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The Golf Club 2

Sat, Jul 1 2017 12:14 PM (71 replies)
  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Wed, Jun 28 2017 2:07 PM

    WGT needs competition..

    Like the last great threat to WGT's existence? Seems to me this thread is a reprise of the other one when PP was the rage. How did that work out trying to compare apples to oranges...........

    This isn't competition for WGT at all because there is none when you look at what makes WGT different from anything else-you can play it from anywhere on any machine or handheld device without buying the program to play it. Free from the start, 10+ years strong, too :-)

  • Woodoworkery
    3,498 Posts
    Wed, Jun 28 2017 2:43 PM

    Go lightly with that word FREE

    You are correct in its no comp. for WGT not at all, its just different, plus harder

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Wed, Jun 28 2017 5:32 PM

    This isn't competition for WGT

    I disagree, it is competition, as it is another golf game that could take some/many of WGT customers.

    It is not like for like, but still competition in a very lucrative golf game market.

    The comparisons at first glance for me is not enough for me to jump ship.....but I do have an open mind.

    WGT does have issues, and competition is the only way they will be addressed.

    Perhaps WGT do not think this is a viable threat, hence leaving this thread up!

    Is WGT free, well technically it can be, but not for many if you want to progress and upgrade (remember - time is also money, or an opportunity cost).

    Is it good value?.......................personally I say yes.

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Wed, Jun 28 2017 5:58 PM

    No such thing as a free lunch, not for any worthwhile anyway.

    After the excitement, of some, for the last fail I will wait to see how it pans out.  

    On the face of it balls without velcro is a plus - IF it really is robust against the obvious issue with this place that will also be a plus.  Big obvious minus is the courses you do not get to play.  And putting wise can it compete with this place?

    Wait and see basically, no great anticipation :)

  • phred952
    2,714 Posts
    Wed, Jun 28 2017 6:17 PM


    No such thing as a free lunch, not for any worthwhile anyway.

    After the excitement, of some, for the last fail I will wait to see how it pans out.  

    On the face of it balls without velcro is a plus - IF it really is robust against the obvious issue with this place that will also be a plus.  Big obvious minus is the courses you do not get to play.  And putting wise can it compete with this place?

    Wait and see basically, no great anticipation :)

    I agree, bottom line is time will tell.  I can see positive (and probably negative) things with both games.  Even if I were to purchase it (and a sys to play it) I would still be here some, as I mentioned above.


  • Young46
    1,297 Posts
    Thu, Jun 29 2017 12:18 AM

    I had high expectations for this game, unfortunately it's not nearly as good as what I had hoped. It's a much different game than WGT, some facets are better, while some are worse. Sadly (this really hurts to say), in my opinion WGT is the better game overall. If anyone is on the fence I will break down what I believe are the top pros and cons of the game:


    • Tons of courses to choose from
    • Option to purchase avatar clothing (watch, shoes, glove, shirts, pants, etc.)
    • Everyone plays the same equipment (3 tiers of clubs to choose, all are free)
    • There's a wider skill gap (putting is very difficult)
    • Ability to design courses
    • You don't have to worry about multi-accounters.  


    • Multi-player mode needs a lot of work
    • There's no real competitive events (they are hosted on an external site called
    • The green speeds have huge variances from course to course
    • The majority of the courses are fictitious
    • Would be easy to cheat by setting up some type of flat edge surface next to your mouse to enable you to hit a straight shot each time.
  • pmm711
    5,555 Posts
    Thu, Jun 29 2017 2:22 AM


    I had high expectations for this game, unfortunately it's not nearly as good as what I had hoped. It's a much different game than WGT, some facets are better, while some are worse. Sadly (this really hurts to say), in my opinion WGT is the better game overall. If anyone is on the fence I will break down what I believe are the top pros and cons of the game:


    • Tons of courses to choose from
    • Option to purchase avatar clothing (watch, shoes, glove, shirts, pants, etc.)
    • Everyone plays the same equipment (3 tiers of clubs to choose, all are free)
    • There's a wider skill gap (putting is very difficult)
    • Ability to design courses
    • You don't have to worry about multi-accounters.  


    • Multi-player mode needs a lot of work
    • There's no real competitive events (they are hosted on an external site called
    • The green speeds have huge variances from course to course
    • The majority of the courses are fictitious
    • Would be easy to cheat by setting up some type of flat edge surface next to your mouse to enable you to hit a straight shot each time.

    Thanks for the input.  Sounds like those of us who were on the fence made a wise choice not to take the plunge.

