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trying to figure out how much wind moves the ball

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Thu, Aug 8 2013 2:58 PM (35 replies)
  • coolhotfun
    229 Posts
    Sat, Aug 22 2009 7:37 PM

    was starting to figure out a formula to get a chart going but seems to only work for wind in front.. heres what i got so far..

    full 9.5D 255yd club no wind goes 251.94yd,
    17mph of wind moved it 25yd.

    17mph   1mph
    -----       = ----
    25yd         x yd

    for 251.94yd far, 1mph wind moves it 1.47yd

    for each mph of wind, multiply it by 1.47 to find out
    how much movement it would be at 251.94yd.

    to figure out for different distance do whatever divided by 251.94
    then multiply that by the wind movement.

    here's an example:

    for 160yd and 18 wind in front.

    do 18 x 1.47 = would be 26.46yd movement for 251.94
    next do 160/251.94 = lesser or more 0.635 distance ratio

    take 26.46yd movement and X multiply it by 0.635 distance ratio
    that equals 16.8yd movement for 160yd

    If the wind is in front do 160yd minus - 16.8yd
    with a wind in front and a 160 club max swing, it should go about 143yd

    here's a calculation example:

    280yd, 2mph wind = ?

    2 x 1.47 = 2.94
    280 / 251.94 = 1.11
    2.94 x 1.11 = 3.26

    280yd, 2mph wind = 3.26yd movement

    to start a chart would just replace the 2 with whatever wind and the 280 with distance. Gotta go figure out the behind wind.. gonna be two sets of charts. 

  • coolhotfun
    229 Posts
    Sat, Aug 22 2009 8:49 PM

    testing out that wind from behind..

    full 9.5D 255yd, from tee, level fairway.
    click on excellent in middle.

    2mph wind from directly in front, went 249yd

    4mph wind, from just a bit beside directly behind, went 259yd
    18mph wind, from just a bit beside directly behind, went 275yd

    that stuff seems normal, but check this out

    full 6iron 150yd, 3 wind in front goes 149, 3 wind at back goes 150

    full 6iron 150yd with 19 wind in front goes 135yd.
    15 yard difference..  

    full 6iron 150yd with a wind of 19 behind.
    Only goes 150. Exactly as if there was a 3 wind. You'd think it would get pushed.
    Whatever with that.

    I think punch goes thru wind.. recall it having a difference with woods/hybrid.. so we'll test that out

    punch 6iron 135yd, 3 wind at back goes about 132, 3 wind at front goes about 132
    punch 6iron 135yd, 16 wind at front goes 122, 16 wind at back goes 134. Just like if there was a 3 wind.

    checkout the percentage of both to see if punch is better into the wind
    full 135/150=90%
    punch 122/135=90%
    so no difference with punch or full, into the wind. Also wind at back with full or punch causes no extra yardage, but shooting into it causes a loss of yardage. Allright.. so some fuzzy math to deal with. Well.. we'll have to deal with the fuzzy math and make some wind charts of how it is :-P Looking like i wont be able to estimate stuff with calculations.. was looking good with wind in the front, estimates were matching actual. But now i'll have to shoot in whatever wind with all the clubs and see what it does.

    So yeah.. you're trying to play and there's a 16 wind from behind.. figure.. oh i gotta use less club. Meanwhile it goes the same distance as if there was low wind. I dont know.. do golf balls with 6 irons do that in the real world with high wind at your back? D'ya think they gotta fix their wind at the back?  Its kind of important to know what the wind does when you gotta land it on the green, give or take inches. I'm out for tonite.

  • Whogolf
    78 Posts
    Sat, Aug 22 2009 8:56 PM

    Sheesh, with all those calculations I have to play you some time. I`m only a pro but getting better week to week. The prob with this is it is different at times, even if you hit the same exact shot. I go by what I see, which is why I`ll prob never be a master.

  • coolhotfun
    229 Posts
    Sat, Aug 22 2009 10:08 PM

    thought i'd run the estimation formula on those couple back wind tests before shooting to see if they'd match actual. Estimate for 18wind at back with the driver..  18 x 1.47 = 26.46+251.94 = 278.  and for the 4wind ..  258.  Actual: 4mph wind, from just a bit beside directly behind, went 259yd. 18mph wind, from just a bit beside directly behind, went 275yd.  The slight difference could be that it wasnt directly behind. So it does work with a wind at back with the driver..  I gotta test out the clubs to see which are fishy with back wind not affecting yardage. Gonna get a damn chart yet, one way or the other. lol


  • ncviz
    527 Posts
    Sat, Aug 22 2009 10:22 PM

    ok cool,

    1st and most important thing you need to let go of is the wind is not linear as far as its affect on your shot. You can't just say well 5 mph does this so 20 does this based on a lower wind speed. It doesnt work that way. You can call that stupid of whatever but it's just the way the game is setup.

