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Fri, Aug 30 2024 4:38 PM (1,188 replies)
  • dfDurbs
    1,061 Posts
    Tue, Sep 27 2011 5:22 AM

    Your just another one of us who have been stung by the WGT profit pool. I have lost more balls in the last month and missed more putts that I have made hundreds of times. It seems that moving up and spending more time on here has become a burden instead of an enjoyable venture


    Oh yea, spot on....I've been playing with WGT cheapie balls and never lost one....changed to Callaways and lost 2 in a round....did I hear the sound of a one-armed bandit being pulled????

    I suggest WGT change their name to WCT (World Casino Tour) and instead of Golf Courses, we can have casino's with Blackjack and Roulette. That way we, as paying customers, will know for sure we are gambling, and not wasting out time and money of the WGT version of golf.

    And the inconsistencies I want to cry....Green speeds change from putt to putt, not even green-to-green or course-to-course. Winds blow, but you may be hitting through the eye of a hurricane, or your ball might have touched the jet stream...who know's

    I'll put it all on RED pls

    Robbing B*S|43ds


    ( no doubt this will cost me me big style)

  • ttnhoutdrs
    7 Posts
    Sat, Oct 1 2011 6:02 PM

    I am getting frustrated with game costing me money because game freezes,i log out and log back in and it does not take me back to the it times out and i'm out 400 credits so far.Another recent problem that popped up since that happened is the game will not let me find a challenger it looks like it is trying but will taake a half hour even to find a random game.this is on the weekend so there should be plenty of challenges goin on.I did empty flash cache and internet files so am out of options to please




  • MissJT
    20 Posts
    Mon, Oct 10 2011 10:04 AM


    I rented the putter pal for 50 credits worth of putts . Since the last upgrade it is stuck on 7 putts left. Could WGT please look into this an fix my problem . I have tried to make it go away by using it up but, it won't wear out. LOL Wish I had callaways that last as long as this putter pal has .. ( in my dreams ) hahahaha ..

    Thank you so much for you attention into this matter.  It really gets in the way when I am tring to measure my distance for the different greens speeds .  Looking forward to not seeing it on my meter or the icon on my profile  page, 


  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Mon, Oct 10 2011 12:52 PM



    I rented the putter pal for 50 credits worth of putts . Since the last upgrade it is stuck on 7 putts left. Could WGT please look into this an fix my problem . I have tried to make it go away by using it up but, it won't wear out. LOL Wish I had callaways that last as long as this putter pal has .. ( in my dreams ) hahahaha ..

    Thank you so much for you attention into this matter.  It really gets in the way when I am tring to measure my distance for the different greens speeds .  Looking forward to not seeing it on my meter or the icon on my profile  page, 




    clear your cookies/temp files and see if it helps. if not, contact me on my wall and i'll escalate it.


  • normnjs
    51 Posts
    Thu, Oct 13 2011 10:36 PM

    Has anyone else have this happen to them u either get ko of game or don't know what.  But anyways when u try to re enter and get ask questions do u want to continue or forfeit and say continue and clock

    freeze won't let u back in so have to close and try again,again, again, again....... you get picture.

    Each time clock freezes it's still counting down to end.   Now some I win, some time I loose but still sucks cause I can't get back in the game.

  • club578
    567 Posts
    Fri, Oct 14 2011 1:53 PM


    Has anyone else have this happen to them u either get ko of game or don't know what.  But anyways when u try to re enter and get ask questions do u want to continue or forfeit and say continue and clock

    freeze won't let u back in so have to close and try again,again, again, again....... you get picture.

    Each time clock freezes it's still counting down to end.   Now some I win, some time I loose but still sucks cause I can't get back in the game.



    Has anyone else have this happen to them u either get ko of game or don't know what.  But anyways when u try to re enter and get ask questions do u want to continue or forfeit and say continue and clock

    freeze won't let u back in so have to close and try again,again, again, again....... you get picture.

    Each time clock freezes it's still counting down to end.   Now some I win, some time I loose but still sucks cause I can't get back in the game.


    happens all the time to me club 578

  • club578
    567 Posts
    Fri, Oct 14 2011 1:53 PM


    Has anyone else have this happen to them u either get ko of game or don't know what.  But anyways when u try to re enter and get ask questions do u want to continue or forfeit and say continue and clock

    freeze won't let u back in so have to close and try again,again, again, again....... you get picture.

    Each time clock freezes it's still counting down to end.   Now some I win, some time I loose but still sucks cause I can't get back in the game.



    Has anyone else have this happen to them u either get ko of game or don't know what.  But anyways when u try to re enter and get ask questions do u want to continue or forfeit and say continue and clock

    freeze won't let u back in so have to close and try again,again, again, again....... you get picture.

    Each time clock freezes it's still counting down to end.   Now some I win, some time I loose but still sucks cause I can't get back in the game.


    happens all the time to me club 578

  • jdawg39
    57 Posts
    Mon, Oct 17 2011 9:15 PM

     i got an eagle chip...even saved the replay on my profile page...but it never registerd in my there a way to fix that?

  • Rzbk
    376 Posts
    Fri, Oct 21 2011 1:18 PM

    Is it true that the less friends you have the less freezing of games and less meter jerk you will have?

    50% of my games freeze, usually while playing 'match'. Funny I complained about waiting for a player to reappear after leaving and now I have rejoined many match games. 

    Meter jerk is the main reason I have quit playing but a very few games daily. So tired of having to forfeit or finally quit the game because my meter stutters like a machine gun on crank....

    YES, I have done ALL the suggestions including changing browsers. And yes, I have changed computers to no avail. Yes, did the speed tests..yesyesyesyesyes

    To all the ones who never have this problem but who seem to get great delight in telling the rest of us how YOU never have this happen ....well, may the great 'jerky Gods look down upon you, think hmmmmmmmmm, maybe a little meter jerky for a jerk........

  • Zimbabwe6
    4 Posts
    Sat, Oct 22 2011 9:16 AM

    I write to inform you of an inaccuracy at St Andrews. I play the course regularly for real so kinow the place quite well. The problem is with the 2nd shot at no.14. It is normal to hit the 2nd shot down the 5th fairway. It is within the rules however when I do that on wgt it goes out of bounds when lying on the 5th fairway. That does not match with the reality.

    I look forward to your comments