    Were the pre-release benefits of any true value?

  • 11BC2
    555 Posts
    Thu, Jun 29 2017 3:12 AM

    I feel the exact opposite.  I told you in your Twitch today I thought it was 10x better than Wgt.  There was over 100,000 courses in TGC1 and courses which were Published by the creator will have the ability to be imported to TGC2.  Seeing how Europe and some others don't even have access to the game yet I'm sure many more courses will soon be available (give em time to export them).

    TGC2 has Erin Hills, Pebble Beach, St. Andrews, and Kiawah (under Kiawah Keys).  In addition they have some top 100 courses like Augusta National, Pine Valley, Riviera, and Shadow Creek.  Any courses that aren't imported from TGC1 people can always create.  And imo, the TGC1 graphics are superior (by miles) to the game here. 

    TGC2 has a great UI which has around 25+ things to dabble with.  If you're a feel and immersion type of guy you can disable everything.  No aim marker, no UI icons on the screen, no putting grid, nothing.  Just you and the golf course.  And the Swing mechanics (there is no 2 or 3 click) in conjunction with tempo make it rewarding when you hit good shots.

    The SKILL CAP is quite high.  Unless you're playing some short, straight, slow green you will not be scoring -20 on a hard course.  Especially on courses like Tarantula with SPEEDY greens and curves and slopes (everywhere).  Makes Chambers and Oakmont (w/ stimp 15) look like miniature golf putt-putt.  This is why I think having huge variation in greens as a good thing. No more making every putt you have (NOT gonna happen).

    And imho, the different speed of the greens and the running fairway slopes can make it quite challenging to even DRIVE the ball in the fairway.  And to go back to the True Swing.  Yes, you could use a straight edge, or even disable your X axis if you use a controller but TEMPO does a pretty good job at combating this.  Try hitting a Flop with anything less than Perfect/Perfect and get owned. 

    Granted, there is no VEM in this game but everything plays UEL (although not near the effect UEL has here in WGTland).  Put that in conjunction with TruSwing and Tempo and even good golfers will have some challenges (every game!).  On the plus side, bunkers are much easier to hit from the fairway (you can easily hit full shots long ways) than Wgt.  On the flip side, greenside bunkers seem to play a tad bit harder.

    As Jason said, there are lots of edits possible with your avatar and it's my understanding that Societies have a huge ceiling to grow.  Literally.  I've heard they can be sculpted into huge Castle type deals.  Make your Society great and you can BUILD IT UP.

    MP does need work!  And I've been having some slight errors when logging off of Steam.  The developers have said they're working on it (It's only been 2 days since release so....kinda the norm me thinks).  They do have the external site like you said Jason so that's some competition.  Additionally, Societies can create there own tournaments too.  Get some good people in your Society and the competition is on.

    Okay, to END MY BOOK.  This game plays nothing, let me say that again, NOTHING like Wgt.  You can't simply look at your excel sheet, click, and shoot -20.  You really have to get a feel for the game and use some natural skill (you're gonna need it people!!).  I've always been a GAMER myself but the fun in this game comes in the challenge.  Every good shot is it's own reward.

    Immersion (feel golf) and Gamers alike will enjoy this.  It's received around 80% approval from Users at Steam (8 out of 10!!).  And imho, User reviews are where it's at.  My steam handle is "cseanny" if anyone buys the game (which you should!).


  • Woodoworkery
    3,498 Posts
    Thu, Jun 29 2017 4:02 AM

    Well WGT has no worries with TGC2 IMO it was a total flop,and blowed way out of proportion , other than being able to dress you avatar  ( who really cares about that) the game and graphics are the same as the first TGC. So for me it was a $39.00 lesson.

    WOW its amazing what they can do with advertising . Like some once said " There's  a sucker born every minute " 

  • 11BC2
    555 Posts
    Thu, Jun 29 2017 4:55 AM

    Well WGT has no worries with TGC2 IMO it was a total flop
    That's just crazy talk lol!   You guys are killin' me.  In what world is WGT anywhere remotely close to as good as TGC2?

    Seriously.  I don't get it.  Virtually all the other people I've watched stream TGC2 have a high opinion of the game.  The dude I'm watching right now loves it too.  His stream is  The only people who don't seem to like it are people who have come from WGT and are used to shooting -17 to -20 all day long.

    Again, the game is quite different but absolutely amazing.  No way in hell I'm putting it down to pick up WGT again because that would be 10 steps backwards.
