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How to contact us and what to do in case of errors or bugs

Thu, Mar 14 2024 9:58 PM (1,186 replies)
  • blueshot
    1,034 Posts
    Mon, Mar 11 2024 8:43 AM

    why are we getting "game over with no winner" during alt shot is a complete waste of balls when this happens?


  • StuS18
    2 Posts
    Mon, Mar 11 2024 3:17 PM

    same thing. Unable to submit ticket due to form expired.

  • HockeyTown2g
    103 Posts
    Thu, Mar 14 2024 11:22 AM


    This past week, several of the players in my CC at The Fairway Fanatics Golf Club, are experiencing getting a " 1075 error code. Not eligible to play this tournament " Is there someone I need to contact directly to notify WGT of this bug, and nudge along a fix? 

    In talking with other CC owners and players around WGT, it seems to be happening around the timing of a game update. 

    Please advise and thank you for any input I can get to give to my members. 




    Someone please reply, fix and advise. Thank you. It's still happening this week. Who can I contact, to get this ticketed for immediate, fix?

    *** This is the 2nd week now, and no reply. The 1075 error code is still going on. PLEASE fix and advise, ASAP

    Thank you

  • SamSpayed
    4,953 Posts
    Thu, Mar 14 2024 1:26 PM

    This is the 2nd week now, and no reply. The 1075 error code is still going on. PLEASE fix and advise, ASAP

    ERROR CODE 1075

  • DB296
    291 Posts
    Thu, Mar 14 2024 9:58 PM

    Been having issues the last few days when entering a tournament. When I press the enter button the screen freezes with the spinning circle of doom doing it's thing for as long as I will let it  and until I lose my patience.  If I back out it shows me entered and says "need to play". When I try to play I get an error message. 

    I have figured out that if I close the app and reopen it will ask me if I want to continue or forfeit. At this point it works fine when I press continue. 

    I have uninstalled and reinstalled WGT 3 times today but that has not fixed the problem. 

    Tried reporting problem via help / contact us page and get form expired message.  Tried several times, shortening narration each time with same result, " form expired" .. On 7th try I simply typed "help!" ........Yep, you guessed it, " form expired" LMAO

    Checked main forum and discovered it is widespread and not just me. Whew, (wipe sweat off forehead).. My love-hate relationship with WGT continues. 

  • HockeyTown2g
    103 Posts
    Fri, Mar 15 2024 6:41 AM

    Hey SamSpayed. 

    I have seen Charlie's message to the thread, thank you. I, like many, would like a resolution, because the hard reboot answer simply isn't a fix. It's the game, not the players computer. Nico and his gang, need to get on this. 

    Bump and follow. 



  • irzy
    1,358 Posts
    Fri, Mar 15 2024 7:09 AM


    Hey SamSpayed. 

    I have seen Charlie's message to the thread, thank you. I, like many, would like a resolution, because the hard reboot answer simply isn't a fix. It's the game, not the players computer. Nico and his gang, need to get on this. 

    Bump and follow. 



    If the Proshop had this error code they would fix it in a minute