12 2016 7:36 AM

    hi wgt  having trouble veiwing my saved shots  blue screen at the end  whats can i do

