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Cheating software...but does WGT care?

Tue, Oct 6 2020 3:37 PM (82 replies)
  • PRStevenson
    842 Posts
    Wed, Sep 14 2016 4:21 AM

    I've played WGT for many years and very rarely do I come across a player who raises my suspicion....well that is until today.

    He might just be a very, very, very lucky Master with his starter clubs that defy the laws of probability but it's quite a thing to pull off hitting the ball on the dime EVERY single shot and sinking the ball NOT with a putter but with a wedge on EVERY shot on 18 holes from 5 to 8 yards away (as for his eagle from 100+ yards out I have no idea).

    Whether he is the world's luckiest player (yeah right) or is using cheating software (which we all know is out there but fortunately most players have more integrity than to abuse the game with it) is not the most important question.... the most important question is, acknowledging that there IS cheating software available, does WGT care about those cheats who use it?

  • CEverett12
    14,177 Posts
    Wed, Sep 14 2016 4:43 AM

    That's hard to say ,  I looked at his score history and stats .  It don't look like he plays for money ?  I think all cheaters play for credits (ya)   His scores and average are not the best I've seen .

    If you think someone is cheating ? report them to C.S.  

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Wed, Sep 14 2016 5:15 AM

    1. Delete his name - Thread will (almost certainly) get pulled without you doing that.

    2. Horrendous stats from 466 RRs, and never plays for credits


    The only scenario I see is he is using the account to practice some super code entering thingymajig, taking what you say down to the letter that is.  Odd way to go about it as one sure fire way to get highlighted................Would be a minor miracle just short of the second coming to  sink a wedge shot for 18 straight holes, and a very major issue for WGT if two second comings like that converge.  With his gear that may even surpass the second coming.

    Delete the name from this thread, and yes report that.

  • PRStevenson
    842 Posts
    Wed, Sep 14 2016 6:15 AM

    Thanks Jim,

    Name deleted (didn't even think about it until you said).

    I don't think it follows that all cheats only cheat to play for credits though it would make sense that's where you'd catch most of them.

    As for the horrendous stats, I was wondering if that's the incentive for some of these players to start cheating... anyway it just seemed very odd indeed. Especially the way he was playing and his wall is full of other players accusing him of cheating.

    I don't think one can go from being a terrible player to suddenly making ridiculous to almost impossible shots every hole, without raising a few eyebrows.

  • ct690911
    7,202 Posts
    Wed, Sep 14 2016 6:38 AM

    WGT won't elevate Andyson to Tour Champion...but will no doubt feature this guy in the laughable "community spotlight", after a round like that. 


  • rfgraham1
    2,739 Posts
    Wed, Sep 14 2016 6:44 AM

    Several weeks ago WGT announced they had started,"Security sweeps", to find the cheats. Two well known cheats both from the same country and the same country club were removed from WGT. I have heard of no more since.

    There are a few low level programs and overlays which some players use to either hit the ding or work out their shot. None of these are supported by WGT so can therefore be considered cheat stuff. The real cheats are those with the IT skills to manipulate the game to their advantage.

    Personally I just use and a basic desk calculator to work them out and get on with enjoying them game.


  • ct690911
    7,202 Posts
    Wed, Sep 14 2016 7:06 AM


    Several weeks ago WGT announced they had started,"Security sweeps", to find the cheats. Two well known cheats both from the same country and the same country club were removed from WGT. I have heard of no more since.

    There are a few low level programs and overlays which some players use to either hit the ding or work out their shot. None of these are supported by WGT so can therefore be considered cheat stuff. The real cheats are those with the IT skills to manipulate the game to their advantage.

    Personally I just use and a basic desk calculator to work them out and get on with enjoying them game.


    Casey made a point about this guy not playing for credits or money. There is really no point in cheating for any other reason. He may be a multi...using one identity to refine the cheating and another to profit from it.

    To Rob's point, it is interesting we have heard nothing more from CC owners about players getting banned. It's possible some don't belong to CC's and keep a lower profile...but nary a peep about anyone. 


    ps:  "The real cheats are those with the IT skills to manipulate the game..."

    Perhaps WGT should hire them...less glitches after updates?

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Wed, Sep 14 2016 7:55 AM

    There are a few low level programs and overlays which some players use to either hit the ding or work out their shot.

    Really two separate points.  Caddy (to a standard) V guaranteed perfect swing.

    Personally I just use and a basic desk calculator to work them out and get on with enjoying them game.

    How far do you go?  I do (did LOL)as well but same results and mostly it's all in your head easy and play it enough know anyway.  Poor players will get to an  OK low standard wit those third party shot calc things, but that's all they are.  The real sinister one, I was aware of, was the enhanced CE .........

    OP reporting a wedge shot in the hole for 18 holes wants looking at though that's for sure.
    To Rob's point, it is interesting we have heard nothing more from CC owners about players getting banned.
    You can exclude me from that one :)
  • razza31
    703 Posts
    Wed, Sep 14 2016 9:38 AM

    Two well known cheats both from the same country and the same country club were removed from WGT. I have heard of no more since.

    There actually have been quite a few.

    To Rob's point, it is interesting we have heard nothing more from CC owners about players getting banned. It's possible some don't belong to CC's and keep a lower profile...but nary a peep about anyone. 

    Because certain owners might want to keep a lower profile or, they'd be next to follow.

  • lonniescott711
    4,184 Posts
    Wed, Sep 14 2016 9:40 AM

    What gets me is that the players M/P isnt being recorded in their stats but if you look at their activity its 4 pages long . 87 total wins in M/P from 6/16 to date but stats only show 1 round vs Amateur . But they light up everyone they play they definitely have a super can of whoop a$$ for all comers . They are more than likely a multi as this looks more like a sleeper account as start date was 2015 but score history and activity only goes back to 6/16 .

    Probably a high tier T/L or Champion playing around as would have to be very good to know how to use a wedge on the greens . Dont think any cheatware can be made to do that but could be wrong . By not playing for credits they would fly under the radar and go unnoticed .