  • coolhotfun
    229 Posts
    Sat, Aug 22 2009 10:51 PM

    ok lets test if that driver wind formula 'll work on another club. 
    fairway to fairway, low wind, punch 2 hybrid 201yd: 100%=199yd.
    test in 16wind in front.
    16 x 1.47 = 23.52
    199 / 251.94 = 0.789
    23.52 x 0.789 = 18.56
    199 - 18.56 = estimate says it'll go 180.44

    actual went 181. Allright..

    ok lets check one of them damn irons with the wind from behind.

    low wind, full 3 iron 180yd: 100%=177,  16 wind behind.
    16 x 1.47 = 23.52
    177 / 251.94 = 0.703
    23.52 x 0.703 = 16.53
    177 + 16.53 = estimate says it'll go 193.53

    actual went 193. That .53 is from rounding off the extra digits before. ok so thats looking good, just gotta test out the clubs to see which crap out with backwind like that 6iron. Looking good though. lol.. sorry for getting frustrated on ya guys. And thanks for all that no help, chumps :-P

  • coolhotfun
    229 Posts
    Sat, Aug 22 2009 10:56 PM

    so yeah this chart data later,  'll be handy when playing, to compensate for the wind.. zoom in view and can move that pointer arrow. Can only tell distance when its ahead or back so if the wind chart says it would be however much, move the arrow ahead to see how far that'd look like, then move it that much in the direction of the wind. Then a shot there would end up as if there was no wind. We'll find out if that's correct, but the chart stuff is looking like might be able to pull it off just from calculations. At least on some clubs. Going to have to test ahead and behind winds with estimates and see if they work. Unlike that crapped-out 6 iron with backwind. lol.. ok later ya guys.

  • coolhotfun
    229 Posts
    Sat, Aug 22 2009 11:00 PM

    wow, that'd be handy on the british open course where the winds just howl and go way more than even practice high winds. Talk about a run-around trying to eyeball wind compensation the old fashioned way.. frankly its all just guessing and never works out. So glad i figured out a better way.. cause that wasnt workin out before :-D

  • iconian
    599 Posts
    Sat, Aug 22 2009 11:12 PM

    I applaud for you taking a mathematical approach, so don't let my comments discourage you.

    You taking wind here too simplisticly as there are few more variables at play which are random.

    1. elevation. some holes are down/uphill so while assuming wind will be consistent on every hole (how much it adds/takes away), if you teeing off #8, at your highest flight you will have a lot more resistance to wind than when you get below the tree line.

    2. random deviations (let's call them wind gusts for now). using hole #6 on BP. and using 8mph 4/10pm I have seen perfect drive on same line carry from 250 to 280 and many times in between. Until we can calculate that, everything else is useless.

    3. Many different clubs. Some clubs have much more bs than others which means after dropping they will run a lot less or more. Therefore, to be effective, we have to calculate it for every club.

    4. Inherent bugs in the system and non-exact distances. There are bugs in the system, some clubs aren't functioning and some holes playing longer than usual.

    5. How spin effects shots. It's not exact and I almost never hit ts shots or ns even, 80% of my shots are BS, How can we calculate that?

    It's a great idea to do it, but it kinda futile attempt.

  • coolhotfun
    229 Posts
    Sat, Aug 22 2009 11:23 PM

    to answer my own question at the start.. I was wondering "Like for example, lets say i'm going to shoot 110 yards and it's a 7 wind.. how much is it going to throw it off?" Well, lets figure that one out :-) hope that club doesnt crap out like the 6 iron from behind.. haha..  we'll find out later if this is true.

    7 x 1.47 = 10.29
    110 / 251.94 = 0.437
    10.29 x  0.437= 4.49
    if that wind was in front, 110-4.49= it'd go 105.51yd.
    if the wind was behind, 110+4.49= it'd go 114.49yd
    if it's however much to the side, adjust your zoom view pointer 4.49yd towards the wind direction.